The deal with 'God'

As a human, the process of reincarnating really is a strange feeling. Being squeezed out of your mother's womb while having consciousness, sucking on your mother's breast milk, learning to walk on two legs. But overall Tanya can say, that it isn't a pleasant experience for an adult to act like a baby.

Especially when you are being reincarnated as the opposite gender, certain things really take time for Tanya to adapt.

But now being thrown on the ground, Tanya has to think of ways to survive till tomorrow from the French in front of her.

With her back scratched from the small rock on the field, this scene of the soldier aiming his gun at her gives her the feeling of deja vu. The sense of danger and death itself coming straight at her face reminded her of the very same day he was pushed onto the train track.

While the train is coming straight at him, its bright light blinding his already black iris, somewhere deep down in his heart he knows that he certainly won't survive this. The feeling of inevitability, of everything you work for in the past all gone within a single moment, it's all so familiar.

And now with death coming once again, Tanya feels a sense of bitterness in her heart. She hates it, she hates it a lot. Without any control over anything, she was treated as a meatshield, and now she was simply disposed of simply because she has lost her value as a hostage.

She, hate, this.

"What the hell do you want from me, Being X!" Shouting and screaming out loud, she no longer cares about the soldiers in front of him. "Show yourself! I know you are there! Speak to me!"

"You want something from me don't you!? Don't you? DON'T YOU!?" Shouting in complete anger, Tanya loses her cool now.

And just as the bullet from the soldiers existed from his rifle barrel, where sparks from the gunpowder were lit up to create an explosion to propel the bullet forward. The familiar stop of time begins again.

"Oho? Looks like someone is calling out for me huh? Have you finally decided to embrace the greatness of me and offer me your faith? I could consider granting you immortality if you do that since I'm in a great mood." And with the dust around quickly being concentrated in the air, the toy soldier that Tanya hated much begins being formed again as sounds begin coming out from him. "So, mind telling me your decision?"

"The same as always, f*ck you! And what the hell do you gain from killing me this early!? Aren't I supposed to be your test subject?" Face twisted with hatred, if eyes could kill, Being X will be dead for a hundred times already. "I know this is all you plan all alone, don't try and lie to me!"

"Hmm, well I certainly isn't afraid to admit that I may have changed a few things to allow this to happen, but you have no one but yourself to blame, your lack of faith is irritating me you know?" As the toy soldier began flying around in a circle, it soon landed beside Tanya's ear. "So…"

"Would you like to have a taste of part of the power, of what will happen if you offer your faith to me? Treat this as a trial version of it. From now on, pray in the church with your mouth every Sunday, and this power is yours."


With the word deal being whispered into Tanya's ear just like how the devil tempts its victim, Tanya tries to hold off her urge to straight off slam the toy onto the ground, it doesn't look like a bad deal if she is looking at it as an outsider.

As an exchange of praying in the church every Sunday, she gains whatever power Being X bestowed which hopefully will help her out from her certain death.

Certainly not bad.

But she will rather die than submit to his plan.

'Is there anyway I can dodge this bullet? The time is frozen, perhaps I could move my head a bit and dodge this one, but the threat in front of me is still there. He could very well chase me down if he wants.' Biting her finger while thinking, Tanya began thinking as sweat started falling from her cheeks. 'Running won't work, I couldn't kill him in this frozen time with my still small body, does that mean I really have to accept my death again?'

'Praying in church every day about his greatness and power? F*ck me, might as well kill me now.' Tanya's biting her lips wants to continue cursing Being X before her final moment comes, that is before a certain idea pops up in her mind.

'Wait...a prayer in the mouth doesn't mean that I have to pray whole heartily, right?' Mouth slightly grinning as her eyes widen due to her excitement, she tries to avoid laughing from finding a loophole from the so-called God in case he fixes this immediately.

Taking in a deep breath, Tanya confirms once again.

"So, I just had to pray to you with my 'mouth' during Sunday right?" Acting as she is considering the option, Tanya closes her eyes to avoid mocking Being X with her sight.

Looking at Tanya, Being X confirms again. "Yes, pray to me with your mouth and I shall grant you power to land judgement on your foes."

And who knows after minutes or hours pass, Being X detected a slight nod coming from the blonde hair girl whose eyes are closed. Being X felt a sense of pride circling around the air, as he finally makes an unfaithful human submit to his will.

"Very well, the deal is sealed then." And with an obviously happy voice, the toy announced the contract to be signed. "With the price of praying in the church every Sunday, you shall be granted with Magical power never before seen existed in any human before."

"With this power, you shall be seen as God by the ancient, treated as Queen by the people, and used as the greatest weapon by the emperor. People fear your name, and nation triumph due to your very presence."

"History shall remember you as the hero of their nation, or the demon that comes from the very hell to harvest their soul. And through it, you shall spread my name, that the judgment of God shall come upon the unfaithful. You shall be known as the angel of God, the goddess from heaven."

"And with that, Tanya Degurechaff, I shall bestow you the power that you desire."

As his sentence ends, a glowing orb begins flowing out from the toy's body and begins entering into Tanya's body. Feeling a warm heat coming into her body, the heat begins to be distributed through her bloodstream and into her every cell. As Tanya's every cell was forced to adapt to the newfound energy, cells after cells die due to the energy bursting, and cells after cells are revived and reformed to be suited to the magic power.

With the pain from every cell being transmitted through the neuron to her brain, Tanya begins crawling on the ground, with immense pain vented out in a scream of agony.

"AHHH!!" Tanya's eyes closing begin releasing tears due to her body coping mechanism. Tanya acts as if she is having a stroke, her body occasionally trembling and even white bubbles begin coming out from her mouth. Using all her mental strength, she tries to not succumb to the dark space, as this is her last pride as a human being standing against the so-called God.

And with this experience lasting for around 15 minutes until it eventually faded away, Tanya began taking in deep breaths and lying straight down on the ground, recovering from the pain and mental exhaustion.

"Looks like you managed to endure through it, good." And as Tanya begins to think normally again, the voice of Being X begins coming in again. "So, any thoughts on that experience?"

"Ha, ha, f*ck you! Why didn't you tell me about that beforehand!?" Taking in another breath, Tanya began lashing onto him. "I literally felt the reaper grabbing onto my soul just now! I could very well die!"

"Well, I forget to tell you about that." The toy with a teasing voice speaks. "This is a necessary change after all. Trust me, this is worth it for all the power you receive."

"Well, it all ends well in the end, and that's what it matters right?"

"F*ck you!" With a tired voice, Tanya continues to curse upon Being X. "Continue to call yourself God, yet you can't do such simple things, you are just a being obsessed with God fantasy and that's all."

"One day I declare, I will throw you down upon that throne, and you will beg at your leg for mercy from me!" Tanya with anger, make a declaration of her intention, to bring down the very God.

To prove that, God isn't unbeatable after all.

"Well, I certainly hope that you could achieve your dream one day, just remember to pray to me now alright?" Paying no attention to Tanya's cute 'declaration', Being X decides his time of fun should end. "Well, I hope you will find your newfound power useful, you will need actually."

And with that, the flow of time begins to flow, and the bullet begins to continue flying into Tanya's body.

"And now, show the non-believer the power of the very God himself on Earth."

And as Tanya instinctively uses her hand to block the flying lethal bullets, the immense magical power in her body begins channeling from her hand into a small ball, creating a ball of pure energy.

And as the bullet flies into the ball and is dissolved, the blue ball begins flying towards the French soldier.

Looking at the face of the French filled with horror and disbelief, Tanya realized that she may have gained something unimaginable from Being X.