Sulenet Heirloom

Early in the morning Del was sitting in a wooden chain, fiddling with a bronze coin in his hand while explaining certain techniques to Allyssa.

"Oh! I have to go to a lecture right now, can we continue later?" Allyssa asked meekly.

"Sure, I'm not doing anything later anyways." He said while he looked at her. Once she stood from the chair he quickly looked her up and down. Recently he had realized that being in such a young body ended up affecting him mentally.

"You don't have a schedule?" Allyssa asked curiously, realizing that even though Del was a first year as well he didn't attend the welcoming ceremony or any classes yesterday.

"Nope, just have to come to some every so often." He said to her. He had made a deal with the academy's president that as long as he showed sufficient improvement he didn't need to attend all his classes and lectures.

"I see, well I'll see you later." She said with a shallow bow before leaving the room.

As soon as the door closed Del got up and opened it to step outside. He searched among the crowd which was full of people going to lectures and trainings. He found his gaze upon Allyssa who was walking away. "Nice." Del brought a hand up and rubbed his chin as he looked. After a few seconds of watching he turned back around to enter the room. He put his hand on the door but noticed a figure standing besides him.

Del turned his head to the side and saw that it was the girl who had dueled him the day before. It sort of looked like she was looking for him. "Eh? Something you need?" Del said with a raised eyebrow wondering why this girl had come to him.

"Ah, I-I thought tha-" She began to say as her voice slightly quivered. It was almost like she had learned to fear something new. Before when she spoke to Del she felt high and mighty. Now she looked as if she were hoping to not get hit.

Del turned to face her which made her cut off her sentence. Del raised a hand and pug it on the back of his neck. "Oh right, I never told you my name, it's Del." Del spoke casually as if he had no kind of Feud with her before.

"Melinda." She said to him while avoiding eye contact with him.

"Mmm, aren't you from a noble family? Seeing as to how fancy your uniform is." Del asked while commenting on how her clothes looked neater and made out of better material. Her outfit even had some elegant designs on it.

"My family name is Sulenet, we mainly consist of nobel knights.

Upon hearing this Del felt a pleasant jolt pass itself through his head. He didn't act upon it in this very moment though. Much rather... "Well bye!" Del quickly exclaimed before stepping into his room and slamming the door shut.

Melinda simply looked at where he had been standing for a few moments before walking away. Once she was a few yards from the room she let out a heavy sigh of relief.

In a large room for teaching Allyssa found herself slightly unable to pay attention to the lesson and instead found herself trying to figure out how Del could use manus projection. "If he can project manus at such a young age then he must have a high talent for it. Wouldn't that put him already at grade 2 for manus? Maybe he wasn't using it. I should..." She thought consistently.

"You alright there?" A boy tapped Allyssa's shoulder and asked her. He had brown hair and brown eyes with an overall plain face. It was a boy Allyssa had met the other day. They happened to meet just before entering the academy and ended up being good friends, though he was a commoner.

"Ah? Right, yes I'm quite alright. I've just been so busy already." She said to him quickly. She wasn't sure why she lied, but she felt like it was the right choice right now. She wasn't sure why, but there was something strange about Del, yet she couldn't place her finger on it. Something about all those books, how often he is even around.

"Take it easy, you'll up falling behind if tou burnout too fast." The boy said with a encouraging smile on his face.

The professor yelled out to him for talking, making him blush and slouch into his chair.


Later when Allyssa no longer had any classes she made her way to the training. She knew that reading all the time wouldn't beat the material into her body. Upon arriving she was surprised to find Del there. She had suspected him before to be a slacker or sorts until she saw his body which made her blush to think about. She still hadn't expected to find him here though.

She decided to approach him to greet him and noticed how he was training, if it could be called training. Right now he was doing a strange exercise where he would jump while spreading his legs and raising his arms before jumping again and pulling them back. She looked at him strangely, wondering if that's really all it took to get a body like that. She thought about it for moment before deciding on something.

"Hey!" She said to Del as she approached.

Del stopped his exercise before looking at her and smiling in a friendly manner. "Yo! You here to get some work in too?"

Allyssa wasn't familiar with the phrasing so there was an awkward silence for a good five seconds before she broke the silence. "Ah yes, I was actually wondering if I could train with you."

"I don't see why not." He said to her while wiping the sweat off of his face with the collar of his shirt.

They worked out for a good two hours. Allyssa continued her studying on Del. She had noticed that even with his body, he seemed to move slowly. This was strange though as even with his slow movements he was sweating profusely.

She couldn't complain herself though, as she was doing the workouts Del introduced to her she realized she had never felt so unfit before. Even if Del was sweating a lot it didn't seem as if he was slowing down, while she had to stop every couple of minutes to take a break.

Once they were done Del looked at Allyssa being soaked in sweat for a good few moments. He looked away though with a satisfied and proud face with closed eyes as he faced the sun.

Allyssa saw this and realized that Del had also been studying her throughout the workout. His reasons seemed two sided though.

"You know about Melinda Sulenet right?" Del asked her after remembering the images from just now.

"Mm, she's a noble. Heard her family is pretty arrogant." She responded surprised by the sudden question.

"Your a noble too, so do you know anything about her family?"

Allyssa hesitated for a moment. She still remembered back to how Del had some suspicious tendencies about him, aside from the perversion that was becoming more apparent. She answered anyways though, simply giving information anybody could tell him. "Well to start it's a family that became nobility after a number of them became knights. They apparently have some kind heirloom which they say grants then gifts." She said.

Del suddenly felt a pleasant jolt in his head that passed through, incomparable to the other times he had felt it the past couple days. That was it. To think he would find one so soon. One of his artifacts, and it was in the disguise of a Sulenet heirloom.

"Why did you want to know?" She asked curiously.

"No reason." He said with a friendly smile.