Chapter 10 (Josephs PoV) Meet Them

I looked at John for a few moments, with a bit of an angry look on my face as well. I knew that he was right, but at the same time, I did not want him to be. I did not want all of the stress, and all of the pressure that came along with being a leader.

All of the people that I had met, that were a part of the legion, had told me how lucky I was to have that sort of power, and how they wished that they had my power. They did not know how wrong they really were, with what they said to me.

Sure, I knew that a lot of them just wanted to have the role all of a leader, but many of them did not recognize the 'power' that came with that too. I never got any sort of good sleep, as it would take me several hours to even fall asleep at night.

Not only that, but when I actually finally managed to pass out, I would go on to some sort of horrible dream, and there would be a lot of evil creatures around me. At first, when I had them, I thought that they were just some sort of satanic creatures, coming in to my dreams to just scare me.

I now knew what it was, and also why it was important in saving all of humanity. Sometimes I did not even want to though, and I thought, based on all of the religious stories that my mother had told me, the way they had killed the savior of man kind, it was absolutely horrible.

Sometimes I even wondered if he was the savior, in a cruel world like the one that we lived in today. Was there even a God out there? I shook my head at the same time, as I was beginning to start to think, if it was religion that was the reason my mother had not wanted to tell me and Mariah about all of the dragons.

Sure... I knew that there was a God out there, or else there would be no other reason for me to randomly get this curse of power. I sometimes wondered though, if he was really out there to help us, like my mother had always told me in her stories.

I shook my head though, at the same time as well. As, all of the sudden I began to realize that I was in a room, and not in a dream right now. There were 2 people with me as well, which was my father, and John. I looked up at the both of them, at the exact same time as well.

John had a look in his eyes, almost as if it seemed as if he had ran out of hope. I knew that he was just about tired of me too, and he was not happy with the progress that I had made in training. He never failed to remind me, every day, how much my uncle was better than me, and how he had learned all of this way quicker than me.

I felt a bit sick, and I did in fact feel like a bit of a failure as well too. I felt like he was saying that, to try to push me, and get me just a little bit motivated to do my best, but at the same time, it also got me down, and made me feel like I should just give up.

I knew at the same time though, that I could not do so... The whole world was in my hands, and I could not let them down. Every single person that was alive right now, they were all looking up at me right now, with some sort of hope, that there was a little bit of light on the other side of the tunnel.

I shook my head, more at myself, as I finally began to take in, what it was that John had even just said to me, no more than a few moments ago. I blinked a few times, as I saw that my father had just gone fact to eating the soup that was leftovers from last night.

John still had his eyes locked on me though, as it was clear that he was waiting for a response to what it was that he had just said to me. I stared back at him for just a little while, until it hit me just a bit more, as to what it was that he had said.

He had told me that I needed to step up as a leader, and that I did not have a choice on whether or not I wanted to be a leader to the whole legion that was outside, freezing themselves right now, while also hiding in their tents to try to warm themselves up a little.

No one else had my power, and I knew that I could not just give it over to my sister, even if I had wanted to do so in the first place. For one, she was not 18 yet, and I had been told that you did not get the power to see the dragons in your dreams, until you reached that age.

It also made sense as well, and I knew that they were not lying either, as it did not take me all that long after my 18th birthday, to start having the dreams that I had now been told of. I wondered how often my mother had those sort of dreams as well too.

I wish that she had at least told us about them before she had past along, to at least let us be ready for what was about to come. At the same time though, I also knew as well, that no one had expected it to come to pass, and they had all thought that humans and dragons had come to a peaceful agreement.

It was not the case... I shook my head though, as I knew that I had to think on what he had said to me, and not so much on my mother, who always seemed to come up on my mind, when I did not want her to either. I wondered if it was the same for my father as well too.

I was sure that it was even worse for him, as I knew that he had loved my mother so much, and he had felt like he had really let her down too. He never got the chance to apologize before she had passed along, just like he had told me he was going to.

Not only that though, I was sure that he had felt like, now, that he had been lied to a lot in the relationship as well too. It was not just me and my sister that she had not told, about the dragons, but she also never told our father about them either.

I shivered at the same time as well, as I was not sure what it was that I should really be thinking about anymore. I did not know what was real, or what was false. I just had to assume now, that it was all true, so that I could at least be ready for the worst.

I looked back over at John, who no longer had his eyes locked on me, but he now had his eyes locked on the table that was beneath me, and the bowl of food, that was now starting to get a bit cold, since I had let it sit for quite a long time now.

I realized it as well, as I thought about taking it back over to the stove, and heating it up again, but I felt like I did not have the time for it, as well as me feeling quite a bit lazy too. I shook my head, as I moved the soup around a bit with my spoon.

The truth was, I was not all that hungry at all right now, and I felt like I should just put the food back into the ice box. At the same time though, I knew that John had told me to get some food too, as apparently I was going to have a very busy day.

Based on the blank look on the face of John, I was not too sure if that would come to fruition or not. I shook my head though, as I had to figure that it would, and that I needed to get some food in my belly, before I started out my busy day.

I closed my eyes at the same time too, as I then began to pray for the food that was in front of me. I was not sure why I even did so, but I went ahead and did it anyways. I sighed just a bit to myself, as I then began to whisper the prayer with my quiet voice.

'Dear God, please, give me this food to give me strength, and courage to be strong to all of the others around me. Make me strong enough to pull through these troubling times...' I began to say to myself, as I looked around the table, wondering if any of them had heard me speak.

It did not seem to be the case at all however, as I looked over at my father, to see that he had finished his meal, and he was just staring at the wall of the kitchen. I then looked over to John, as I saw that he had his eyes closed, and his head was to the ground.

I also began to realize at the same time, that John had a bit of a dark line around his eyes, which I had to assume had come from him getting very little sleep as well. I felt a bit bad for him too, as I had to figure that he was even more stressed out than I was.

Not only that, but I also knew that he did not have anyone to vent to as well. I felt like I could ask him, since I vented to him, if he wanted to do the same too, but then again, he was the leader of all of us right now, and I knew that he did not want to look weak.

I shook my head though, as I looked back down at the table below me, and I closed my eyes at the same time as well, as I had nearly forgotten to finish up with the rest of my prayer too. I knew that it would not really be a prayer if I did not do so.

'In the name of the lord and savior, Jesus Christ, amen!' I ended my prayer, after the long break in between those parts. It was a bit loud, the way that I had ended it as well, as I looked around the table once again, to see if anyone might have heard me.

As I looked around, both of them seemed to have the same looks on their faces though, and I shook my head, trying not to think on it any longer. If they had heard me, which I kind of even doubted, than I was sure that they did not care either.

I then began to lift up the food with my spoon, as I put a bit of the beef in to my mouth. It was cold, and it seemed to not have very much flavor. It was normal for a stew though, and I was sure that if I wanted to put some flavor in, then I could have just got some spices.

I did not know all that much about spices though, and I did not really care to either. I kept on taking quick bites of the food, as if I was in some kind of big rush. It did not take me that long to finish it off as well, as I then moved the bowl back a little.

It made a bit of a scraping noise, when I pushed it back just a little bit, as I saw it all of the sudden wake John up, as he jumped up a bit, almost as if he had thought that he had gotten attacked. He looked around for just a few moments, as he then realized that it was just the bowl.

Now that he was off of all of the thoughts that were in his head though, I saw him suddenly look up at me at the same time too. Suddenly I saw a bit of a smile on his face, which kind of surprised me, as he began to speak to me.

"Joseph... You about ready to meet them?"