
The group of friends returned to the table, but Guozhao Zhiqiang stayed behind. They arrived on time when the fireworks spread in the sky of the full moon. As the group of friends got closer and closer to the table. They saw that Du Aiguo had no shadow. Lim Peizhi clenched his right fist.

Zhao Renshu, "Not yet?"

Li Luli rushed over and stood beside Du Aiguo.

Li Luli, "Aigou, do you remember when we were young on such special occasions, you would take me to the roof, and we would keep watching until the last fireworks rose in the sky?" She held Du Aiguo's right arm.

Du Aiguo, "Cousin sister, I don't remember." He pulled his arm away. He stretched out his left arm to hold Lim Yuehai, and his right hand held Lim Yuehai's right hand.

Lim Yuehai smiled and said, "My dear, do you remember how we met?"

Du Aiguo, "Yes, I was hurt and you saved me."

Lim Yuehai just smiled and watched the next firework in the sky.

Lim Peizhi on the other side of the table did not enjoyed the firework at all. There was many times, he almost picked up the sword and cut off Du Aiguo's head.

Guo Longtong frowned and said, "Dachin and Yaoting should've come. This reminded me when all of us sat on that roof top. I can't believe it has been almost two years since I saw him."

Zhao Renshu laughed, "Ha...ha...ha...Yaoting is the bravest man ever. He stood up and announced to us that he would chases after Dachin."

Guo Longtong, "To be honest, when he suddenly stood up, I held my breath because I thought he would fly over and hit Baiyu."

Huang Hongse, "I remembered you almost fell off the roof."

Ping'an sneezed.

Guo Baiyu, "Are you okay?"

Zhao Renshu, "You were okay just now."

Li Luli realized that no one was paying attention to her, so she left.

Ping'an, "It's weird. Whenever I smell this sweet fragrance, I always sneeze, but now I'm okay."

Zhao Renshu, "Baiyu, you need to fix her. We were almost caught during the recuse operation."

Guo Baiyu, "What was the last thing you said?."

Zhao Renshu, "Operation."

Guo Baiyu sighed, "I mean the whole sentence."

Zhao Renshu, "Baiyu, you need to fix her. We were almost caught during the recuse operation."

Guo Baiyu, "Childe Du, what kind of perfume bag did you carry?"

Du Aiguo, "This is a gift for Yuehai, but I forgot to give it to her, and then I was caught. It is dried sunflower, lavender and red rose petals."

Lim Peizhi gritted his teeth and said, "Yuehai, have a sever allergic reaction to lavender. How dares you give her a bag that contains lavender..." He clenched his sword tightly.

Du Aiguo said panicky, "I didn't know that she is allergic to it." He turned to Lim Yuehai. "Is that true?"

Lim Yuehai said, "Peizhi, I never told him about that." He looked at Du Aiguo. "If I touch or smell lavender, my throat will start to swell and I will not be able to breathe."

Guo Baiyu asked, "Who gave it to you?"

Du Aiguo said, "One of the maid. Why?"

Guo Baiyu, "Ping'an is also allergic to lavender, but not as bad as Yuehai."

Lim Peizhi, "Yuehai, I have something my mother wants to give you. Let's go get it in my room."

Lim Yuehai, "Aiguo, you can go back to our room first."

Lim Peizhi, "Don't worry, I will ask Yueliang and Hongse to send her back."

Du Aiguo, "Go."

Lim Peizhi helped Lim Yuehai up.

Guo Baiyu, "Childe Du, it has been a long day for us. We are going to bed. Please forgive me."

Du Aiguo, "I want to go to bed too."

The lovers walked into their room, and Zhao Renshu closed the door behind them. They are sitting on the table.

Ping'an, "Do you two think that the possessed person is among us?"

Zhao Renshu, "It must be. There is a high percentage that the possessed person is Du Aiguo."

Ping'an, "But he has no shadow. What does that mean?"

Zhao Renshu: "A person without a shadow is a dead person, or a dead person possessed by a soul." He stroked his chin with the thumb of his left hand. "Why does a soul possess a body using this method? The workload is too much. He would have to literally withdraw his spirit from his original body and transferred his subconscious into dead body. If he would smart, he can just disguise himself."

Guo Baiyu said, "Maybe his spiritual power is weak."

Zhao Renshu, "Or he is not one of the criminals, but regardless, sooner or later we will find out."

Guo Baiyu, "When Ping'an sneezed for the first time, we were in the tavern. There were our friends, Peizhi's guards, Yuehai, and Lady Li."

Ping'an, "If Yue Hai is allergic to it, why doesn't she sneeze?"

Guo Baiyu, "The answer is unclear. The human brain is very powerful. I believe she is under such a huge pressure, and her body is not aware of it."

Zhao Renshu, "When we save Du Aiguo, Ping'an sneezed."

Guo Baiyu, "Whenever Lady Li is present, Ping'an will sneeze."

Zhao Renshu, "This means that the perfume bag was given by Lady Li."

Ping'an, "She is the assassin."

Zhao Renshu, "How?"

Ping'an, "After we traded punches. I sneeze."

Guo Baiyu, "I hope we don't deal with two criminals here."

Zhao Renshu, "Let wait and see what the criminal is going to do next." He looked at Ping'an. "Throw the wine on Baiyu's face next time."

Ping'an, "Is the wine or I slap you in the face."

Zhao Renshu stood up and picked up Ping'an, and kissed her.

Ping'an struggled, "Let go of me. You are stinky."

Zhao Renshu, "You owe me a kissed. You endured it because you were the one who threw the bowl of wine on my face." He kissed her again.

Ping'an, "Take a bath first." She covered his mouth with her left hand.

Zhao Renshu put her down, "Fine." Zhao walked to the other side of the large screen panel and took off his clothes. Then he soaked in the bathtub.

Ping'an helped Guo Baiyu change clothes, and then she walked over to help wash Zhao Renshu's hair.

Ping'an, "Don't move around too much."

Zhao Renshu sighed, "I miss the big bathtub in our house." He leaned his head back against the edge of the bathtub. "After capturing the criminal, we hitchhiked with Peizhi. He can send us to Capital City. If Daqin and Yaoting have not left, we can go home together. I hate to cross that desert again."

Ping'an, "This sounds like a perfect plan." She lowered her head and kissed his lips. "There, I return the kiss back to you. Your new clothes is on the table. I'm going to bed." She walked to the other side of the screen panel.

Zhao Renshu got up and wiped himself dry. He walked to the bed and saw that Ping'an already put his new clothes on the table. He looked at the bed, Ping'an and Guo Baiyu were already in bed. He walked and climbed into bed. When his right hand was sliding down Ping'an's pants, he hugged Ping'an from behind and kissed her neck.

Ping'an turned around, "Renshu, why are you still naked. Go and put on some clothes."

Zhao Renshu breath heavily, "Why put on clothes, only to take it off." He turned her around and sent his tongue down her mouth, while his hand was still touching her underneath.

Guo Baiyu untied her robe and kissed her left breast. He licked her sensitive nipple with his tongue. He reached out to their bag, grabbed the sunflower oil, and poured it on his hand.

Zhao Renshu knelt on the bed. Ping'an turned and lay on her right side, she put Zhao Renshu's full-size hard member into her mouth. He slowly thrust inside her mouth.

From behind Guo Baiyu smeared the sunflower seed oil on to Ping'an's backdoor and inserted one fingers inside. After a period of time. He inserted the second finger. He raised Ping'an's left leg with his injured left hand, and then inserted his members into Ping'an's backdoor.

Guo Baiyu's downward thrust caused Zhao Renshu to stop pushing upwards, because Guo Baiyu's thrust was sufficient to produce a continuous speed rhythm. After a while, Guo Baiyu then grabbed Ping'an body on his body, while they were still connected below. He grabbed her knees with both hands. Ping'an puts both of her hands on Guo Baiyu's chest to supporting her body.

Zhao Renshu knelt between Guo Baiyu's legs and inserted his members into Ping'an's front door. He put Ping'an's legs on his shoulders. He grasped her legs tightly and he thrusts. He started with a slower thrust rhythms and then slowly increased his speed. Guo Baiyu held Ping'an's waist tightly, as Zhao Renshu thrust became faster, Ping'an moans became louder and louder. Zhao Renshu turned Ping'an around on Guo Baiyu's stomach.

Guo Baiyu inserted his member inside Ping'an's front door, and Zhao Renshu's inserted his member into her backdoor, and he continued thrusting. When the lovers' flesh collided with each others, Zhao Renshu's speed became faster and faster again, and their moans became louder and louder.

Ping'an moaned, panting hard, and said "Renshu...I...cannot....take..."

Guo Baiyu shut her up by sending his tongue inside her mouth. Zhao Renshu's thrust is faster and harder than before. Every time the bed creaked, the lovers moaned loudly. Then after a period of excessive thrusting, both of the men released inside Ping'an.