2. A New Life

Guys, i don't find official date setting of Solo Leveling, so i will use 2020 as the start of the canon setting. That means the gates will manifested at 2010. It will be easier for me, hehe.


[August, 20, 1995

Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia

Public Hospital, Birth Room]

Mid-wife: "Push ma'am, just a little more!"


This young woman is in labor, and about to give birth to her first born. Sometime later, the baby has borned.


Mid-wife: "Congratulation ma'am, it's a healthy boy."

The mid-wife then wash the baby to clean the blood and wrap him in a towel. Then she give the baby to his mother.

Mid-wife: "Congratulations Mrs. Ani, you got a boy. Here, please hold him gently."

Ani: "Huft..huft.. Thank you Ms. Tara. Hehehe, my baby boy, you look handsome. What name should i give you?"

Suddenly a man chimed in,

Man: "You should ask me first before deciding a name"

Ani: "Rudi, why should i ask you? I was the one that always with him these 9 months and it will be like that for the next years. I also the one that got hurt when giving birth, hmph."

Rudi sweatdrop: "Don't say that, i am his father, we 'make' him together."

Ani: "Hmph, you just having fun while i suffer for months. I will be the one that name my son, not you."

Rudi: "Ani, you're 25, don't act like a child....Sigh, fine just don't pick a strange name."

Ani: "How i act is not your concern, or you don't want me again? Hmph, fine, i have my Rangga now, so you can leave."

Rudi sweatdrop again, he can't do anything about his wife childishness. But that's what make him love her, he just can't win anything with his wife. Even his parents and in-laws also give up when dealing with her. But she is always the one that make their day shining brighter everytime she's there. So they just can't hate this side of her, and can only love it.

Rudi: "So Rangga huh? It's actually a good name, a 'Knight'. He will be a handsome, strong, and kind man." He said while patting his son.

Ani: "Of course it's a good name, my son will be a knight in a shining armor. Many girls will fall for him, but no one will get him as i will put them on their place. Huhuhuhu"

Rudi: "Why do you want girls fall for him but he can't have one?"

Ani: "Why must i give my son for some brats when there's me? Right Rangga?"

Rangga just happen to giggle because his mother tickle him.

Ani: "Look, he's agree"

Rudi: "Sigh, whatever. Nurse, please write his name as Rangga Basudewa. I will handle the administration later. Ah, when will my wife and son allowed to check out?"

Nurse: "Yes Mr. Rudi, i understand. Your wife and son can check out tomorrow after we did some check up on their health."

Basudewa family is a big and rich family in Indonesia. They have a big Corporation, Basudewa Group which have Basudewa Malls and Department Stores in every big city on Java. They also have a lot of cooperation and investation at other Corporation. Their business have been made by Rudi's father, but it bloom until it became like now when Rudi take over from his dad. Just in 10 years, he succesfully invite a lot of investors and build many branch on Java.

He's a 30 y.o man, so he take over at 20 y.o age and succeed. He need to take it because of his father's illness at that time. But now when his dad has become healthy again, he just leave everything to his son, saying he's old, can't handle jobs and only want to hold a grandchild soon, even if he's always ride bicycle every week with his friends. 'A shameless old man' is what Rudi call his dad, but his dad make a lot of connection in his retirement, so he can't complain.

A day after Rangga born, they go home and celebrate with their family. Their parents and relatives have come and celebrate the CEO's first born. Rudi's parents live near their house so they have stay there for a week, knowing their grandchild will be born. Ani's parents have arrived yesterday when they heard that she's finally giving birth. When they saw their grandson, the grandparents just take a turn to hold their grandson numerous times. He is their first grandchild afterall, as Rudi's siblings haven't married yet and Ani's sister in-law is still pregnant.

Ani was actually from one of Basudewa's business partners. Theit family have been partners since Rudi's father has just startes up. Ani's father also just started up a Restaurant business at that time, so the cooperate. Their family is Tarjono (a.n: read: Taryono), an old family that have a lot of land. But Ani's father want to build his own business so he cooperate with Basudewa. Now they're family as Rudi fall for Ani when after meeting a lot of time when he go to her house for business with her father. After some hard work and persistence from Rudi, Ani fall for his dedication and accept him.

Their family celebrated and party for some days. Their business partner have come to congratulate them. They even bring other people, this make Rudi's and Ani's family get more connections. Just by born, Rangga already give his family a lot of 'gifts'.

~10 years later~

These years Rangga has grow healthily, he shows a good talent at sport, especially basketball, but he's not interested at all in business. Even tough he can understand and handle family business related matters, he show more interest in basketball. 5 years ago, he got a twin siblings, a little sister named Kirana which means 'Beautiful Light', and a little brother named Surya which means 'Sun' and also means 'King of Sky'. Rangga doted on his siblings very much. He always play with them when he's at home.

His life is basically normal for 10 years, and today is his birthday. He celebrates with his family, it's just a small party, as he ask for small party with family only since he's 6 y.o. He didn't want to celebrate with strangers and saw his dad talk business even at his birthday. He also want his little siblings enjoy their bithday, as he always think this after he got siblings.

After his birthday party he go to his room to sleep. Birthday party is rather tiresome when you have lots of siblings, and cousin, when you're the oldest. He need to look after them and entertain them even if this is his birthday. So he just sleep after laying on his bed. When he sleep, he got a dream where he's sick for all his life, he die then make a deal with an entity called Ruler, his wish, his old family, new life, gates, magic power, war, everything.

He woke up at morning with a lot of sweat and he pant heavily. He got his memories from past life and after his death. But there're lots of odd things happens that he need answers. So he look around looking for something, then,

???: "What are you looking for?"

There's a small voice on top of him so he look up. He saw a little creature that shaped like bipedal blue cat, has a pair of white wings, it's head also rather big for it's body, and it hold a small fish.

Rangga: "Happy?"

Cat: "No, i'm not Happy. My name is Mochi, i'm modelled after Fairy Tail's Happy that's why i have his looks and personality. It's to make you more comfortable."

Rangga: "A..lright, so Mochi, i have a lot of questions, can you answer them?"

Mochi: "If it's about your family then i will explain it. Your parents and little sister are actually your original family from your old world. The GOD of Reincarnation from your world has reincarnated them here and make them your family again. He seems bothered that someone from this world got reincarnated from his world but he's not the one that reincarnated you here.

So he make a deal with Master Ashgar to wait you family die first and ask them about it. Since the timeline of the two world are different and the GOD of Reincarnation is very strong that he can send someone to the past longer than Master Ashgar as he is a real GOD and Master Ashgar is what you call an angel. So Master Ashgar agree, as he is the one that asked for help.

After lots of years your parents and sister die from old age and after GOD of Reincarnation ask about your case, they wish to be your family again, even your sister and grandparents. So GOD of Reincarnatiom send them to the past of this world longer than what Master Ashborn can do, he's also the one that send you as you are from his world, so it's his job. The only one that originated from this world is your little brother. Also he helped with your family's wealth, he say it's a good luck gift. He want to help this world too but he can't go here, so he give you some help."

Rangga cried when he heard this, he already loves his new family, but now he feel happy after he know that. Now he can enjoy his life not worrying about his family on his old word as they're here with him. Now he need to be strong to protect them from those invaders.

Rangga: "Mochi, what should i do now to prepare for the upcoming battles?"

Mochi: "You need to prepare your body first, luckily you play basketball and love sports, so it will be easy. You also need to learn martial arts, i suggest MMA as your first time, their competition is like a battle simulation, not sport even for kids, then you can learn weapons art like kendo. Your body has a limit before the gates appear as you don't have magic power to supplement your body, so take it easy for now to not break your body."

Rangga: "Alright, so i just need to do what i always do, maybe some upgrade in body training, and learn fighting techniques. I will ask my dad to search for a MMA school for now. Mochi, can you help me with my training menu?"

Mochi: "AYE SIR"

Rangga: ".....You're actually Happy right?"

Mochi: "Basically"

Then Rangga ask his dad for a MMA school, his dad is happy his son ask for that. His dad think that as a man he need to be able to fight, and he is an heir of a rich family, no one know what will happen so he need to be able to defend himself. His little brother want to follow him when he heard about this, but rejected by his dad as he's only 5 y.o, his body is not strong enough to be trained in MMA.

For the next 2 years he keep train his body, play basketball, and train MMA. His skills in MMA is already on par with some older members, he just weaker than them because he's onlu 12 y.o and they're in their 20's or 30's. But his skills is already good and he only need more spars or battle in tournament to hone it, but there's only some tournament for kids and there're not much kids his age that are on his level, so he sometimes spar with older ones but their height and weight are far apart so it's not effective. He finally decided to start train kendo and keep his MMA training for daily practice so his skills didn't get rusty.

He start training Kendo and he enjoy it more than MMA. In his past life, he admire those characters in anime, manga, or novel that use swords. He also often imagine being them, and his favourite is Roronoa Zoro from One Piece. He's a loyal man, have a great dream, never give up, and more importantly he use 3 sword. Rangga really like Zoro's character, when he start kendo he try to bite a sword to hold it but it's hard, his mouth can't even hold it for a minute and his saliva just keep flowing like a waterfall, so he stop it.

He decided to use dual swords to make it close to Zoro, but also because he like Kurosaki Ichigo from Bleach after he got his real Zanpakuto and be a dual wielder. Of coutse this make his instructor hit his head as he can't even hold one sword properly and want to use two swords from the start. So he can only use one sword for now.

Rangga: "Master Heri, i will certainly use dual swords in the future, and be the strongest. I swear on my cat's name."

Heri: "It's good that you are fired up, but don't swear as you please, a swear must always be fulfilled you know, and don't swear on your cat's name, use your name."

Rangga: "I know Master, and that's why i use my cat's name, so it will be the one that get the retribution if i fail, not me."

Heri: "Whatever, let's just start the training"

Just like that, he train while the gates will appear soon