History teacher in the trench

It's been a day since Diedrich Griswald, or Edward has come into this world.

Edward being a normal history teacher in a local public University of America, he has quite a normal and fulfilling life. The last scene he remembers before waking up in the trenches is him drinking a cup of coffee in his offices, grading the terrible paper that his students have submitted.

And just with a blink of an eye, he finds himself in this world, as Diedrich Griswald, a normal 18-year-old german orphan who signs up as a soldier to fight for the glorious Empire that he loves so, so much.

Looking at his palm again, Diedrich still feels unreal being transmigrated as a german foot soldier in world war I. His hand is covered with mud from the trenches, his nail soaks with dirt, clay, and maybe blood from his comrades.

With a height of 177cm, he is considered normal by german's standard. And through a puddle of water in the trenches, he manages to take a look at his face. With a sharp nose and a green pair of iris, he looks like a typical German country boy now a bit hardened by the skirmishes he has been through. But no doubt, his appearance is above average.

'Too bad that it won't matter in this godforsaken place' Thinking in his mind, Diedrich lies his back against the trenches, checking his rifles who he has obtained from poor Albert.

A normal looking Gewehr 98, the most common rifle issue to the brave soldier of the Empire. Using a stripper clip loaded with 5 rounds of 7.92 cartridges, length 1.25meter long, it has an effective firing range of 500m. Humble and reliable, the rifle is capable of doing his job for now, at least.

As the moon is being hung in the sky, the stars shine brightly due to the lack of pollution. A sudden wind blows onto his face, calming down Diedrich's beating, worried heart.

Leaning on the hard wall behind him, Diedrich allows his mind to wander wildly, eventually remembering yesterday's chaotic and tiring journey.

After some awkward questions and snooping around in his camp yesterday, Diedrich finally managed to get a grasp on the situation he is in. Under the 26th Infantry Division which is commanded by Crown Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria, he is now one of the soldiers who are undergoing the famous Schlieffen plan, defending Sarreboug, Lorraine to hold back the enemy as long as possible while the main forces advance through Belgium territory.

Schlieffen plan in short is a plan devised by the Empire General staff to defeat France in six weeks. Aiming to avoid the heavily fortified Maginot line by crossing through the Belgium border and eventually occupied Paris, ending the war in the Western Front.

In his past life however, it is proven that the logistics of the Empire and the lack of armor units to breakthrough the front line will hinder the plan significantly. Soldiers who were told they were going back home before Christmas ended up fighting a 4 year trench warfare, with millions of casualties suffered by both sides.

But, this could all change...remembering the mages he saw yesterday flying in the sky, Diedrich grabs his rifle and peaks on the opposite trenches, trying to scan for enemy movement under the light of the moon.

Mage, the miracles of modern technology. Through the usage of a device called Orb, mages were able to enhance their magical power inside their body and create incredible achievement with it. Magic barriers, explosive ammo, and even the many dreams of humans, to fly. And with that, mages were quickly deployed into the battlefield, making them an effective unit known for its high mobility and damage that it can deal.

But right now, Diedrich needs to survive the night.

After the small skirmishes yesterday, his division after a short resupplied of ammunition and food is sent out again to replace a crippled division

Their division is tasked with holding this position to avoid the enemy from flanking the rear of the main attacking army. The previous division holding the trenches had suffered heavy losses yesterday from the enemy attacks.Thus, they were brought down for resupplies.

Diedrich remembers seeing the man of the division who they replaced with. Suffering casualties of up to 20%, with about 3000 deaths, the battle they fought was fierce.

Many wounded had to be carried out through carriage, crying out in agony due to the lack of morphine to administer to them. Their body covered in bandages which are soaked with their own blood, many lose a limb or two. Watching one of the wounded soldiers who had lost both his legs due to a landmine being lifted into the carriage, Diedrich could only pray that he would remain lucky for the whole war.

'Doesn't look like there is much movement...seems like the information they provide is false.' Noticing the relatively quiet front, Diedrich lowered his head into the safety of the trenches. Holding the classic german spiked helmet on his head to stable it, it gives him some sense of safety.

A captured enemy officer has provided info of a possible attack tonight, thus the high tension of Diedrich comes from.

"Careful huh, don't worry, if a battle is coming, you will notice it immediately." Noticing Diedrich's nervousness, the soldier Diedrich met yesterday comments. "Just take some rest, I will let you know when the time comes."

"Alright, Baugulf." Still nervous, Diedrich nodded a bit, proceeding to soften down his still stiff body. Putting down his rifle, he then finds an empty corner to rest. Leaning his back as close to the trenches as possible, afraid of an artillery barrage that happens just like yesterday

Around him now, is Baugulf and 9 other soldiers, together, they form a small squad guarding one of the many parts of the trenches. Most people here are fresh recruits, except for Baugalf which is the commanding sergeant of the squad. Serving in the army for several years, he received much more training than everyone here. Thus when the war broke out, he was promoted to Sergeant to lead a squad like them.

Coming from different areas of the Empire, they now rally together for a single cause, to bring down judgment on all those who dare to oppose the Empire, to be the Emperor's sword and shield, to bring glory to the Empire.

"They say that the main force just captured Dinant today, they didn't put up much of a resistance." Some of the German in the trenches are discussing about the war progress, and it seems hopeful. "The crown prince's mighty army is advancing fast, gaining victory after victory."

"While we are here staying in this crowded trench, foot in mud, catching rats for food, I can't even cook a proper meal now." Complaining about their situation, the frontline soldier is forbidden to make fires to avoid alerting the enemy, resulting in them having to eat cold food and cold water. "When the main army's chest is hung full of medals, all we will get is a barrage of artillery and maybe a bullet in the head."

"It's the crown prince's army after all, what do you expect?" Another German soldier who is about the same age as Diedrich replied. "All of the elite's of the Empire army are concentrated there, plane, artillery, mages. While we over here are bombarded by enemy mages, the infantry there can request for mage support as much as they like."

"I hear from my aunt who is being a maid for a noble family, the aristocrats are all sending their son to the crown prince's army, hoping for them to earn fame and glory from it. Argh, why didn't I have the luck to go there."

'If only you know how this war will turn into.' Thinking in his mind, Diedrich is tempted to argue with them about how the war eventually will turn into. The meat grinder known as Verdun, the 3 year long stalemate, the million of life loss, and the eventual defeat of the Empire. Sighing a bit, he decides to stay silent.

He is still trying to adapt to this identity of Diedrich, and he still isn't comfortable with talking with his fellow soldier.

"Shut up, if you have the time to complain, how about you prepare a few more clips for the incoming battle." Baugulf hearing their discussion, try to maintain some discipline over here. "Bring up your grenade, polish your bayonet, it won't be an easy fight."

"Also, Diedrich, help me up with something." Baugulf signaled Diedrich to come over and hand him a crate of ammunition. "Bring this to the machine gun emplacement over on the right side there, the General seems to anticipate a large scale attack, so they are handing down extra ammunition."

"Be back here quick too, don't slack off."

"Yes Sir...Urgh." Lifting up the heavy crates, Diedrich takes a deep breath and walks over to the machine gun emplacement which is a few meters away from him. The ammo crate is about a few kg, inside is around 1000 rounds of bullet which is normally more than enough for a skirmish.

With his slow and heavy steps, he eventually reaches the emplacement. Inside is a classic heavy MG 08, and a few soldiers which are covering this place. Sitting on the ground, they were playing a game of poker with the bet being the cigarette they have with them.

"Oh, a new guy is bringing us ammo." Noticing Diedrich, one of the more friendly soldiers picks off the load from him."Thanks, wanna have a game with us too?"

"Thanks for your invitation, but I think I will pass." Politely rejecting, Diedrich is curious. "I thought a battle was imminent, shouldn't you all be on guard right now? My position already has our gun by our side."

"Don't worry too much, it's just our daily life." Waving off Diedrich's concern, he comforted him. "All of us here have been through proper training, unlike your division. We could prepare the machine gun the moment we hear any gunshot."

"Leonard! Stop being so friendly! We are waiting for you now!" One of the soldiers shouted in their direction, asking for the friendly soldier to return back.

"Ayaya, I doubt the new guy will survive for long. Just stop wasting your time, will you." Meanwhile, another one of the soldiers isn't as friendly as Leonard, doubting Diedrich's chances of survival.

"Shut up will yall? Don't bully the new guys." Getting slightly frustrated, Leonard turns his head to Diedrich again, with a sorry look. "Sorry, it's because one of our comrades has just been killed in the previous engagement, so they aren't in their best of mood right now. I will treat you something later as apologies for this, hope you can overlook this."

"It's alright, I understand." Hearing that one of Leonard's comrades has too died, the dead face of Albert appears in Diedrich again, reminding him to keep his head low in the trenches. "I have a...friend who died too, so I can relate."

"A good friend." Thinking for a while, Diedrich adds on a word as thanks to poor Albert for saving his life.

"I see, condolence to you then." Nodding for a bit, Leonard drops the ammo crate on a space that will be convenient for them to reload and proceeds to dismiss Diedrich.

"Alright, thanks for your work, you can go off-" And just when Leonard is finishing his sentences, a familiar sharp whistle sound can be heard again.

"Weeeeeeee." And not long after, Diedrich can see multiple explosions occurring in the enemy position, with smoke coming up from it not long after.

"Why..why is our artillery firing?" Diedrich, seeing the explosion, has a bad feeling about it. "I thought that we weren't supposed to get artillery support for today."

"SHITE! Men! Get to your position now! Arm the machine gun!" Looking at the explosion, Leonard's face turns pale and immediately gives orders for the men to prepare themselves. "Faster God dammit! Don't make me come over there to kick your ass!"

Seeing the confusion on Diedrich's face, Leonard explained a bit. "It must have been our observer discovering a major attack incoming in this direction. That is why HQ decides to allocate artillery support to our side. You better get back to your position fast."

"Oih! The ammo! Get it in place! Do I have to do everything by myself!?" Proceeding to leave Diedrich alone, Leonard prepares his emplacement in a hurry.

And with that, Diedrich starts running to his position. In his journey, he could see German preparing their position. Ammunition being handed out, men with guns, and even some occasional mages who are flying around far away.

Eventually reaching his squad. There, he could see Baugulf using a phone that is prepared by the combat engineer, receiving orders from HQ.

"Yes! Yes! I'm Sergeant Baugulf! Yes! Understand! Yes! Yes! We will hold our position as long as possible! Yes! Glory to the Empire!" Hanging off the phone, Baugulf proceeds to give orders to his division.

"MEN! Prepare yourself! The observer has discovered two enemy divisions having a lot of activity and predict that they will launch an assault on our position soon! We are ordered to hold this position until the reinforced mage unit were able to arrive here for support. Expects enemy mage unit too, you hear me!? We are to hold our position till the reinforced mage unit arrives here! "

"Oih! Diedrich! Quit standing there! Get into a position and be ready! You there too! Throw your smoke away! You can smoke another day if you survive after this." And after shouting at Diedrich and a soldier who is still smoking, Baugulf himself gets himself into position, with his sharp eyes scanning over the battlefield.

Thus, Diedrich quickly picks up the rifle he had left here and proceeds to do the same as the other. With his rifle up on the trench, he nervously waits for the inevitable as the artillery on their side keeps on bombarding the French position.

And soon, even more sounds of sharp whistles can be heard. But this time, it's directed at here.

"INCOMING ARTILLERY FIRE! TAKE COVER!" Shouting out of his lung, Baugulf proceeds to warn his division of the danger, and ducks his head low.

"BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!-" And soon, barrage after barrage of shells started landing on their trenches. Explosion occurring everywhere, dirt being blasted up from the ground and flying through the air. The immense impact and sound deafen Diedrich's ear, resulting in an immense headache on Diedrich.

'F*ck F*ck F*ck F*ck." Repeating the word continuously in his mind, Diedrich tries to remain sane in the chaotic battlefield. Opening his eyes, he realized everyone in his squad is lowering their head, praying that a shell won't land in the middle of them.

And suddenly, a sharp shrapnel coming from a shell nearby blasted into one of a young-looking soldier, cutting his neck instantly. And without a fuse, he falls silently on the ground with blood splashing out from his neck artery. From what Diedrich knows, this man just finished his marriage a few months ago before the war starts. And now, all his wife will receive is a letter informing about his sacrifice and maybe some compensation for her husband's death.

A few minutes later, the French artillery barrage finally comes to an end, but what follows is the shouting of France officer coming from far away, signaling the start of the bloody battle ahead.

Thus, the battle of Lorraine begins.