Two Brothers and Their Wife

The next morning, Zhao Renshu tried to shave his beard, but due to injuries to his right index finger and middle finger, he could not use his right hand, so he ended up using his left hand. Ping'an couldn't help him because she was combing Guo Baiyu's hair and started to braid it. Guo Baiyu looked at the disabled Zhao Renshu and felt sorry for him.

Guo Baiyu said, "Bring your stuff over. I will help you."

Zhao Renshu brought the water basin, the small blade, and a small stool and sat right in front of Guo Baiyu.

Zhao Renshu, "Make sure you don't cut me."

Guo Baiyu, "Don't move. If you continue to move, I won't be able to guarantee your safety."

In the morning, Huang Hongse met with Lim Yuehai at the entrance of the clinic. They walked into the clinic. Madam Lo greeted them and took them to the back storage room. As the three women got closer. Madam Lo excused herself, because there is a patient who needs help. Madam Lo pointed out the direction to the two women.

Huang Hongse and Lim Yuehai walked to the back storage room where the men were resting. When they approached, they saw Ping'an braided Guo Baiyu's hair and Gou Baiyu is shaving Zhao Renshu's beard. The three seem to be closed to each other.

The two women walked towards their lovers.

Lim Yuehai greeted, "Good morning childe Guozhao."

Zhao Renshu opened his eyes and saw Huang Hongse, "Why are you two together?"

Huang Hongse, "We happened to meet at the door."

Lim Yuehai, "Child Guozhao, my father hopes that the three of you will have breakfast with us this morning."

Zhao Renshu was getting annoyed, "Lady Lim, I think I made it clear yesterday."

Lim Yuehai, "Sir, I'm not talking to you, why are you interrupting? Good gentlemen shouldn't interrupt other people's conversations."

Zhao Renshu, "Trust me, I have spoken on his behalf many times."

Huang Hongse, "Why bother her? She didn't even talk to you. You should not be so rude by interrupting other people."

Guo Baiyu said, "We will have breakfast at your resident according to the mayor's request." He smiled at Lim Yuehai. "Are you almost done?"

Ping'an, "Almost, this is the last one." She tied a small white string on the last braid hair. Ping'an tied all the braids' hair to the back of Guo Baiyu's head. She combed the rest of his hair. "All done."

Guo Baiyu, "We want to change. Please wait."

Ping'an, "I'll clean." She poured out the water, then put all the shaving items back into the wash basin, and then took it to the male student's room.

Huang Hongse, "If my guess is correct, Guozhao Baiyu's wife is Ping'an."

Lim Yuehai, "How did you know?"

Huang Hongse, "Renshu told me that Baiyu and Renshu are brothers. Ping'an uses their last name because she is not allowed to use her father's surname. They didn't feel sorry for her because she is Guozhao Baiyu's wife. It is very clear that Ping'an is Guozhao Baiyu's wife."

Lim Yuehai, "My opinion, I think she is Zhao Renshu's lover. Remember how he almost kill you for mocking her in the inn? My brother told me that he even going to destroy everyone if you don't remove your flags."

Huang Hongse, "That's because he was protecting his sister-in law."

Lim Yuehai, "Or lover."

When the two men walked out of the bedroom wearing new clothes and Ping'an came back with two male students, the two women were still quarrelling.

Students, "Good morning Doctor Guozhao."

Guo Baiyu said, "Good morning. Please let Doctor Lo and Madam Lo know that we will eat breakfast at the Mayor's resident. If they have any needs, they can come to us."

Students, "Yes."

The group arrived at the mayor's residence. Lovers and Huang Hongse followed Lim Yuehai into a large backyard with thirty large round tables. Some tables are already full of hunters. Lim Yuehai took them to the table that the Mayor's family and Huang Yueliang were sitting. Zhao Renshu and Guo Baiyu sat on each side of Ping'an. Huang Hongse sat in between her sister and Zhao Renshu. Lim Yuehai sat between Guo Baiyu and her mother.

The mayor stood up and raised his cup, "All hunters, thank you all for your help in my city and drove the enemy out. Tomorrow night will be the celebration of the dinner party. I hope to see everyone there."

Everyone drank their wine. The mayor sat down, "Childe Guozhao, I really don't know how to call you. You are both a doctor and a hunter. It sounds strange to call you a doctor hunter."

Guo Baiyu, "Not very important."

Madam Lim, "Childe Guozhao, we are in a hurry to host this breakfast this morning. I hope the food can satisfy your taste."

Zhao Renshu mumbled lowly, "There are more than a dozen different dishes, isn't that enough?"

Guo Baiyu, "This is very considerate of you, thank you."

Madam Lim, "Child Guozhao, how old of are?"

Guo Baiyu, "Twenty-three."

Madam Lim, "Oh, not to far from our Hai'er."

Zhao Renshu was getting annoyed, and then he started stuffing more food than he could chew into his mouth. The situation reminded him of Wu Meixiang. Then he began to choke. Ping'an and Huang Hongse both gave Zhao Renshu a cup of tea. Zhao Renshu took Ping'an's tea cup and drank it. The food was still stuck, so he also picked up Huang Hongse's cup and drank it too.

Ping'an, "I have told you many times in the past, don't eat more than you can chew." Ping'an poured another cup of tea for him.

Mayor Lim, "Childe Guozhao, I am going to say it straight out. Our daughter Yuehai has never like anyone before. When she first told us about you, we disagreed because we didn't know who you were. You Just another traveler from a different town, but after seeing the real you. We agreed to let our daughter marry you. So what do you say?"

Guo Baiyu said, "I really appreciate your kindness, but as I said on the day of the competition. I am not qualified."

Mayor Lim, "Childe Guozhao, why? If you are worried that others will talk badly about your social status, then you don't have to worry. You are a young man who are not younger than sixteen or older than thirty five."

Zhao Renshu cleared his throat, "He is not available."

Madam Lim, "What do you mean?"

Guo Baiyu, "Mayor and Madam Lim, Renshu is correct. I am a married man."

The Lim family and Huang Yueliang gasped.

Mayor Lim, "Who is your wife, may I ask?"

Guo Baiyu held Ping'an's hand, "She is my wife."

Lim Peizhi, "You hear his loud and clear voice."

Lim Yuehai, "Childe Guozhao, you are a very talented young man, why marry someone who doesn't even have a surname. I heard that your wife does not have a surname, and she is using your surname."

Zhao Renshu turned and looked at Huang Hongse angrily.

Guo Baiyu, "She does have a surname, Guozho. I believe Lady Lim will find a very suitable husband in the future." He looked at Ping'an and Zhao Renshu. "Mayor Lin thanked you for your breakfast, but there are still injured patients in the clinic, so I have I am taking my leave." He quickly bided farewell.

Lovers walk out of the breakfast party. Mayor Lin shook his head disappointedly. Lim Yuehai got humiliated in front of everyone.

Huang Hongse, "Excuse me." She chased after Zhao Renshu.

At the gate of the yard, the lovers was stopped by Huang Hongse.

Zhao Renshu, "Wait for me outside."

Ping'an and Guo Baiyu walked out of the door.

Zhao Renshu turned around stared at her, "I asked you politely never to mention about Ping'an surname." He said firmly to her, "Miss Huang, we have to make it clear. I like to be clear and upfront."

Huang Hongse, "Me too. Guozhao Renshu, I like you."

Zhao Renshu shook his head disappointedly, "Miss Huang, I like you, but not that way. I want to tell you that I don't like when people talks bad about Ping'an. You have no right to judge other people when you don't even know a single thing about them."

Huang Hongse, "Why make a fuss about it? I know that she is your sister in law, and you are protecting her, but if your brother and sister in law are leaving, you can still stay."

Zhao Renshu smirked and said, "Who said she is my sister in law?"

Huang Hongse, "Because she is Baiyu's wife and you are his brother."

Zhao Renshu smiled, "She is our wife and her last name is Guozhao."

Huang Hongse was taken aback, "You two.....are brother...two brothers married the same woman?"

Zhao Renshu, "My surname is Zhao and his surname is Gou. She is our wife and her surname is Guozhao. I hope this can clear it up and stop bothering us."

Zhao Renshu walked out of the front door, and Huang Hongse was shocked standing behind him in the yard.