Chapter 46 (Joseph's POV) What Were You Thinking?

I looked over at Chad, as I had my eyes on him for just a bit of some time. The last time that I had seen him, besides the fact that I had seen him yesterday, he had been a fair bit over weight, as well as the fact that he had been drunk too. Now how ever, as I looked at him at this current moment in time, he was just the opposite of it.

No... He was be no means skinny, as if any thing he might have gained quite a bit of some weight, as he was bigger than he had been before. The only reason the I recognized him, was for one thing, he had the same voice as the guy that had attacked me that night that I had been at the bar.

Also the fact that he had brought up that night at the same time too. I thought that he might have learned some thing from last night, as to the fact that he had made quite the fool of him self, but to no surprise at all to me, he had in fact not learned a single thing at all from that moment.

He clearly was by no means a smart guy if I had to guess. I had beat him last time, but as I looked at him for quite a bit of some time, I felt like this time it might be a lot different than the last, as it was clear to me that the dude was just pure muscle, and I was fairly certain that none of my hits would do any thing to him either.

The main reason as to why it had felt like I had beat him last time, was due to the fact that I had pushed him to the ground, which was not all that hard for me to do, due to the fact that he had been so over weight. I was not going to have the same amount of luck that I had last time how ever, and I knew it too.

If any thing, it would be a hundred times worse, due to the fact his hits would most certainly hit a lot harder than they had before. It made sense now, that a lot of people had laughed at the fact that I had beaten the hell out of him that night, as most people I was sure, thought of it as some sort of joke.

I did not blame them for it either, as the guy was built a lot different this time, as I was not going to lie. I did not want to get in a fight with this guy, and I could see him sizing me up from the other side of the room at the exact same time as well, as was squeezing his knuckles quite a bit hard, as I could tell that he still by far, had not gotten over that night, even though it had been his own fault.

It was clear to me, that this guy had not changed one bit from that night either, after his girl friend had left him, and he had got the hell beaten out of him. I also knew at the exact same time as well, that some how he was still more upset over that, than he was about the dragons coming over and killing a bunch of humans, and taking over the world practically.

I sighed, as I tilted my head a bit low to the ground, as I could tell by the look of the faces that were all around the room, no one believed that I had a chance in this fight, and to be fair, I did not think that I did either, as I was afraid of not only making a fool out of my self, as to the fact that I would get the shit beaten out of me.

I was also afraid as to the fact that if a lot of people saw me get beat up like that, than it would make people lose a lot of faith in our chances of coming out of this war with at least a little bit of some thing left. I sighed a bit to my self all at once, as I was about to lift my head up and say no to the man.

Just as I was about to do as such a thing how ever, I heard a loud voice start to speak up from the other side of the room. I blinked a few times, as I was quite a bit lost right now, as I really did not have a clue as to what was going on at this current moment in time, as it felt like there was far too much going on at once, which was some thing that I did not like, as it put a lot of stress, as well as a lot of anxiety on me too.

I turned my head over to the person that was starting to speak up to all of the people that were in the room all at once, any ways. I saw that the man of course, happened to be John, as he and my father would be the only other people that would be behind my right now, as I felt like a bit of an idiot for thinking that it could potentially some how be some one else.

I shook off all of those thoughts all at once how ever, as I got my focus on the fact that he was starting to speak up, as I let out quite a loud sigh all at once, which was drowned out by the insanely loud voice of John, as I then all of the sudden, at the exact same time as well, then listened as to what it was that he had to say to every one in the room in the first place.

"Of course he is going to accept it... But we have to arrange the battle out side, so that every one can watch you embarrass your self." He said to Chad, as I looked back at Chad as soon as John had spoken up and said it, as I saw him dip his head quite a bit low to the ground, as it was clear that John had got in to his head.

That was easy for John to do how ever, as it was not simply that easy for me, as John was quite a bit bigger than me for one thing, but also there was the fact that he had a bit of a frightening look on his face as well, as if he knew that he was always right, and he was always the superior in every single situation that he was in.

To be fair, a lot of the time he was in fact correct with that as well, so I could not go after for him on that at all. What I could go after him on though, was the fact that he seemed to have way too much faith in a small kid such as I was, as I could tell by all of the looks that I saw in the room, as well as my own father, that none of them shared that same belief.

It was kind of crazy to me, though John had meant what he said over to Chad, it felt like it was coming at me, as I was fairly certain that I was the one that was going to get embarrassed in the first place too. I gulped a bit to my self, as I tried to get John's attention on me, as I shook my head at the same time, to try to tell him that it was a terrible idea, as to what it was that he was doing.

Perhaps, he was trying to pull a bluff on Chad, as I could in fact tell that it had gotten in to the head of the guy. I was fairly certain that there was no way that John could believe a word as to what it was that he had just said, surely right? I could not rule it out how ever, as it would not be the first time that John would have surprised me, I could say that for sure.

I shivered, as I was not sure as to who it was that I should be looking at right now. If it should be John, or if it should be Chad, who I saw still had his head a bit low to the ground, as I could tell that what John had just said to him, had in fact got the the head of the guy, as I was in fact starting to feel a bit safer in just the slightest bit.

I was tempted to dip my head a bit low to the ground, such as I saw Chad doing at the same time too, but I was in fact a bit worried that he might notice it, and he might think that he had got in to my head just a bit. I was not going to lie to my self, I did in fact kind of feel like he had got in to my head just a little bit at the same time too.

I shook off all of those thoughts, as I did my best to try not to look freaked out or worried at this very moment in time, as I knew that I needed to look as strong as I possibly could to all of the people that were in the room at this very moment in time, as I knew that they all looked up to me for hope, and I knew as stressful as it was for me, I could not let them down.

I was looking at John for quite a bit of some time, as I saw that he had his eyes squinted at me, as I saw a bit of a smile on his face at the exact same time as well, as if this was all just some kind of big joke to him, and he did not actually believe a word as to what it was that the guy had said to him.

To be fair though, I had never brought up the story to him at any point, so he might actually think that it was not true at all. It was never some thing that I viewed as being important at all to me, as I knew that I did not like to get in to fights with any one for one thing, whether that was to just be verbal, or if it amounted to becoming some thing a bit physical.

I shook off all of those thoughts how ever, as I then suddenly heard the voice of Chad begin to speak up from the other side of the room, such as he had just a few moments ago. Though I really did not want to look over to the guy, I did in fact do as such any ways, as I was about to curse out Travis for doing some thing as stupid as that.

Perhaps Travis had spoken to Chad about it, as he was trying to make me look like a fool, not just to my self, but more over to John, as he wanted to take over the spot as leader, away from John for some odd reason or another. It made sense too, as if Travis had told him that he would promote him, than I am sure that he would have agreed to it for sure.

I did not know the guy all that well, but if he liked to beat up on Sasha, than I was sure that he did all different types of other terrible shit too. As I thought on it a little bit more how ever, I felt like that story did not add up all that much, as it did not make sense as to how Travis would have known about all of that.

I sighed, as I looked over to Chad all at once, at the exact same time too, as I then squinted my eyes at him, which did not seem to bother him all that much at all, like it might have if I had been John. I shook off all of those thoughts all at once how ever, as I then began to listen as to what it was that the guy had to say in the first place any ways.

"Very well... I'll finish what I should have ended in the first place..." He said, as I saw him have his eyes squinted right back at John at the exact same time as well. I was not sure as to what my response should be as to what the guy had just said in the first place as well, as it kind of sounded like a little bit of a threat on my life if I was not going to lie.

I saw that Chad had his eyes squinted on John at the same time too, as I was quite a bit curious as to the response that John would have to that, as it was not normal that some one would have the balls to do such a thing at John. As I turned my head over to him at the same time too, I was shocked to see that he had his head a bit low to the ground.

I was not sure if that were due to the fact that Chad had not fell for his bluff at all, or if were due to the fact that he just felt like he could not have his eyes on the ground, as if all of the sudden, Chad was the superior one. I was still quite a bit lost, as well as in a bit of some shock for some time, that I was not so sure as to what it was that I should do.

I saw my father from the corner my eye as well, as I knew that he was not too sure about the chances that I had in a fight with this guy either. I did not blame him for it either, as I saw that John had very little faith in me for one thing, so it also meant that my father would not either, as well as the rest of the people in the room.

I could practically feel all of the eyes in the room, all staring right back at me, as it was clear that they were waiting for my response on all of it. This time as I had those thoughts in my head, as to the fact that every one was looking at me, it normally was not true, but that was not the case at all this time, as I could see every one looking right at me as well.

I gulped, as I was tempted to dip my head to the ground, but if there was one thing that John had taught me, though it did not seem to be working for him self in this instance, was the fact that I always had to have faith in my self, and I always had to let my self know that I had a chance to win in what ever it was that I was doing.

John clearly did not have faith, but that was in me, more than it was in him self this time, even if he was the guy that was training me, and felt like he should have trained me better. I shook off all of those thoughts all at once, as I then gulped at the same time as well, and I then closed my eyes for just a few seconds to.

Sure, it might not be all too good of a look to all of the people that were with me in the room right now, but I really did not care all too much right now, as I felt like I really just needed to get my mind off of all of the thoughts that I was having, as I was doing my best to try and tell my self that I had a chance in this, even if I felt like I did not.

As I got that in to my thick skull, I then all of the sudden finally opened my eyes after a little bit more time had passed, as I then looked over at Chad, and I squinted my eyes right back over to him, to let him know that I was not afraid of him. I thought that it might put some sort of fear in his eyes, but as I looked at him for a little bit longer, I saw him look over to me, to see that it was not the case at all.

I breathed in quite a bit of a heavy sigh, as I did my best to keep my self strong, as I then kept my eyes focused on Chad, as I cleared out of all of the other people that were in the room with us at this very moment in time, as it was just me and him. For some reason, I felt no sort of fear for the man, even if he was much bigger and stronger than me.

Instead, I felt quite a bit of some rage, as to the fact that I remembered all that he had done to Sasha, and also the fact that I remembered that he had been with Sasha too. I was a bit worried that she might be messing around with him, as I felt like it might have been a lot of the reason that she had not been in my room last night.

It had nothing to do with the fact that I was worried about her at all, as I was more worried about the fact that she was for some reason messing with a guy he had no such sort of power such as I did, and had nothing about him that was cool at all either, which did not make all that much sense.

I would never understand women at all, even if I knew that was a fair possibilty of it being true, as I some times wondered why I even tried with them, as it usually did not end up all too well for me when ever I tried. I was not so sure as to why she might go back to him, but I felt like there had to be a reason she might have fallen in love with him any ways, that she had not told me about.

I shook off all of the thoughts of me being a more powerful, and higher up person than he was, as I knew that I could not go in to this with that kind of mind set, as it was a mind set that felt like I had won, when I clearly had not at all, as I saw that he was way bigger than me, and could easily beat the hell out of a guy my size.

I shook off all of those thoughts how ever, as I got my focus on to what it was that was going on at this very moment in time, which was of course the fact that we had been having quite a bit of a stare down session, rather than the fact that we were going to go in to the fight, such as he had just challenged me to a few moments ago.

I shook my head this time, as it still did not seem to bother Chad at all, which was not what I had even intended on doing in the first place any ways, as I then breathed in quite a bit, to try to calm my nerves, and get my mind out of all the bad thoughts. After just a few seconds of me doing as such too, I finally began to speak up to him.

"That's fine... If you want to challenge me, than let's go out side..." I said to him, as I saw a lot of shocked looks from all of the faces that were in the room with him at this very moment in time. I could tell that most of them thought that I was being an idiot on what it was that I was doing.

A lot of the others just seemed to be a little bit lost, as if they thought that this might some how be a little bit of a plot or some sort of joke to pull on all of the people that were in the tent at this very moment in time. That was not the case at all how ever, as I knew that for my self, but I also could not blame them for not knowing the same as I did how ever.

I blinked just a few times, as I sighed a bit to my self at the exact same time too. I waited to get a bit of a reaction from Chad, as I expected it to be a bit of a look of shock, as to the fact that I had agreed to the fight in the first place, or perhaps be a look of fear for some odd reason or another, even though I knew that there was nothing to be afraid of for him in this case.

To no surprise either, instead of having a look of fear on his face, I saw quite the grin, as if he was enjoying all of this too. It kind of had me feeling a bit out of it, as well as the fact that I now was starting to get a little bit scared, even if I knew that this was not how I should be going in to it with this kind of mind set either.

I shivered, as I looked away from Chad, as I felt like I could no longer look at the man for any longer. I was fairly certain at this point, that he was going to beat the living shit out of me, and that there was nothing that I could do to stop it either. It was as if he had been training for the last couple of years, for this very moment.

I doubt that he had very much skill with a bow at all, such as I did, as that was the main part of my training. I was almost tempted to ask if this could be a bow fight, but I knew that it would be a bit of a pussy way out of it, and also the fact that I did not want to fight to the death over some thing as stupid as this either.

I sighed just a little bit to my self, as I then looked over at John at the exact same time too, to see that he had a bit of a look of some shock on his own face too. I could tell that he had very little faith in me getting out of this, as I gulped on those thoughts all at once as well, as I was now tempted to dip my head low to the ground.

That was of course, until I suddenly saw John nod to me, as if he was some how trying to speak to me through all of the voices that were in this room at this very moment in time, which had me a little bit confused, as I tilted my head just a little bit all at once, as I was not all too sure as to what it was that was even going on.

John had his eyes focused on me for quite some time, as I was tempted to look away from him, but I knew that this was one of those times where I had to act strong, as I knew that I was better than all of this, and now was my time to prove a point to all of these people, even if I did not win in this fight.

I breathed in heavily at the same time too, as if for some reason I thought that a simple sigh would loud pour out all of my feelings at this very moment. It did not do all that good of a job how ever, to no surprise at all, as it kind of felt like it made me feel just a little bit worse if I was going to be real with my self.

I shook off all of those thoughts how ever, as I then kept my eyes at John, as I suddenly heard him begin to speak up loud to all of the people that were in this room right now, as it was clear that he wanted them to all shut up, which I did not blame him for, as they were being very loud. I shook off all of those thoughts all at once how ever, as I then listened as to what it was that he even had to say in the first place.

"Very well... Let's go out side..." He said to Chad, as I would have thought that if John were to speak again, than he would have done it so that he would try to scare him once again, so that he would change his mind. That was not the case how ever, as I was tempted to dip my head to the ground.

I could tell that no one in the room, not even my father, nor John, believed that I would have any chance in this fight. I did not blame him, I mean, if you were to look at the guy, not even a some what buff guy would have a chance against him. I was not buff at all, so I knew that this was certainly my doom.

I was not worried for my self how ever, as much as I was worried to what every one else would think, about the guy that was supposed to save the world, was to get beat up by another man. I shivered at all of those thoughts, as I shook it off at the exact same time too, as I was not too sure as to what it was that I should do right now.

I was tempted to change my mind, and say no to the challenge, but at the same time too, I felt like it would only make me look like a coward to every one that was here at this current moment in time. I felt like I would rather have the shit beat out of me, than look like I was some kind of coward to the rest of them.

I closed my eyes for about a second or so, so that I could clear out all of those thoughts from my head at the same time too, as I was not too sure as to what was going on with me right now. I was being challenged to a fight that I knew that I had no chance to come out on top of it.

I didn't have much of a choice on what it was that I should do, and that scared me a whole lot. I did not like having to do stuff that I did not have a choice on, which seemed to be happening a lot as of late, after what had happened to this sad and cruel world that we lived in at this very moment in time.

It was clear to me, that no one had learned either, and no one had changed who they were. Not even this guy, who had known that he was an abusive man to his girl friend, who was now my own girl friend in this case. He was far too focused on what had happened in the past, to look in to the present, and see the world falling in front of his very own eyes.

It was as if he thought that some how I was the one that was in the wrong, even though I was fairly certain that he knew damn well that it was actually he who was the one that was at this very moment. He had not learned a single thing from all of this clearly, and I was fairly certain that he would not get what it was that he wanted, until he got his revenge on me.

Hell... What could be his revenge? Did he want Julia back? What was the point in all of this? To me it just seemed like he was making a big scene out of some thing that had been his own fault. I was not so sure as to what it was that I should do all at once, as I just kept my eyes closed for a little while longer.

That was of course, when I all of the sudden heard a voice in my head, that kind of scared me quite a bit at the exact same time too, as it did not seem to be like a normal voice, from my self that was doing as such, as this one was a lot different than that, due to the fact that it seemed like almost as if some one was in my head speaking to me right now.

I tilted my head a little, as I was quite a bit lost at first, as I was not all too sure as to what it was, nor what was going on with me right now, as it felt like I was going crazy, and all of this was going oh so fast as well. I shook off all of those thoughts how ever, as I figured that I should hear out what the voice was trying to say to me, as I then began to listen on what it was that she had to say to me.

"Joseph... I have told you so many times, that if you put your mind to it... You can do what ever you can imagine... Do you now see what I meant by that?" I heard the voice, of what I now remembered to be my mother's voice, as it kind of scared me, more than the fact that it relaxed me, as I knew for a fact, that my mother had been killed by one of those black dragons.

Those black dragons that I could not wait to kill, so that they get what they deserved, for not just killing people, but also the red dragons, who some what seemed to be good as far as to my knowledge, as no one seemed to be telling me other wise, as I felt kind of sick, as well as a bit scared on the fact that I should trust another dragon.

I was nearly about ready to trust Plyma, and if I had done as such, than it would have led practically to the end of the war for all of us, as I was the one that was supposed to give all of us hope, and with out that, than it meant that we would go no where in the chances that humanity had to save ourselves.

I shook my head, as I shook off all of those thoughts at once, as I knew that I was alive, and I had made it through the hardest part. As I looked at the guy that was in front of me, as if I had expected to see a smile from him, as if he seemed to be enjoying all of this, I instead saw an angry look on his face, as I could tell that this guy actually thought that some how he was the one in the right in all of this.

This guy actually believed that he was going to beat the shit out of me. For all I knew too, he very well might do as to such, but as I let those thoughts race through my head, I also remembered the voice that had spoken to me in my head at the exact same time too, as it had been the voice of my very own mother.

I looked from the corner of my eye, to see the reaction of my father, to see if he had heard that too, but I just saw that just like John, he had a look of very little hope on his face. I did my best to try to shake all of that off how ever, as I knew that I had to at least have faith in my self, as it seemed like that was just my sub conscious telling me some thing as well, as I did in fact remember to what she had used to tell me.

I began to realize at this very moment in time, as to what it was that she had meant by it in the first place. She knew that I had some sort of powers, and she knew that I could in fact do what ever it was that I tried my best at, no matter how hard it might very well be in the first place too.

All those thoughts then seemed to trace out of my head all at once, due to the fact that I heard the voice of Chad, as he began to speak up to every person that was in the room right now. I blinked my eyes a few times, as I then listened as to what it was that he had to say to every one at the exact same time too, as I saw him scouting across the room.

"So... Is every one just going to stand here then? Let's get this started!" He said, as I saw pure excitement on his face, which also kind of scared me all at once, as it seemed like he had been waiting for this day for quite a bit of some time. It was as if he had simply only buffed him self up, so that he would one day find me, and then beat the shit out of me.

I felt like that was not the case at all, as for all that he knew, I very well could have died in the attack on the city, as no one knew what had happened to any one, unless they had seen it happen with their very own eyes. I still could not help but to feel a bit sick, as I was sure that he too had lost people that he had loved, but for some reason, this was all that was on his own mind.

It was clear to me, that even if you tried to change this guy's mind set, it would not matter, as the guy was clearly a bad guy, no matter which way you were to look at it. I wondered if his father had also beaten him when he was younger, such as my own father used to do to me, although, I had managed to come out of it okay.

Perhaps he had grown up on a rough part of the city, though I felt like I kind of did in fact doubt that, due to the fact that Padre had managed to change, and he out of all people had been through the worst in that area of expertise, as I saw him from the corner of the room at the same time too, and I nodded to him as well.

I saw that Padre was a bit confused as to why my focus was on him right now for some odd reason or another, which I did not blame him for either, as I was not all too sure as to what it was that I was doing right now. I knew where I should have my focus on at this very moment in time, but at the same time too, I really did not want to think on it all too much.

I shivered, as I then looked over to Chad at the same time too, and I nodded to him, which I could tell surprised him a little bit, but in the end, he did in fact nod back to me, as it was at least a little bit of a sign of respect, as I then began to breath in heavily, as I had a lot of stress, and a lot of anxiety building up on me.

I shook off all of those thoughts how ever, as I saw Chad shake his head suddenly for some odd reason or another, as he then began to walk past me, not even looking at me when he went by either, as he walked to the exit of the tent that we were all enclosed in at this very moment in time as well.

I sighed, as I then all of the sudden, began to follow him, as I kind of for some odd reason or another, felt like I just wanted to get this started, such as Chad did. I saw John have a bit of a look of surprise on his face, as I shook off all of that at the exact same time too, as I then walked out of the tent, not too far behind Chad.

As I was doing so, I heard the foot steps of many of the others, as it now all of the sudden seemed like they were a bit excited to see this fight play out, even if they felt like they already knew how the end of it was going to turn out to be in the first place as well. I then all of the sudden let out a bit of a sigh, as I shook off all of those thoughts all at once too, as I got my eyes on the middle of the clearing that we were in, as suddenly, Chad stopped, and he turned his head back over to me.

This time, the look on his face was a lot different than the look that I had seen a few moments ago, as that one had been an angry look. The look that I saw this time, was the look that I would have thought to see last time, as I saw a big smile on his face, as it was clear that he in fact was excited on the fact that he was going to beat the shit out of me.

I blinked a few times, as I shook off all of those thoughts all at once how ever, as I just kept my eyes locked on to the guy, as I felt like nothing else mattered at this very moment in time. I shivered at the thoughts of Julia as well, as I was a bit lost on the thoughts as to why she had not slept with my last night, which was also the same day that I had found out her ex boy friend, Chad, was in the legion.

Perhaps she had been spying on the gathering, and she too had found out all about Chad being here, and she wanted to mess around with him, as if this was some kind of game to her. It really did not surprise me either, if that were in fact the case, as it would not be the first time that she would have done some thing as stupid as that.

I sighed, as I could almost hear the voice of Julia at the same time, right in my ear, as if she was saying 'Go Chad! Go!' which kind of scared me all at once as well. I was not so sure why she would want to go back to a guy that would have abused her, but I guess I really was not thinking on that, at this very moment in time.

I got my focus back on to the present, as I let out a loud sigh, which no one noticed, due to the fact that the people that had been in the tent with us, were yelling to each other a bit loud, as for some reason, I saw people placing some bets at the same time too, which kind of surprised me, due to the fact that I was fairly certain that no one thought that I would win this.

I shook off all of those thoughts how ever, as I looked all around me all at once too, as I saw a lot of other groups in the legion, looking over at us, as it was clear they were lost on why there was so much going on over here at this very moment in time, as I saw all of the eyes locked on me.

This was a lot different than the bar fight that night, not just as to the fact that the guy was built a lot different than he had been before, but also as to the fact that the night that it had happened, every one in that bar was drunk for the most part, and there were not near as many people in there, than there had been that night.

I shook off all of those thoughts how ever, as I knew that I needed to keep my focus on Chad, as I squinted my eyes at him, at the same time too, such as John did to me from time to time, as it kind of got in to my head a bit. That was not the case at all for Chad how ever, as I just saw him squint his eyes right back over to me.

I could not bare it any longer, as just as I was about to dip my head to the ground, I heard a familiar voice begin to step up to every one, and yell out loud to get the attention to every one that was in this clearing out side of the fields at this very moment in time as well.

I blinked a few times, as I let out a bit of a soft sigh of relief, as I then looked over to see that it was John who was speaking, with his eyes squinted right at me, just as I had tried to do to Chad a few moments ago, as it had not worked all too well at all. John doing so did seem to work how ever, as that was when I dipped my head low to the ground.

I did my best to try and shake it all off all at once at the same time too, as I heard all of the voices suddenly become quiet, as the then listened as to what John had to say to them in the first place, as I did the same as the rest of them too, even as much as I did not want to do as such, as I just wanted to pretend that this was not real.

"Alright every one! Chad has challenged Joseph to a fight! Come close to watch this all unfold!" He said, with a bit of a low tone of voice, as I could tell that he, just as I didn't, was clear that he did not want to watch it 'unfold' such as he had told every one to come and see just a few seconds ago.

I breathed in heavily all at once, as I was not too sure as to what it was that I should do, as I was tempted to call of the challenge all at once, but I knew that it would only make me look like an even bigger coward, than I would have if I were to say no to every one that had been in the tent.

Every one would have their hopes up, as it was clear that they were all expecting there to be a fight, which was not the first time that it had happened, as I had been told from Uncle and Padre several times, that people often did not agree on a lot of things, or they would often just get in to a fight as some sort of game when ever they were bored.

This was not the case how ever this time, as I saw that every one else knew that too, as many people had their heads low to the ground, as if they were praying for me for some odd reason or another. I did not blame them for it either, as I was fairly certain that not a single person here, not even John, believed that I would have a chance in a fight such as this one.

I sighed just a bit to my self, as I kept my focus on Chad all at once, as I still saw the same grin that he had on his face like before. This time it did not bother me all that much how ever, as I was quite a bit used to it this time, as I let out a bit of a sigh to my self, as I then looked away from Chad at the exact same time as well.

I felt like, the only way that I could beat the guy, was for him to get a bit cocky, and then for me to get a sucker punch on him, such as he had got on me that night that we had been at the bar. I still was not too sure how much that would really help my chances, but I knew that I could only keep up at least a little sort of hope how ever.

I sighed, as I shook off all of those thoughts at once, as I suddenly heard very loud foot steps from some one, as if it was clear that some one was a lot more excited about all of this, than the rest of the people were. I blinked a few times, as I looked in to the crowd, to see who it might be.

As the foot steps got a lot closer this time, I saw that it was Travis, as he got right up on John. Travis had his eyes squinted at John at the exact same time too, as it was clear that he felt like John was being a bit of an idiot, rather than it be him in a bit of a competition with John such as it usually was.

I looked at the both of them for just a bit of some time, as Travis began to speak to John, a bit quietly, but loud enough so that I, and the people that were closest to him, could hear what it was that he had to say to John. I looked for a bit of some time, as I did in fact listen to what it was that Travis had to say to John.

"John! What were you thinking!"