Exposing the Arc Knight’s Secret

Dyne was so happy.

He now has his first Einherjar. This romance was practically impossible. But now, he has it.

"Good things happen if we keep believing." So Dyne decided to use this as his new personal motto and abandon the outdated 'Live, Laugh, Kill Terrorists.'

The Revenant was confused at her words.

"I am a Valkyrion! I can carry the souls of beings like you. And I am offering you the chance to be my fighter. You can even control Wraiths! This is an amazing thing! So join me and help me! Let us fight! Soon, I can even grant you life!" Dyne smiled.

"Master Dyne? Is it true?!" Ussylys asked.

"Yes. Her soul is preserved. While I cannot bring a dead soul back, a powerful soul that does not want to pass on the can! Especially with Jedo! Hey, Jedo! You finally have some awesome use! You can store my Einherjar!"

Jedo felt like weeping. He was a Ra-Seru, and all he was good for was transporting and containing dead souls.

Emera was confused. But the joy of seeing her brother alive was already diminishing the darkness in her, and she felt like she would pass on as a soul any time soon. Yet, regardless of her soul cultivation, she was just a girl. And the appearance of her brother and her restored memories somehow began to affect her thoughts and drive.

Dyne had noticed it and smiled.

The vision before her changed.

The dead bodies of Ussylys and Emera's father and mother could be seen, and how Ussylys was there weeping. Unfortunately, the body of Emera was never found.

The sudden change in sight shocked Emera and Ussylys.

Even Arya felt deep anger rising as the scene was very similar to the deaths of her family.

"Now now, little girl. I'm showing you something your father showed me." Dyne smiled. When he was absorbing the memories in the painting that Ussylys had drawn of Emera, he saw this vision.

Emera's portrait was very beautiful. Dyne knew that Ussylys painted this to the best of his ability to preserve his memories of each member. Emera's painting contained one of the most precise and most vivid memories of the scene that Ussylys saw when he found his family dead.

Only Emera was missing, and this was even more painful for Ussylys.

"This is what nearly drove your brother insane. Your parents were brutally killed. Your father's soul sought me out and asked me to help. He wanted me to find you. You see, the Serpentari wanted to turn your brother into their soldier. They must have noticed that your brother had the potential to become a Berserker. So they chose this rather cruel method. They killed your parents like this for Ussylys to discover and kidnapped you. It was assumed that you would be dead, but they never left the body. This was all part of the plan to harness the anger in your brother." Dyne explained.

"And you are not the only victim. This other woman, Arya, has the same experience.

"Those that killed your family… are the same that killed mine! The wounds, the attacks, and how they were tortured all look the same. If you serve master Dyne, he can find our killer and punish him!" Arya voiced out.

"But as Valkyrion, I will demand compensation. I will give you the chance to live, but your drive must never waver. You will serve me!" Dyne gave Emera an intense look.

The scene behind Dyne continued again and again.

Emera's expression had turned dark when Dyne changed the vision. And now, her anger was at its max.

"I will serve Valkyrion Dyne!" Emera vowed.

"Good. Then allow me to absorb you. Jedo. I'm counting on you." Dyne smiled as he walked over to Emera and placed his hands which had Jedo, over her hair.

"Order your wraiths also to submit. Gather them." Dyne ordered.

"Yes, Valkyrion!" Emera raised her hand, and all the wraiths in the room began to gather.

"Jedo, absorb everything. The darkness here has a strange absorbing power. It's similar to Calamitus's powers. I'm guessing it's the wraith's ability to absorb using their darkness. This could be a good reference for you to learn how to absorb powers and strengthen me. I want you to become a Ra-Seru that can devour and absorb the energy for my own just like Calamitus Slime can." Dyne ordered.

Jedo did so without complaining. The power of the Ra-Seru began to devour the darkness that was gathering around them because Dyne did the chant of the wizards to gather the dark energy.

The room was suddenly devoid of the eerie darkness.

The wraiths and Emera all disappeared.

"Emera?" Ussylys was confused.

"Relax. She's here." Dyne smiled and used his powers to bring out Emera.

Emera suddenly appeared, but her expression was ghastly pale.

"Valkyrion!" Emera shouted in fear.

"What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost. Get it?" Dyne smiled and turned to Arya, happy with his pun.

"Valkyrion! A demon! A- A- the demon is inside! And a reaper creature of terrifying darkness!"

"Oh! That. Yeah. I captured an Afarit, and as you can see, I was torturing it like how you were tortured."

"The- Demon? You caught it?"


"What about the reaper! That aspect of darkness?!"

"He's this guy." Dyne pointed to Jedo.

"And what aspect of darkness? This guy cries like a little girl." Dyne laughed.

"Oof!" Strafe couldn't help but cringe at Dyne's unfiltered comment.

Jedo was crying again, and water began to emerge from the Ra-Seru.

"Anyway, we have to hurry. Emera will stay inside this place."

"Master Valkyrion, can I not join you out here?" Emera didn't want to enter Jedo's soul space.

"You have to go back. You're very powerful. With all your wraiths, you could have killed some of these vampires if you fought them. Because of that, your soul power will get noticed by people. That's why you have to hide. How about this… You're afraid of the demon, right?"


"Then torture it. The best way to get over your fear is to face it. Jedo, you take over. Have her slice that Afarit's chest or something." Dyne recommended.

"Alright," Jedo answered.

Emera, who finally heard Jedo's voice, was startled.

"That was…!"

"That was the reaper, Jedo. He'll be like your senior or something. Just call him Senior Disciple."

"He's… my senior?"

"Yeah. He's learning stuff from me. And he wants me to resurrect his beloved. Her soul's in that body of his. Creepy, right? I get carrying an urn or something. But since Jedo is a soul being, carrying the dead soul of his girlfriend is like me dragging the dead body of my father around? Way creepy."

Jedo wanted to argue but couldn't find the logic to match Dyne's statements.

Emera finally decided to move inside.

With the darkness, the Afarit was allowed to recover a bit of his strength… only to be tortured by a little girl.

Dyne began to ransack the entire building and took all important items inside.

Many weapons, armors, books, illegal herbs, poisons, and the like were found.

Dyne took everything while he continued to change the plan of how they would make the massacre of the Arc Knights work to their advantage.

Arya was outfitted with a new armor as they found a unique dark garb useful for assassins.

After making the preparations, the group finally initiated the plan.

Several knights and monks and other soldier classes of the kingdom were marching around the area outside. The reports of the assassin alerted them as more and more deaths were discovered.

"What of the Arc Knights? We need their help! Call Captain Greuller!"

"Sir… The Captain is busy. We saw Usserfer the Berserker barge his way here. Usserfer seemed to have carried a dying boy inside." The knight reported.

"What? Why?"

"We don't know. But it's been several minutes since they went in. Captain Greuller gave orders that we are not to approach since they seemed to have done something that caused Usserfer to get mad."

"That madman is more of a problem than a blessing! At least the Arc Knights should be able to resist his insanity."


The main doors of the Arc Knight's building exploded.

Wraiths suddenly appeared and gave their loud screeches.

"Dead! Dead! They're all dead! Help!" Usserfer ran out in great terror.

A figure emerged from the shadows. Wraiths were gathering around the cloaked figure.

"You think your little vampires can defeat me?!" The sound of several people echoed out together. It sounded as if a boy and a girl were talking together, but masking their words were the wailing cries of the wraiths.

"Tell your master, the Serpentari, that our master, Afarit Mephisto, will win this war!" The cloaked figure laughed as a bright light exploded out and blinded everyone.

The cloaked figure disappeared when everyone managed to recover from the blindness.

"I have to tell my master! Knights! Go! Inside! The arc knights! They have all been killed! That strange being that controlled the wraiths killed them! Hurry! There are intruders in our land!" Ussylys shouted as he began to sprint away.

The knights looked at each other at first and suddenly moved to go inside the room.

But some of the people there had a very surprised expression. Someone or something was there to attack the Serpentari!

As the chaos exploded all the more as they discovered that all the Arc Knights were dead, the panic in the castle became even more chaotic. Aside from the deaths of the Arc Knights, the bodies of these knights that were attacked by wraiths had a body that startled everyone.

Along with the Arc Knight death reports, news spread that the Arc Knights serving under Captain Gruelle and Gruelle himself were, in fact, vampires!