Chapter 51 (Jangras POV) Hello My Friend

I laid in my nest for quite a bit of some time, as I really did not want to get up. I knew I had plenty more time to get up at the exact same time too, due to the fact that it was so early in the morning, and it was still quite a bit dark out side none the less as well. I knew that I had to very soon how ever, as my father had come back yesterday evening, and told me that I needed to be up early.

I knew that he was not joking about it either, and if I did not get out of my nest, and leave the big cave that I was in at this very moment in time, than he would be soon to walk in, and wake me him self. I was already awake how ever, so that did not matter all too much any ways. I was so tired, and I just wanted to sleep right now, but I just had far too much on my mind.

I knew what today was, and it kind of scared me if I was not going to lie. I knew that my father was a leader, and the most important one none the less, so I should not be afraid of all too much either, but I could not help but to gulp a wad of spit down, due to the fact that I knew that a lot of those dragons that were going to be there, were going to be dragons that I had looked up to ever since I was a child.

I was afraid with what was about to go down, and the fact that a lot of dragons might laugh at me, to be the dragon of destiny. I was not a small dragon at all, and I looked to be a pretty strong dragon. I for sure did not look like a dragon that was going to be the future leader of our tribe though, and I really did not look like a warrior dragon for that matter either.

I for sure did not look like the dragon that a lot of dragons would think that the dragon of destiny would look like. I was not all too sure why I was so worried about it at the same time either way none the less, as I was usually not worried about stuff like that, as before all of this, I really had never cared all that much about what it was that other dragons thought of me.

It had all seemed to change how ever, after I was considered to be the dragon of destiny from every one. It kind of scared me that every one was giving me that label at the exact same time too. I had never wanted it, and my father had told me that I had to embrace it, and that I had to be leader for every one in the tribe, and all of the red dragons for that matter none the less.

I wanted to cry, as this was not the life that I had ever wanted. All of my friends had aspired to be the future leader of our tribe, but I had never really cared all too much about all of it, yet here I was, staring at the top of the cave thinking about the fact of not making a fool, or looking like a coward as a leader to a bunch of other red dragons, several years from back then.

I was not going to lie, though every one said that they were proud of what it was that I had become, I hated what I was now. I felt like I was a coward a lot of the time, though I knew that a lot of it was due to the fact of the thoughts that I let go through my head in the first place none the less. I knew that I was a strong dragon, and I had proven it time and time again.

I was not all too sure as to what it was that was going on with me at this very moment in time if I was not going to lie to my self. I had way too many thoughts going through my head, and I just wanted to be able to clear my mind, instead of be stuck in this sort of state of mind that I was in right now. It hurt my head, and I knew that I needed to focus on the task that was ahead of me for the next few days.

My father had told me that it would be quite a journey to the place that we were going to, as he had said, 'the world is a lot bigger than you think it is'. I knew that it was the case, though I had lived my entire life in a small little area that I was not allowed to leave. I felt like the day that I became a leader, I would not restrict dragons to one specific area.

I knew at the same time too, that my father had told me several times as to why we did that. As it was due to the fact that 'we don't want to cross paths with humans, or other tribes'. It was kind of annoying, as I wish that every one could just get along, but at the exact same time as well, I also knew that my father was right with what it was that he had said to me about all of it in the first place any ways.

I dipped my head a bit low to the ground all at once, as I closed my eyes, doing my best to clear out all of those thoughts. I knew what my mind needed to be focused on, as I knew that my father was going to head in the the cave not too long from now, to 'wake me up', so that we could get the long trek that was ahead of us started.

I was not going to lie to my self at the exact same time too, as I knew that though there was a part of me that was afraid, a part of me was also excited about all of this, and I kind of felt like I should have gotten a lot more sleep than the amount that I had got last night, as I knew that I was going to be having to fly a lot the next few days, and it was going to be very hard for me with me being this tired.

I shook off all of those thoughts, as I then figured that it was best to at least try to fall asleep, even if my father was going to come in to the cave and wake me up soon, as I knew that a little bit of sleep was still better than no sleep, as I knew it would give be just a little bit more energy to last a little bit longer for this long day that was about to be ahead of me none the less.

I was sure that I was going to sleep like a baby tomorrow no matter what, as I knew it was going to be a long journey to the place that we were going, just based off of the fact that my father had been gone for nearly 10 days for a reason. I really did not want to leave camp either, as I was sure they would be a bit freaked out knowing that both me and my father were gone.

Plus, I also felt a lot more safe at the camp, as even if we were in a war with the dragons, they did not know the tribal grounds that we stayed at, at least so I hoped, so we were at least safe for the moment. I was scared to go out in to the real world, out side of the grounds that we lived at, and the grounds that we had been at before. I know that we had been out of the grounds searching for a new home not too long ago, but that felt a lot different, due to the fact that I had the rest of the tribe with me through all of that, so it was a lot different than it was now.

I also there was the fact that I had been so lost in my head at the time, much like a lot of other dragons were, as they were thinking a lot of the past life that they had, and all of the dragons that we had lost at the same time too. I felt sick at the same time too, as I also did in fact remember that there had been another time that I had left the tribal grounds, and it was not all too long ago at the exact same time as well none the less.

Wiplan had caught me, and I had almost made a big mess of my self, but I was here now, and Wiplan still was yet to snitch to the tribe, so I felt just a little bit more safe knowing that. It also felt a lot different, when I was out side of the tribal grounds back then, as I had only been gone for just a little bit, and also the fact that I had not gone that far out of the grounds that we lived at, all the way back at camp.

I shook off all of those thoughts all at the exact same time too, as I knew that I should not be all too worried about us leaving the land, as I knew that my father was a very strong dragon, as I knew that first hand when I had to fight him not all too much long ago, and also the fact that I had been told a lot of stories about how strong my father was in the last war between dragons.

I let out a bit of a soft sigh all at once, as I turned my self a bit in my nest, as I felt a little bit safer now that I had all of those thoughts go through my head, as I was sure that we were going to be perfectly fine, and that nothing bad was going to happen to us at the exact same time as well. I knew that was the mind set that I should have with me, as I knew that I would be freaked out, on the quite fun journey that I knew I had in front of me.

I could not help but to put a little bit of a smile on my face, as I knew that this was the first time that I had actually been a bit excited for some thing in a very long time. The last few years had felt to be a bit of a hell hole if I was not going to lie, and at this point, I just wanted to get it all over with. This was some thing that I had not expected how ever, and those were always the best kind of surprises.

I knew that I was about to meet quite a few dragons that I had always looked up to whilst growing up, and I knew that I had to be strong at the exact same time too, as they were not the ones that I should be looking up to at all. I had to look up to my self, as I knew that was what all of them would be doing, as I was just about the last hope for all of the red dragons.

I gulped just a little bit to my self, as I shook off those thoughts once again. I felt like at some point soon, a was going to hear the paw steps on my father as he came in to the cave to try to wake me up, though I was already up at this point how ever. I knew I needed my sleep, and it then dawned on me just now worn out I even was at this very moment in time in the first place any ways none the less.

I nodded a bit to my self for some odd reason or another, as if this was some sort of test that I needed to push my self through, just to get a little bit of sleep. I let out quite a bit of a loud sigh all to my self all of the sudden, as I then began to start to feel my self falling in quite a bit of some heavy sleep none the less, as all of my thoughts went blank just as soon as I had.

I blinked, as I opened my eyes all of the sudden none the less, as I then looked at what it was that was all around me at this very moment in time. It was quite a bit hard for me to see, due to the fact that my eyes were quite a bit blurry at this very moment in time, as it usually was when I was first to wake up. For some reason though, I felt like I was not awake at all how ever, as it felt like some thing was not right at all.

I blinked just a few more times, a bit lost as to what it was that was going on with me at this very moment in time. I was not sure as to what it was that I was looking at, at this very moment in time, not where I was even at in the first place none the less, as I knew that I was not in the cave at all, due to the fact that it was quite a bit dark as to where it was that I was at, at this very moment in time.

I tilted my head a little bit, as I was not too sure as to what it was that was going on with me. I first had thought that I would wake up and see that I was still in the cave, and I also had thought that I would see the face of my father staring right at me none the less, but that was not the case at all how ever, as what I saw around me was quite a bit hard to see, and it was for sure not the cave walls.

If it were the cave walls, than unless I had not fallen asleep at all, than it should be bright at this point, due to the fact that it would be day time. That was not the case at all how ever, as I saw that it was still dark out side. I also noticed at the exact same time as well, that I was not even in the cave that I slept in every night, as I did not see any dragons around me at this very moment in time either.

No... I was in a much different place than all of that, as I saw that there were a lot of trees all around me. Surely I had not sleep walked all the way over to this spot right? None of this made sense, as even if I had done so, I still felt like it would be day time at this point for one thing, and also the other thing too, was the fact that I did not recognize these types of trees at all, meaning that I was not in my tribal grounds.

I shook off all of those thoughts all at once, as I had come to a little bit of a realization that I was in a dream at this point, which was a bit rare for me, as it felt like I had not got all too many dreams as of late, but this night seemed to be a little bit different for me. I let out a bit of an annoyed sigh all at the same time too none the less, as I just wanted to wake up and get on with my journey.

But I also knew at the exact same time too, that there had to be a reason as to why I was at this spot in the woods, as I not a clue as to what was going on at this very moment in time. I knew that there was always a reason, as I began to look all around me a little bit more, to hope to find some kind of answers to the question that I was asking my self at this very moment in time.

As I continued to stare all around me, I then began to hear voices start to speak up, as at first it kind of scared me, until I then began to realize that those were not the type of voices that should scare a dragon such as me at all. I rolled my eyes a little bit to my self, as I was not all too sure as to what it was that was going on with my all at the exact same time as well.

I blinked a few times, as I shook off all of those thoughts, as I then turned my head over to where I could hear the voices coming from in the first place. I looked over at the blank tree that was in front of me at this very moment in time, as that really did not show me all too much that might help me at all. I let out quite a bit of another annoyed sigh at the exact same time too, as I then just stared at it with a bit of a blank look on my face.

I did not want to be in this dream at this very moment, and I just wanted to wake up, but I kind of gave up on all of that, as I then shook off all of those thoughts, and I got my focus on the voices that were speaking at this very moment in time in the first place. I heard the voices, as I realized that they were the voices of red dragons. I was a bit lost, as it was kind of a first, but I began to listen as to what it was that they had to say in the very first place any ways.

"What are we going to do? We have to warn Himla! He is in a lot of trouble if we do not..." I heard the red dragon say to what I had to assume was another red dragon, just based off of the words that off of the words that the dragon had said in the first place. I was just a little bit lost as to what it was that the dragon had meant by it in the first place how ever, as I kind of could not help but to gulp as to what it was that they had said.

I had heard the name of my father, and that was the point that had seemed to stick out to me, but at the same time too, I was not all too sure as to what it was that the dragon had meant by what it was that they had said in the first place. I let out quite a bit of a sigh, as I really did not want to think too much in to detail as to what it was that they had said in first place any ways.

I knew that I probably should, just based off of the fact that the dragon had said to what ever other dragon that they were speaking to, that they needed to warn my father. I was not all too sure as to what it was that they were trying to warn him of how ever, as I felt like it had to be some thing that needed to be important surely, if they had used to word, warn, in the sentence that they had said.

I gulped just a little bit, as I dipped my head to the ground all at once. I wish that I could go and walk over to the dragons, to see who it was that was speaking for one thing, and the dragons that were even there with each other in the first place. I did not want to be at this spot that I was in right now, and it kind of stressed me out quite a bit if I was not going to lie to my self.

I shivered just a little bit all of the sudden, trying my best to shake off all of those thoughts from my head, as I felt like there was some thing that was very important that was going on all at the same time as well none the less, but it kind of felt like I was missing the bigger picture, which I was not sure as to what even was the bigger picture either way I tried to think on it.

I let out a sigh to my self once again, as I then began to hear another voice begin to speak up, back to the other dragon that had just said what it was that they had just said in the first place. I tilted my head just a little bit, trying to get my focus on what it was that was going on, and what it was that the other dragon had to say back to the first one that had spoken not too long ago.

It felt like an eery bit of silence, as the dragon had simply only said one word in response, which I had missed what it was that they had said. Surely it could not be all too much important if it had just been one word right? It turned out that I seemed to in fact be correct with that assumption, as I then began to hear the same dragon continue with where it was that they had left off in speaking, as I then listened as to what it was that they even had to say in the first place at the exact same time too.

"We can't though... We are stuck here... We just have to pray to what ever is up there listening to us, that he goes with what he said about it being a fair fight... Though... I am fairly certain he is lying about it... He's good at that..." The dragon said back, as I was a bit lost on what it was that they had said in the first place, as I was certain that I had not missed any thing, as I was sure that they were still talking about my father.

I just was not all too sure as to what it was that they had meant in the first place? Was this a memory, that I was going back on, about the fact that my father had to kill the father of his best friend, Plyma? I was not all too sure about all of it if I was not going to lie, as I let out quite a bit of a soft sigh, and I shook off all of those thoughts all at the exact same time as well.

I was not all too certain as to what it was that was going on at this very moment in time, as it was kind of freaking me out just a little bit if I was not going to lie. I was a bit afraid as to the fact that they had said the words fight, around the same time that they had brought up my father. I was fairly certain at this point how ever, that this had to be some sort of memory.

I was not all too sure how ever, and I felt like I could not be all too certain none the less, as either way that I looked at it, I knew that there had to be a reason that I had got my self stuck in this dream any ways. There was some thing that was important, just as there always was when I got stuck in a dream such as the one that I was in at this very moment in time none the less.

I wish that I could move around, to see as to who it was that was talking, but sadly that was not the case at all right now, as things were kind of stuck the way that they were right now, like it or not. I gulped just a little bit, as I then shook off all of those thoughts all at once, once again, as I kept my focus back on the voices of the dragons that were speaking to each other at this very moment in time.

I could hear the first dragon speaking back to the 2nd one that had just spoke, but I was not all too sure as to what it was that they were saying in the first place any ways how ever, as it seemed like they had all of the sudden became quiet, as if they were worried that some one was listening in on the conversation that they were having at this very moment in time.

It kind of annoyed me, as I was in fact trying to listen as to what it was that they were trying to say back to one another, but it was just a little bit hard for me to do so how ever, due to the fact that they were being so quiet. I did my best to keep my ears open, but it still was hard for me to hear any ways, as it sounded like they were whispers at this point now, as I gave up trying to do such, after just a little while longer.

I dipped my head a little bit low to the ground, as I was about ready to get my self out of this dream that I was stuck in, at this very moment in time, as I then began to close my eyes all at the same time too. Just as I did so how ever, my eyes blinked open in a flash, due to the fact that I heard a voice began to speak to me, as I heard my name brought up. I was a little bit lost, as I looked all around me, to see where the voice was coming from.

The voice seemed to be quite a bit familiar thankfully this time, which I was still not all too sure if that were a good or a bad thing. I looked all around me for some time, as I still did not see the dragon that was talking to me any where. I shivered a little bit, as I was about to give up, until I heard the loud voice begin to speak in to my ear once again, and I had not a choice but to listen as to what it was that the voice had to say to me any ways.

"Jangra! Wake up! We've got to go now, I have let you sleep enough." I heard the voice say to me, as it did not take me all too long to realize that it was the voice of my father that had just spoke to me any ways. I was a little bit lost by it, as I really did not have a clue as to what was going on at this very moment in time, as I was not all too sure as to where the voice was coming from any ways.

I still was a bit freaked out by that, as I gave up looking around for not all too much more time, as the voice did not seem to be coming from a specific direction at all, at this very moment in time, as it instead seemed to be coming from all around me, which freaked me out even more, due to the fact that I did not have much of a clue as to what was happening right now.

I blinked a few times, as I wondered if the dragons that were whispering to one another from not all too far away, could hear what it was that I had heard, but when I tried to get my focus back on them once again, such as I had not too long ago, I realized that it was dead silent, as it was clear that they had all of the sudden began to stop speaking to one another for some odd reason or another.

I was a little bit lost as to what it was that was going on at this very moment in time, as I kind of felt like I should give up on all of this now, as it was clear to me that I was not going to learn any thing from all that was going on with me at this very moment in time. It was a waste of my own time to even try to figure out what the hell was happening right now, so it was best to not waste my brain state.

My brain state seemed to be in a little bit of some over drive at this very moment in time, as I seemed to be a bit more aware of my surroundings, though I still did not have much of a clue as to where I had heard the voice speak to me from in the first place, as I felt like I should just give up now, as it was a waste of my time to even try to figure it out.

I sighed a bit to my self, as I kept my head a bit low to the ground, and I got my focus off of all that was going on at this very moment in time, as I then began to close my eyes. I felt some thing begin to push up against me all of the sudden, which did not help me all that my right now, but I did my best to not open my eyes to see what it was, as I then finally seemed to start to wake up from this dream.

It was a little bit dark still, as I could tell due to the fact that I could not see any sort of sun light through my eye lids. I was a bit lost by it as well, as I had 2 different dreams last night, as well as the fact that I had also been up a lot of the night. It seemed like the dark hours went by a lot longer than they usually did this time of the year, even if we were in fact in the middle of the cold season none the less.

I shook off all of those thoughts all at once how ever, as I then began to realize as to the reason that it was still a little bit dark out side at this very moment in time any ways, as I remembered the my father had told me that he was going to be getting me up to start our journey before the rest of the tribe got up early in the morning. It made sense, though I was sure that he had not counted in the fact that I was not going to get all too much sleep, with the 'journey' stuck in my thoughts.

I sighed a bit to my self, as I had not even opened my eyes yet, and I still felt worn out, like I did not want to get up, as if I wanted to go back in to that strange dream that I had just been having not all too long before now in the first place any ways. I did not want to do that how ever, and I knew it, so I suppose that I should just get my self up any ways, and get this long few days started.

I opened my eyes, and I blinked a few times, as the first thing that I seemed to see, was my father staring right in to my eyes. It kind of freaked me out all at once if I was not going to lie, as I was not used to waking up to a dragon staring right in to my eyes, before I had the chance to even open my own eyes. I suppose that I should not be too freaked out how ever, as I did in fact remember as to the fact that he had been the one to wake me up in the first place.

I remember hearing his voice in the dream that I had just had, and for some odd reason at the same time too, the dream that I had just had seemed to be very important to me, but the memories of the dream were fading from my head so fast, it felt like there was nothing that I could do at all to try to stop them, as I let out a bit of a sigh to my self, and I shook off all of those thoughts all at once as well.

I looked at my father for just a few moments, as I saw quite a bit of a blank look on his face, as if he had not a clue as to what it was that was going on at this very moment in time, even though he was the one that had woken me up from my dream in the first place. I tilted my head a him, as I was quite a bit lost on what it was that was going on right now, if I was not going to lie to my self.

I blinked my eyes, as he seemed to just continue to stare at me, with that same blank look on his face, as if he had all of the sudden seemed to forget as to the reason that he had woken me up so early in the morning in the first place, as I looked behind my father, to see that it was still a bit dark out side, even if I could see that there was a little bit of light coming up out side.

It seemed to be that he might have slept in a bit more than he should have as well, as it was not normal for him at all, as he, unlike me still, was used to not getting all too much sleep, due to the fact that he was the leader of the tribe, and it seemed like to him, that he had to stay up at all times. I suppose I could not blame him for it how ever, especially at the times that we had our selves stuck in right now.

I shook off all of those thoughts all at once, as it seemed like I was starting to get like my father was at this very moment as well none the less, as I got my focus back on to what it was that we were doing at this very moment in time, as I saw that he was still staring at me. I squinted my eyes at my father, as if I was all of the sudden the leader, as I saw that he seemed to notice it at the exact same time too, as I saw that now it was his turn to blink his own eyes, as if for some odd reason or another, he had not a clue as to what it was that we were doing.

I wondered if he did in fact remember as to what it was that we were doing, or if he had all of the sudden seemed to change his mind, which would in fact be a bit of a disappointment to me if that were in fact the case in the first place as well. I shook off all of those thoughts how ever, as I got my focus back on all that was going on right now, as I still could not help but wonder if that was the case, due to the fact that he had in fact woken my up later than I had expected him to.

I kept my head tilted at my father for just a little bit longer, as I then all of the sudden decided to nod to my father, to let him know that I was about to speak to him, but also, at the exact same time as well, it was to make sure that he was paying attention to me. Fortunately enough as well, he luckily seemed to be, even if he had a blank look on his face, as he then nodded back to me, letting me know that it was safe for me to speak up to him. I looked at him in his eyes for just a little bit longer, as I did in fact begin to speak to him.

"So... Are we still going to go to the place that you told me about, to go and meet those dragons?" I said to him, to make sure that he had heard what it was that I had just said to him, as I was still a bit worried that he was in fact still lost in his head. My father blinked his eyes a few more times once again, as it was clear that he had heard what it was that I had just said to him, though he seemed to be a little bit out of it, as I had to assume that he too had just woken up at the exact same time as well none the less. I rolled my eyes a bit to my self, as I got my eyes on the the back ground scenery, as I saw that it was in fact starting to get bright out, and pretty soon from now, I was sure that a lot of the dragons were going to start to wake up, and notice that their leader was in fact here with them, which would garner a lot of attention, which I did not want. I nodded a little bit to my self all at once, as I knew that I had to make this quick, as I then continued to speak to my father. "Why did we wake up so late?"

I looked at him for just a few moments, as I saw the same blank look that I had seen from him a few moments ago, as I wondered if he had even heard a word that I had said to him in the first place. I let out quite a heavy sigh, as I felt like I should just give up on all of this at this point in time, as it kind of felt like that it was no use to even keep on trying at this point.

I was in fact quite a bit worn out, and I wondered if I should try to fall back to sleep, and just get on with another day of training with the rest of my group that I was in. I shook off all of those thoughts all at once how ever, as it came back to me once again, as to the reason that I was awake so early in the morning in the first place, as I let out a bit of a soft sigh to my self all at once none the less.

I was not all too sure as to what was going on with my father if I was going to be honest with my self, as it seemed like he had some thing in his head. I was not all too sure as to what it was how ever. I usually just assumed that it was some thing to do with all of the lives that we had lost, including his son's, and my own brothers that one day as well.

It still made me feel quite a bit sick to even think back on all of that, as I shook off all of those thoughts all at once. If I was going to be honest with my self, it was more likely the fact that we were going to go to war with a dragon that he had once called his best friend. I could not help but to feel a bit bad for him for that, though I was not sure how he still could not hate his best friend for it.

He had led to the death of so many good dragons, and innocent dragons, as well as humans for that matter, though I was not all too sure how much humans played a factor in all I was thinking how ever. I felt like my father had to get over all of that at some point, just like he had to get over the death of my brother, as he had a tribe to lead, and we had a war to win.

I nodded to my self all at once, as I then all of the sudden got my focus off of all of that, as I saw that my father lifted his head up to me finally, as it seemed like he might have actually heard as to what it was that I had said in the first place none the less. He blinked his eyes at me at the exact same time as well, as I let out quite a bit of a sigh of relief all of the sudden, as I was glad that it seemed that he had finally woken up.

My father looked at me for just a few moments as well, as he then all of the sudden began to nod to me. I blinked my own eyes a few times this time how ever, as I waited just a few moments, but in the end, I then did in fact nod right back over to him, letting him know that it was safe for him to speak back to me, as if I was the one that should be the one the be worried about right now. I shook off all of those thoughts how ever, as I then began to hear my father start to speak up to me, as I then listened as to what it was that he had to say in the first place to me any ways.

"Yes... We ought to be heading off now..." He said to me, as if he had not even a clue as to what it was that he had said in the first place, just based off of the fact that he had his eyes on the ceiling of the cave. I rolled my eyes just a bit to my self, as I felt like I was about ready to give up at this point. I was not all too sure as to what was up with Himla at this very moment in time, if I was going to be completely honest with my self.

Some thing was wrong with him, and I had noticed it when he had come back from meeting the other red dragon tribe leaders. He just seemed to be off, as if he had some thing that he had stuck in his head, but he did not even want to tell even the ones that he trusted the most as to what it was that it could be. I dipped my head a little bit low to the ground, as I was about to give up at this point.

I was tempted to ask him if he could just wait a few days, so that he could get a little bit of rest, but at the same time too, I knew that was a bit of some greedy thinking, as I knew that all of the red dragons had stayed back, and that they were waiting for us to come back, so that they could then meet me after all of it. I my head a bit low to the ground, as I was not all too sure as to what it was that I was thinking at this very moment in time.

I was not all too sure as to what it was that I should do at this point, as it kind of felt like all of the sudden, that I was the father, and that Himla was the son. Expect I was not at all how ever, and I really was not acting like it, as I had not made the first step in all of this. A lot of that had to do with the fact that I had not a clue as to where it was that we were supposed to go how ever.

I would just have to be making assumptions, and frankly, I was not all too sure if my father was going to follow me, or if it might wake him up from the slump that he had got him self in already today. I felt a bit sick, as I really was not all too sure as to what it was that I was supposed to do if I was going to be honest with my self once again, as I just wanted to get this over with at this point, as I no longer really felt all too much excited about the fact that I was going to go and meet some legendary dragons.

I shook off all of those thoughts at the same time too how ever, as I then suddenly nodded to my self, as I saw that my father had now turned his head away from me. I was not sure if that were due to the fact that he was still a bit lost, and be did not want me to see him lost, or if it were due to the fact that he was now ready to go ahead and take the lead for us.

I really was not all too sure, as I saw that he was staring out side of the big cave that we were in right now, as I saw that it was simply just a bunch of trees, as there was not all too much for him to be looking at right now. I let out quite a bit of a heavy sigh once again, as I was just about ready to give up on my father at this point, as it was kind of starting to feel a little bit pointless now, as he was lost.

Or so, I thought he was, as I all of the sudden, to my surprise none the less, saw him turn his head to me all of the sudden, as he looked at me straight in to my eyes. I was a bit shocked by it, but I did my best to stay strong. I looked right back in to his eyes, as I saw that he no longer had the same blank look on his face that I had seen not all too long ago from now.

I was glad for it as well, as I let out a bit of a soft sigh of relief. I kept my gaze and my focus on him for just a little bit longer, as I saw him all of the sudden nod to me, which I kind of was lost as to what it was that he was even getting at in the first place at the same time too, as I saw that he had now all of the sudden turned his head back away from me, and he had his eyes back on all of the trees that were past the big clearing of the tribal grounds.

I was about to give up once again, until he then began to start to move. I was a bit shocked, and a bit lost as to what it was that was going on at first, until it all of the sudden began to hit me, as to what it was that was going on right now, and what it was that he was even doing in the first place. I saw that he was going quite a bit fast, as he flapped his wings to fly in to the air, as soon as he got out of the cave.

I began to run as fast as I could, to catch up to him, as soon as I realized just what it was that he was doing, even if I was in fact quite a bit worn out at this very moment in time, I did my best to keep my head held up high, and stay strong through all of this. I was not too far behind him luckily, as soon as I had gone up in to the air, and seen just where it was that he was going over to in the first place.

I looked over at him for just a few moments, as I could see him flying off in the distance. I rolled my eyes a bit to my self, as I then began to follow him, going a bit faster than normal, so that I was able to catch up to him in the first place as well. I shivered, as I knew at the exact same time too, that this was going to be a very rough next few days no matter what.

It turned out that I was right with all that I had thought, as it had in fact been a very rough last few days, as each day seemed to pass, I got more and more worn out. We seemed to nearly be flying as fast as we could all day every day, and we some times went through over half of the night, as my father seemed to be in quite a bit of a rush, as if he was worried that he might be late to all of the dragons.

I let out a sigh at the exact same time too, as I knew that my father had told me earlier this morning that we were very close to the place. I felt like he was lying about all of that how ever, as he just wanted me to stay strong, and keep on moving on. I was so worn out, and I had been tempted to give up several times, but my father kept on pushing me, and pestering me to keep moving forward.

I had no other choice but to do so, as I knew that he could not leave me behind, as the whole reason for this was for all of the dragons to meet me, and to give me advice, as well as plans for what it was that we were going to do in the war. I nodded a bit to my self at the same time too, as I knew that I had to stay strong, as I knew that I was going to be tested some day.

What was I talking about? This really was not all that much of a test at all, as I had been through a lot worse as it was at this point, and I was sure that it was going to get a lot worse in the near future none the less too. I let out a bit of a soft sigh to my self, as I knew that the only thing that was wrong with me at this very moment, was that I was so tired, and I wanted to get some sleep.

My father said that as soon as we met up with all of the other dragons, and spoke to them, that he would let me rest for a few days, which I was quite a bit grateful for as well, as I felt like I was about to fall down to the ground at any moment now, with how worn out I was. I let out a bit of a groan, as I then did my best to try to shake off all of those thoughts all at once, at the exact same time as well.

It seemed to do a bit of a decent job none the less, as I got my ears, and my eyes focused on what was going on at this very moment in time, which was of course, the fact that we were flying up in to the sky, and that I felt the wind blowing across my skin. I normally would be happy with that, as it did in fact feel good, but if I was going to be honest with my self, it really only made me feel even more tired, and made me just want to lay down and get some rest.

I shook off all of those thoughts at the exact same time as well how ever, as I knew that I could not do such a thing, as I had far too much laying on my back at this very moment in time. I kept my eyes on what was going on ahead of me all at once none the less, as I then all of the sudden saw that my father had a big smile on his face for some odd reason or another.

I tilted my head, as I was a little bit lost as to what was going on with him, and what it was that he was even thinking about at this very moment in time. I kept on going how ever, as I knew that I had to keep my focus on that, but at the same time as well how ever, that really did not seem to last all that much longer at all, as I saw that my father had all of the sudden stopped.

I had not a clue as to what it was that was going on at this very moment in time, if I was going to be completely honest, as I stared at my father, and I stopped not too far behind him. My father stared below him for just a few moments, and then he turned his head over to me all of the sudden. I still was quite a bit lost on what it was that was going on at this very moment, but he did in fact all of the sudden nod to me.

I squinted my eyes at him, as I was still a bit lost by it, but in the end, I did in fact nod right back over to him, as I was still a bit interested in what it was that he had to say to me in the first place. My father kept the big smile on his face, as he then let out a heavy sigh all at once none the less. I was a bit lost by it, but luckily I did not have to think on it for too much longer, as he then began to finally speak up to me, as I then listened as to what it was that he had to say.

"We are here Jangra..." He said to me, as he kept the same big smile on his face all at once as well. I was a bit lost by it, as I thought on it for just a few moments, and then it all of the sudden hit me, as to what it was that he had even said to me in the first place, as I blinked my eyes at him. He was not lying when he had told me that it was not all too much further, and I was glad for it as well, as now that I knew that we were safe, it then began to dawn on me even more than it had before, as to just how tired I was in the first place. I shivered as I did my best to try to stay strong all at once, as I then let out quite a bit of a sigh, and I then nodded back to him, to let him know that I had in fact heard as to what it was that he had just said to me. I was relieved, as I dipped my head a little bit low to the ground all at once. How ever, it did not seem like my father was done just yet, as I then all of the sudden heard his voice speak to me once again. I let out a bit of a soft sigh, but I lifted my head back up to him, and I then got my focus on him once again, as I listened as to what it was that he had to say to me in the first place. "It's just down there, so you need to follow me down..."

I looked at my father for just a few moments, as I kept quite a bit of a blank look on my face, as if I had not heard a word that he had just said to me. I kind of felt a bit bad for it, but if I was not going to lie to my self, I did in fact kind of feel blank at this very moment in time, as I was more ready at this point to get this over with, so that I could get some sleep, more than I was ready to be excited as to the fact that I was about to meet a bunch of the dragons that I had always viewed as inspirations.

I still kept those thoughts in my head all at once, as I then nodded to my father, to let him know that I had heard as to what it was that he had said. I knew that he was worried that I would not follow him, due to the fact that I was so worn out, but that was not the case at all how ever, as I more just wanted to follow him, so that I could get all of this over with, and I could get some sleep for a few nights.

My father kept his eyes squinted at me for just a little bit longer, but as he saw that I was serious with what it was that I had just done, he let out another heavy sigh, as he then turned his head away from me, and back down to the ground, over to the clearing that I now saw beneath me, that it was clear that he was talking about. I saw him begin to dip him self down at the exact same time as well, as I was some how quick to follow him down there none the less as well.

It did not take long for us to get down on to the ground, which I was not all too sure if that were due to me going fast, which I felt might not be true at this very moment in time, or if it were due to the fact that time seemed to go so fast, as to the fact that I was so worn out right now. I frankly was not all too certain if I was going to make it through this entire meeting if I was going to be completely honest with my self.

I shook off those thoughts how ever, all at once, as I let out quite a bit of a heavy sigh at the exact same time too, as I then got my eyes on what it was that was around us all of the sudden. I expected to see a bunch of massive red dragon leaders staring down at me, but that was not the case at all how ever as I instead saw that the clearing was empty, and it was dead silent, which seemed to be quite a bit strange to me all at once as well.

What seemed to be even more strange to me, was the fast that the clearing seemed to be oddly familiar, which I was not all too sure as to what that was about at the same time either, as I tried to think on why it might be so familiar to me. I blinked a few times, as I stared at the trees that were in front of me, as it seemed like those trees were familiar to me none the less too, even though they seemed to just be some normal trees that did not seem to stand out at all to me.

It then all of the sudden hit me, as to what it was, as I gulped loudly all at the same time too. I in fact had been here before I but it was a little bit different in what it was. I had been here in a dream... A dream that I had a few nights ago, as it all of the sudden was coming back to me all at once, as to what it was that had gone on in that dream in the first place, as I remembered them saying some thing about a fight with my father.

I was a bit lost by it, as I felt like I should say some thing to Himla at the exact same time too, to let him know about it, as I kind of regretted not saying some thing about the night that it had happened, as for some odd reason or another, it had either managed to escape my memory, which would not be a first, or it had just not seemed all too much important to me, which also would not be a first at the exact same time as well, as I some times thought of important things as no big deal at all.

It was a bad mind set to have, but I really could not help it all too much, as I often was not sure what was important, and what was not. I shook off all of those thoughts all at once how ever, as I got my eyes back on my father all at the exact same time as well, as I knew that I needed to tell him about it before it was too late for him. I stared at my father for just a few moments, as if I expected him to turn his eyes to me, all at the exact same time too.

He did not do such a thing how ever, as I saw that his eyes were not focused on me at all right now, as he was looking all around us, with his eyes squinted, as if there was some thing that seemed to be a little bit off to him. It was clear to me that he noticed it to, which made me feel like I needed to tell him about the dream even more now. I nodded to my self, as I gave up on trying to get his attention, as I then all of the sudden began to speak up to him all at the exact same time as well.

"Himla... I've been to this place in a dream before... They were talking about you in the dream..." I said to him, as I waited for him to turn his head over to me, as I was fairly certain that I had been plenty loud enough for him to hear as to what it was that I had said to him in the first place. Himla did not seem to have heard me how ever, as I saw that his eyes were still locked on to the surroundings that were all around us at this very moment in time.

I let out a bit of a soft sigh, as I felt like if he had even heard what it was that I had said, than he might turn his head over to me, and be might be upset that I had not told him about it before. I was kind of glad that he had not heard as to what it was that I had said to him, the more that I began to start to think on it, at the exact exact same time as well.

I dipped my head a bit low to the ground, as I felt like I should just give up at this point, as there really was no use in trying any more. I had not a clue as to what was going on, or where all of the red dragons were supposed to be at, that my father had told me about, and had said that they had been waiting on us. I wondered if they might have just left, due to the fact that they had thought that we were taking far too long to get over to the place that they were waiting for us at.

I felt like that was not the case at all how ever, as surely they knew that this was a war, and this was some thing that we needed to take serious, right? I shivered a little bit, as I shook off all of those thoughts all at the exact same time as well. I still could not help but to feel all at once, that there was for sure some thing odd in the air, and that there was some thing that was not right at all.

Maybe that was just me having negative thinking, but I felt like I could not help but to think that way, due to the fact that we were in a war at this very moment in time, and there were a bunch of red dragon leaders huddled up. What if one of them had betrayed all of them? I was not all too sure about all of it, as I kind of just wanted to leave all of this, and go back home, as it kind of felt like this entire journey had been all for nothing, as we seemed to not be getting any thing out of it.

I shook off all of those thoughts at the exact same time as well how ever, as I then saw my father lift his arm up in to the air for some odd reason or another, as it was clear that he was telling me to be quiet, even though the last time that I had spoke had been a few moments ago. I was a bit lost as to why he was doing that in the first place at the exact same time as well how ever.

That was of course, until it all of the sudden hit me, as I heard quite a bit of some noise from not too far behind us, as it was a bit of a natural instinct, as to the fact that I turned my head around all of the sudden, to see what was going on. I jumped back all of the sudden as I saw that what was behind us was a dragon. A large purple dragon for that matter, as the purple dragon began to speak up, and I had no other choice but to hear what it was that he had to say at the same time too.

"Well... Hello my friend..."