Ghost Village

When the lovers arrived at the small village, there were no lanterns or candle lights. The lovers walked into the village dragging their horses behind them. The village is dark and the streets are almost empty. There are a few people on the street doing nothing, they don't even pay attention to lovers.

Zhao Renshu whispered, "What's wrong with this village?"

Guo Baiyu, "Let's find a place to rest first."

Zhao Renshu, "Yes. I'm hungry. I have been eating only green leafy vegetables for the past four days. Tonight, I want to order a lot of food. Don't stop me."

Ping'an, "We won't stop you." She looked around and there were no vendors on the street. "This village looks and feels like a ghost village."

Zhao Renshu, "If there are ghosts, I will know."

Guo Baiyu shook his head, "Ghost village has another meaning. Another meaning is that it looks deserted."

Zhao Renshu, "Oh.... That kind of ghost village." He smiled and scratched his chin with his left thumb.

The lovers found a inn located almost at the end of the street. The Inn is empty. The innkeeper is at the registration desk and there is only one waiter.

Innkeeper yawned, "Waiter, we have guests."

The waiter walked to the table speaking slowly and asked, "What do you want?"

Zhao Renshu, "Anything you have with meat bring it all out. Bring at least six or seven dishes with meat."

Waiter, "Fine." He returned to the kitchen. He walked so slowly like there is a rock hanging down from his butt. "It will take a while for your food to come here." He threw the towel on his right shoulder.

Guo Baiyu said quietly, "This village is a bit strange. Everyone is either too slow or lazy." Guo Baiyu looked around, they were the only guests in the entire inn. "Look, even the dog is sleeping."

Zhao Renshu and Ping'an turned to the front door. The dog slept on the floor without even making a sound. Zhao Renshu walked to the innkeeper.

Zhao Renshu, "We would like some wine."

Innkeeper sighed heavily and said, "If you want it, it's there, go get it yourself." He pointed to the wine jars on the table.

Zhao Renshu, "We also want a room."

Innkeeper, "There are ten empty rooms, choose one as soon as you finish eating." He yawned.

Zhao Renshu turned around and gave Gou Baiyu and Ping'an an awkward expression. He grabbed a small wine jar, then walked back and sat down. He drank about half of the wine in the jar, but their food was not ready yet. Zhao Renshu got up and walked to the innkeeper again.

Zhao Renshu, "Boss, our food has not arrived. It has been more than two hours."

Innkeeper, "Coming soon." He yawned again.

Zhao Renshu asked, "Are you afraid of losing customers? Your customer service is terrible."

Innkeeper replied, "It's like this everywhere."

The waiter slowly put the food on the table. He yawned and said, "Enjoy."

When the lovers was about to eat. A voice from outside stopped them.

Xiao Dan and Xiao Hui walked into the inn.

Xiao Hui smiled and said, "I knew it is them." She smiled, walking towards the lovers and she sat next to Zhao Renshu. "Do you miss me?" She blew him a kiss.

Zhao Renshu was not excited to see the Xiao sisters. He frowned, "Wow, the world is such a small place. I was hoping to never to see you two again."

Xiao Dan sat next to Gou Baiyu, "Don't be too mean to us. If we don't stop you on time, you will be like them."

Zhao Renshu, "What are the two of you doing here?"

Xiao Hui said sexily, "Actually, we are looking for you two."

Guo Baiyu, "Looking for us?"

Xiao Hui, "Yes, we are looking for the two of you."

Zhao Renshu became annoyed, "For what?"

Xiao Hui, "You know that the wolf clan has always wanted to be the leader of all the fairy tribes. They chased and killed those who opposed them. Within two months, there will be a fierce fighting competition among the fairy tribes. All the males of our clan is either too old, too young, or cowards. There is no way we will win. If the Wolf Clan wins the competition, it mean our tribe will be extinct or become their slaves."

Xiao Dan, "We went to Capital City, but the three of you have left. The handsome Guo Longtong told us that Baiyu was dead. We cried for three days. We didn't know how to contact Renshu. Then a few days ago, we heard that Zhao Renshu was spotted in Waterfall City, so we went there, but you have already left, we know that Baiyu is not dead yet."

Xiao Hui, "Oh, by the way, the lady in red and black told you to pay attention to your back, because if you turn around, she might be chew it." She raised her eyebrows at Zhao Renshu.

Guo Baiyu asked, "You are looking for us to represent your clan?"

Both sister nodded.

Guo Baiyu, "We are not fairies. We cannot represent any clan."

Xiao Hui, "We already have a perfect solution."

Zhao Renshu, "What is your solution?"

Xiao Hui, "You two marry us. Then you will become a part of our family. As the son-in-law of the Clan Leader, you will far exceed the qualified qualifications."

Zhao Renshu choked on his wine. He cleared his throat and said, "I can't marry you. I'm sorry, sisters."

Xiao Hui showed an upsetting face, "Why not? Am I not pretty enough for you?"

Xiao Dan, "We are two beautiful woman marrying two handsome man." She smiled and gave two thumbs up. "This is a match in heaven."

Guo Baiyu, "I'm sorry, we are already married, we can't marry you two."

Xiao Hui was stunned in surprise, "What? When? Why? Who?"

Zhao Renshu, "It's not a lie. About two and a half years ago. Because we love her." He pointed to Ping'an. "Ours beloved wife."

Both sisters opened their mouths.

Xiao Hui pointed her finger at Guo Baiyu and then at Zhao Renshu, "You....Two.... Marry the same woman?"

Zhao Renshu, "Yep."

The sisters hug each other and cry.

Xiao Dan, "But why? There is so many women out there including us, why are the two most handsome men married to the same woman?"

Guo Baiyu smiled at the two sisters and said, "There may be many women, but there is only one Ping'an in the world."

Xiao Hui, "No matter you two must help us. We have helped both of you before, but now you must help us. Do you want us to be extinct?"

Ping'an, "They will go help your clan."

Xiao Dan, "How?"

Ping'an, "How about they become yours sworn brothers? They don't have to be your husbands to join your clan." She looked at the two sisters. "Why stop us for eating the food?"

Xiao Hui, "Oh my, we completely forgot. Two days ago, this village was full of life. Now it is a ghost village."

Xiao Dan, "We think there may be a spirit that absorbs people's life energy. We did some watching and only saw it last night. The sweet flute melody awakened some villagers at midnight. A fairy absorbed their villager's life energy."

Guo Baiyu, "Where are everyone?"

Xiao Dan, "Sleep in theirs own house. Those who are still awake are all weak, exhausted or too lazy to take care of anything." She pointed to the innkeeper, who fell asleep while standing.

Xiao Hui, "We thought it might be the food they ate that poisoned their minds. Last night, we heard the melody of the flute and witnessed it all. That's why we told you not to eat these foods." She took out three apples and put them on the table. "It's safer to eat this." She smiled.

Zhao Renshu almost jumped up. Now, the last thing he wants to see is apple. He put his elbows on the table and began to hit his forehead angrily with his hand.

Xiao Hui, "Do you have a headache?"

Zhao Renshu said madly, "Apples give me a headache. I would rather be hungry than eat apples."

Xiao Hui sexily frowned, "Weirdo." She took one bite of the apple.

At midnight, the lovers and the two Xiao Sisters heard a very pleasing melodic flute from miles away.

Xiao Hui, "That's the melody of the flute."

Then the innkeeper closed his eyes and walked out of the inn. The other guests in the inn began to walk down the stairs. The lovers and the Xiao sisters followed the people into the street. About fifty people walked towards the flute melody.

Xiao Dan said, "This melody is different from the melody we heard last night." She whispered to her sister. "What will we do?"

Zhao Renshu smiled and said, "If we don't walk into the tiger cave, how do we get their cubs."

Guo Baiyu said, "Renshu, you pretend that you are one of the possessed people."

Zhao Renshu, "Me?"

Guo Baiyu, "Yes you. We will follow closely."

Zhao Renshu, "Why not you?"

Guo Baiyu, "If I fall into a trap, you will not be able to make a plan to save me." He smiled at Zhao Renshu. "Beside, I haven't been healed yet. Don't you worry?" He placed his hand on Zhao Renshu's right shoulder. "We will be right behind you."

Zhao Renshu pushed Guo Baiyu's hand away. He said, "Don't bribe me with words."

Guo Baiyu said, "Okay. You go or Ping'an go?"

Zhao Renshu said madly, "Fine... I'll go."

Guo Baiyu smiled and said, "Works every time."

Zhao Renshu looked coldly at Guo Baiyu and said, "Because I don't want to put my wife in danger." He quickly gave Ping'an a quick kissed on her right check. "The husband is going to save the world." He walked slowly with the people walking on the street.

Ping'an whispered quietly, "Be careful." She smiled at him.

Zhao Renshu smirked and winked at her.

Guo Baiyu said, "We will follow the last person."