When mage fly

"Damn, looks like we are late to the party. So many casualties from our side, it's been hell for the infantry down there" Looking from high above the sky, riding a flying device that resembles a horse, the young mage commented on the battle down there. "How many casualties do you think we suffer? Thousand? Two thousand?"

"Poor guy, we will make those German bastards pay." Biting his teeth, the mage hatred for the invader grow even more now

Just finished graduating from the mages academy, he still isn't used to the cruel and bloody war. Having been taught of honor and chivalry, he sees no such things from down there but agony and pain.

"That's why we're here to support the Infantry down there. But they start the offense much earlier than we plan to." A much older mage around his forty replied to him, the golden bar on his shoulder indicating his obviously high rank among the small squad, making him the leader of it. "That General will be court-martial after this for the countless lives he wasted."

"But now, it's our time to take revenge. Charge up your rifle and commence bombardment on the enemy position. Prioritize their MG emplacement and high ranking officer if possible." Raising up his rifle, the leader wasted no time engaging in combat. "On my mark, begin charging your rifle."

"Roger Sir." And thus, the other three mages responded in unison and began the charge phase. Channeling their magic through their orb, and eventually into the specially made rifle they are using.

As the rifle started glowing with purple aura as powerful energy began being emitted from it, the energy began merging with the bullet and eventually turned into an explosive round which can rival in power with artillery shells.

"And three, two, one, commence!" With the word 'commence' being said, energy beams begin flying from their barrel and straight into the German trenches, leaving a beautiful trail behind its path.

But the results of it aren't so light-hearted.

"BANG! BANG! BANG!" Thus, the slaughter of the mages started on the German who just had their fun with their French friend.

"BANG!" One of the shots landed on a German machine gun emplacement who had just released hell on the French Infantry. Being prioritized naturally, the shot landed perfectly on the position and wipe up the five men crew in it. One of the more experienced German did manage to notice the incoming beam and make a run for it, but ended up only saving half of his body.

With his lower part getting caught in the explosion, the body proceeds to burn and be vaporized instantly, leaving no trace behind. That soldier, of course, died a few seconds after crawling around crying for help. No matter experience or not, a human is fragile in front of a modern weapon.

"BANG! BANG! BANG!" And with another round of bombardment, even more German were wiped off from the trenches again with their bodies and blood seen flying through the sky from the explosion. As smoke coming off from everywhere, the German only had started returning fire when they barely finish organizing themselves from the mage attacks.

Some brave German infantry had begun firing back with their humble rifle wbile missing most of their shot due to the long distance. Although some lucky shots did get through, it ended up deflected by the magic barrier of the mage. This nonetheless didn't stop the German from doing their best.

Ignoring another bullet hitting him, the French mage's leader checks on the squad situation.

"Squad, report. What is your mana situation now?"

"Loup (French for wolf) 4 report, mana reserve at 47 percent."

"Loup 5 report, mana reserve at 51 percent."

"Loup 6 report, mana reserve at 43 percent."

The leader raised his eyebrow a bit, thinking about the tactic he can use now. They need around 20 percent to return back to base, and another bombardment will cost too much mana.

"Alright, we are going in. We don't have enough mana reserve so we will have to conserve it by engaging in close range. Get ready for a hit-and-run, watch out for surviving MG emplacement and anti-mage rifle, I don't want to lose a mage in this small engagement." Powering up his flying device, he leads his squad through the hellish field. "Now, move out!"

And with that, the Mage with formation soar through the still dark sky and rain fire of fury upon the invader of the Republic. The iconic blue uniform with their horse-like flying device resembling the knight of the old-time, filled with honor and chivalry. Leaving off a trail of purple mana, the French soldier who retreated to their trench begins to cheer as their savior has arrived to avenge them.

With that, the German in the trenches had a calamity coming.




"Hold them off! Fire everything we got! Repel them back!" Baugalf started shouting orders again at the remaining five men squad as the mage unit began moving close up to their position to deal damage.

Flying close to the trenches at a height of around 1,000 meters, they begin blasting at positions concentrated with German. Thus, squad after squad is lost after each shot from the mage. Explosions can be seen occurring every few seconds which is followed by the smoke and the agony cry of the survivor.

With that, Diedrich and his squad raise up their rifle and return fire at the approaching devil. Yet just like the other shot, all the bullets barely get close to their target and just end up wasting their time.

That is why in warfare, mages are the preferable counter to other mages. But that doesn't mean Infantry has no ways to fight back.

Not far from Dierich position, a machine gun emplacement that manages to remain hidden begins firing at the moving mage. With its high firing rate, machine gun is one of the weapons that can pose a threat to them. Though by itself, it wasn't much of a problem to mage.

"Dadadada-" Firing at the mage speeding through the sky, the mage is forced to slow down their attack to change their flying pattern as being hit by a machine gun is an unpleasant feeling even though they have barrier.

"Anti-mage squad! Fast! They are slaughtering us! Send them out now!" Not far away from the front line, the Major of the 26th division looking at the slaughter that is happening right now begins shouting out orders through his telephone to the frontline. "Deploy them now! I don't care what you do, return fire with everything we have right now! You hear me!?"

The whole of Sarrebourg is under heavy attack by the French right now as many line have too been assaulted like in Diedrich position, with a whole battalion of mage being dispatched by the Republic, they are determined to take this position.

Hanging out the telephone, the Major looks at his adjutant who is also busy phoning the reinforcement "When will the mage squad arrive!? It's already been 40 minutes! We can't retreat at this state!"

"They are held back by the enemy mage unit Major, they are coming ASAP now." Also having a headache, the adjutant reply. "They should come any minutes now, we can only hope that the soldier can hold on more for a little while before the designated retreat"

"I suggest we should evacuate and destroy any important information that could be used by the enemy first before they capture this position.That is all we can do now, except for praying I guess." Pointing at the table filled with valuable information, the adjutant speaks with a calm voice.

Hearing the explosion sound of the trenches which are miles away, the adjutant draws a cross on his chest and with true faith believes in the victory that will eventually come.

"Gott mit uns (God with us)."

And with that, maps and documents of significance started being burned for fear of being used by the enemy. As the fire starts to consume one of the maps which many arrows and lines can be seen being drawn all over it. With a clear line of retreat route, it reveals the plan that the Empire had long devised before the war started.

Not far away from the command post, groups of soldiers who carry a significantly larger gun begin to arrive at the trench. With their bulky and long rifle, consisting of a crew of two with one soldier carrying a gun and another ammo, they were deployed all around the trench.

169cm long, weighing 18.5kg, the Mauser anti-mage rifle is designed to pierce the mage magic barrier through its 13.2mm cartridge. Although the slow fire rate and the large recoil of it make it more of a luck-based weapon, it will kill a mage if it hits him directly.

Setting up the gun just like in training, the soldier hurries up and aims the gun towards the mages far away which are still on the offense. And soon with their bipod set on the ground, one of the mages eventually enters into their iron sight. The soldier using the rifle, body still sweating from all the weight and activity that he had been through, presses the trigger.

"BAM!" With a large sound and recoil, the soldier was thrown backward into the wall behind him as the shot flew towards the designated target. The immense piercing power has cause it to be a dangerous weapon to the user itself, as it's not unheard of soldier breaking their own bone after firing a shot

Flying through the air, the bullet can be seen twisting the air around it due to the intense speed and heat. The head of the bullet glows red due to the frictional force of the air, and in a matter of seconds, it reaches the mage who is a few km away from them.

Suddenly, the mage squad's leader instinct kicked in, and suddenly lowers his altitude a bit.

Seconds later, the bullet passes through his blonde hair with just barely a few cm between them, Dodging it and saving his head, the sound of bullet flying enters through his ear, the 13.2mm round is easily distinguishable from the normal Infantry rifles sound. They are much, much louder.

"Squad stay alert! The enemy has started deploying anti-mage squad! Look out for them or be turned into pieces alright!?" Alerting the squad, the leader begins blasting another shot at a german mg who is shooting at them, eliminating another squad again. "We are going in for another round to maximize damage, so stay tight!"

And as his sentence ends, more sound of the German anti-mage weapon firing could be heard as bullets started to trace on them, trying to get a lucky shot.

Riding the metal horse and leading the squad, the mage leader continues to fire at the German, eliminating a squad of anti-mage units. He and his squad has caused mayhem on them, inflicting nearly thousand of casualties already.

"SPLASH!" And with the sound of flesh being completely smashed, one of the mages who are still firing at the German turns into a pile of meat in seconds as an anti-mage rifle has managed to get a lucky shot on him.

"Damn it! Loup 5 is down!" Cursing out loud, the leader decides it's time to bail out. "Squad we are retreating now, enough damage is done, time to leave before they get more of us."

Deciding to bail out, the horse below them begins to glow in purple aura as magic is being directed into them to increase its speed.

Looking at the German left that is still firing at them, the leader spits on the air, with hatred in his eyes still burning. "We will get all of you next time, German scum!"

And with that, the mage left the German air with the speed of around 60km/h, while another whistle is blow again in the French trenches. Trying to take advantage of the already ravage German lines, another offense is launched again.

With barely any fire being directed at them now, soldier after soldier jumps up again, thirsty for their revenge against the German. Charging with excitement and anger, they are thirsty for revenge.

However, they didn't notice the small black dot that is now above the German line.

"Cover our troop retreat, they've suffered too many casualties. Save your mana, this will be a long one." And with a deep voice of a female giving order, she sighs a bit. "Alright, commence 'warning shot', one round."

And with her command given, the squad of four mages begin charging their rifle. Unlike their french counterpart, their mana is cyan in color.

Just like that, the French get a taste of what the German Infantry have been through.

"BANG! BANG! BANG!" Explosion started occurring at the position of French soldiers who were charging toward the German, especially the one who were the closest to the German line.

Those who were eagle for battle now have turned into soulless bodies, as the king of the battlefield has arrived, the king which is known as mage.

"Not one man will step through this line." And with a calm and soothing voice, the female murmurs to herself, as the battle of theirs has just started now. "And we shall guarantee that."