One thing that has been weighing on my mind was 'What kind of power did I receive from King Solomon?' Ever since I arrived home, I have been swinging the sword morning and evenings. The sword made no special reaction that tells me it is supernatural. Shawn questions if I had a good weapon or not.

"Hmm, I was hoping I didn't need to test this sword on someone but I have no choice. Get me some prisoners" I ordered.

At my request, prisoners who were sentenced to execution within a month appeared before me restrained. "Here is the deal. If this sword swing does not kill you, you get to leave scott free. All charges and crimes will be forgotten".

Shawn turned his face away and laughed at my words. He knows me so well, I couldn't be lying through my teeth more than I am right now. The prisoners took my words seriously though.

Before I slashed the prisoners, my father advised me. "One swing won't be enough my king. It is best to try a multitude of ways. Thrusts, swings or perhaps throwing the sword".

"Good point, I'll try all three" I assured him.



First the prisoner's bodies became purple from just a single touch, then each part of their body begins to gradually expand until KABOOOM! They pop like a balloon. Blood splattered everywhere, I was so glad I tested this sword's capability outdoors. The scent of blood would be filling my throne room otherwise.

Father laughed at the prisoner's demise. "Before you call the cleaning crew, I have to say… That ability does not suit you at all. To make people explode with a touch of your sword is so brutal. I never expected you have attain a power like that". I feel the same way, I don't think I can stomach a power such as this. To kill so effortlessly, it feels unreasonably wicked.

"Is that all though? Just making people pop can't be all. I'm hoping the sword has a different power to go alongside the explosion. Something that could benefit my allies". Father and I stared at Shawn.

"Don't even joke about that. If you touch me with your blade then Carmella is never coming back here".

"We are only joking young lad. I'll take the swing if you're serious about it son. We need to know all your powers before it's too late" father said walking up to me. I had no qualms risking my father's life so I touched him with the sword.

Father's old and wrinckled face became a couple decades younger, he looks middle age suddenly. Not only that, the scars he had permanently ingrained on his face disappeared. "Heal wounds and Restoration towards allies. Explsion towards foes, I am starting to like this sword".

"Good work Caesar, a power like that should suit you well after all. You are able to heal your allies, you better have a good amount of allies surrounding you at all times then" father expressed happily.

Later on that day, I was still testing out my new sword. Everyone, whether they be citizens or not were welcomed to my estate. I healed over a hundred people in just three hours of knowing my sowrd's power. It was amazing, I really felt like a miracle worker as I save the lives of countless people. My healing ability holds only one limit, it cannot revive the dead. Other than that, it can regenerate limbs of others, heals any disease as well. I cannot heal myself with the sword or explode myself, it's a fair trade I guess.

While I was in the middle of healing people in need, a bird flew on my head. "Oh?"

A pigeon holding a letter on it's back. As I took the letter away, the pigeon immediately flew off. "Wonder who this is from?" I unfolded the letter to unravel the mystery.

Dear King Caesar Augustus

I, the king of Austria have a proposal for you. Let's form an alliance and kill the other kings who dare to stand in our way. I know this may sound like a trap or set up of some sort but I assure you it's not. Let's meet up at the borders of Italy. I don't fee comfortable entering your domain just as yet. You are free to bring your soldiers if you wish although I hope you won't need them. Join me for the time being, if you wish to betray me after so be it as long as people like Alexander and Ashoka are out of the game. See you in ten days at sunset if you are willing. Please write your signature below and return it to me if you agree to our meet up.


Your fellow Ruler

King Joseph.

"Now, what to do?" I asked myself.

Shawn read the letter after me then gave his opinions. "It's a no brainer. We should co-operate with him for now then stab him in the back later. We could pretend that we've come tfor a chat then kill him mercilessly or we can even take the opportunity of him leaving his country to come to us. We could probably kidnap his wife ya know. Actually the best course of action is to assassinate him while he's on his way here. I would be happy to do it. Sign your signature and we can get this killing started". Shawn kept on rambling while I came to a decision.

King Joseph once said "He has no desire to win the Crown War. He just wants to ensure a good ruler wins the throne".

"An alliance, this is perfect. I'll accept it".

"Are you sure that's wise my King? We can't trust a competitor" Shawn said worriedly. If it were any other ruler I would have torn this letter immediately after reading it. King Joesph however, he is man I can trust. As laidback as he is, I know he is a capable individual. A good asset for my success undoubtedly.

I signed the signature then gave it to one of my most capable messengers. "An Alliance eh, this is a good way to start off". Shawn still looked worried about my decision. "I still think I should assassinate him" he said.

"Hmm, I'll give you an order. If you ever feel as if he's intending on killing me, murder him on the spot". Shawn's face lit up as I told him that. "Yes your majesty, it would be my pleasure to kill him for you".

"Hahaha, don't forget. Only commit the murder if you know he's trying to hurt me. Otherwise leave him be".