The Heart of Nox

The moment Strafe heard Dyne's declaration. He finally realized why Dyne was so motivated.

"Of course! It's that game!" Strafe realized.

The more a person is motivated and committed to achieving something, they go through their limits and do daring things that result in success.

And Dyne was not just motivated. He was obsessed.

He harnessed the power of Brimstone and was driven by his great hedonistic desires and somehow tapped on a stronger power.

Strafe watched and couldn't help but tremble. This drive was what made most Dark Brimstone users powerful. Their obsession with pleasing themselves made them powerful cultivators.

"What game?" Jedo couldn't help but ask. He was amazed as Dyne had little need for his help. All that Jedo was doing was harnessing the dark powers to devour and absorb the lightning.

"You remember his obsession with Diablo, right?"

"Yes. He had shown me some of that on those naps he took during those carriage travels."

"Diablo was a household game that Blizzard introduced. But there was a contender that a rival game company produced. At that time, Blizzard was king in the RTS department with their WarCraft and StarCraft games. But their rival, Westwood, also gave amazing games that also became popular. Those were the Command and Conquer and the Red Alert series that Dyne had the chance to play. But the game they created, dubbed a Diablo Clone, was something that Dyne loved equally to Diablo, and he managed to replay it three times, playing all three classes the MC can have when he was young. That game was Nox!"

"Nox? So what is the Heart of Nox?"

"Nox was the land where the protagonist of the game was isekai'd to. The game was centered on the main character fighting a necromancer, and he had to build a powerful weapon known as the Staff of Oblivion. It consisted of several parts that the player had to collect in his adventure. The Halberd of Horrendous, the Heart of Nox, the Weirdling, and the Orb of Oblivion."

"Then the Heart of Nox is the second item, and the Halberd of Horrendous is Grim?"

"Yes! Grim already can form a spear or halberd form! And what's interesting is that in the game, the Halberd gains the power of Shock when combined with the Heart of Nox! That is why Dyne became so obsessed! He is creating an Elemental Soul Seed but is forcing Grim to have a lightning element!"


"It would be if he didn't have you! Dyne wields both Brimstone, Time/Space, and Dark! And using the two opposing elements, he is creating an Elemental Spirit Seed that is being pulled further from Fire to become Lightning!"

"That's insane!" Jedo exclaimed. This would make Grim the first Ra-Seru-like being that would have multiple elements!

"It is! But you have to help him! Brimstone Cultivators are powerful because of this! Those who cultivated to Sainthood could do things! Don't underestimate their will!"

The electric energy continued to attack Grim and Dyne.

Gyoro and Ururun's bodies began to show signs of burning.

"Hide now! You did good!" Dyne smiled.

The two dragons hid in the Monster's hive. They had been taking in a huge part of the electric attack.

The chocobos shouted once more and harnessed an even more powerful bolt of electricity.

Blood was breaking out of Dyne's body, and Arya began to shoot at the Chocobo as she noticed Dyne's condition.


A loud sound resounded throughout the cave as arrows struck the force field. Yet the force field of the Chocobos managed to resist it.

"Not yet!" Dyne shouted.

"Wait for me to drain their energy!"

Arya frowned and readied her bow and moved closer, and jumped on top of the rocks that Dyne erected earlier.

She then began to harness her force power to fuel her arrow.

Dyne didn't stop her but focused on resisting.

Suddenly, white energy surged behind Dyne.

Rena used her magic to heal Dyne. And what was amazing was that even Grim was healed!

"This Rena… really isn't normal!" Dyne smiled and slowly walked forward as the electric energy that assailed him grew more and more at each step.

The Chocobos grew angry as they saw how Dyne was still able to resist, and the various rocks on their body began to glow with a bright light as the lighting bolt was becoming more and more condensed. Instead of wild electrical energy out of control, the energy became more and more concentrated and slowly became a laser.

"Turning Laser…" Dyne recognized the attack. This was the attack that Theeder's had.

"Oh boy. That's trouble." Dyne mumbled.

"Dyne! Get out of there! Jedo! Use your remaining power to teleport him out of here!"

"No! Jedo! Teleport Terra here!"

"What?!" Jedo and Strafe cried.

"I'm in a zone! I can't do this again!" Dyne exclaimed.

Strafe was shocked at those words.

"Enlightenment! An Enlightenment brought out by obsession!" Strafe recalled how Dyne was able to step into soul cultivation through enlightenment when he meditated under the Genesis Tree. Strafe realized that a miracle in the cultivation world was happening. Dyne was in perfect unison with his powers, and his control over them was at its peak.

"Jedo! Do it!"

Jedo immediately opened a portal. Jedo didn't have enough mana remaining for another as he was still focused on using his dark energy to devour the lightning.

The Chocobos were glowing, and the lightning energy was being channeled into the beak of a single Chocobo who opened its mouth.

A portal opened in front of Terra.

"Terra! Get in here!" Jedo shouted.

Terra was surprised and instinctively jumped in and appeared right behind Dyne.

"Terra! Release your wind energy! Don't worry! I'll reimburse you!" Dyne declared.

The beam of lightning shot out, and Dyne raised Grim just in time.


But something amazing happened. The wind that Terra created resonated with Dyne. A link of elements connecting Dyne's Brimstone, all the way to Jedo's Time/Space and Darkness element.

The Earth from the Monster Hive, Dyne's Brimstone, Grim's Fire, Terra's Wind, and Jedo's twin element.

Brimstone that purged the elements and the Time/Space that created the dimensions were both resonating as the Theeder's laser struck.

Terra felt a strange power resonating.

"This… This is a Genesis Tree!" Terra felt it.

"Lord Tieg… How is this possible?!" Jedo asked. It was as if he was being exposed to the power of the Genesis Tree. Although it was a hundred times weaker, it was still shocking for Dyne to be capable of achieving it.

"I knew it! Let freaky do what freaky does! He can house a Genesis Tree! This is the proof! The pure joy and excitement of Dyne born from the power of his hedonistic and crazed obsession are enough to imitate a Genesis Tree! He is a fertile soil that can harness the great burden of supreme joy that would have driven men mad!"

Jedo was amazed. He knew that the Genesis Tree provided powerful, pure energy of Light and the essence of emotion itself. The Ra-Serus were all born and created to contain the desires and emotions that all life of Alos Vasilous once had.

What the Ra-Serus couldn't understand was why the Genesis Tree contained such great joy. But Strafe knew the answer. Their life willingly given was a spark of joy since they were happy to use the Weaver and her Disciple Strafe.

And this was the essence of all Genesis trees. It contained the joy of all those lives and was divided among the Trees. But that emotion of pure euphoria would drive any cultivator, or even a Saint insane. But now Strafe believes that Dyne can house such a powerful Seed full of crazy emotions.

Terra felt a small source of power being sent to his soul.

Grim became the lightning rod, and Dyne harnessed and distributed the energy to Jedo and Terra.

The resonance of all elements created a connection to all the Theeders that the Chocobos were equipped with.

The crafted Theeders were barely alive, and though they were many, their souls were slowly being absorbed.

Jedo was the first. He suddenly felt the power of Theeder being absorbed in him. He immediately took one of the wraiths and used it as the soul-host to become the Theeder.

Terra was next. She could feel the power of the Theeder Seru assimilating with her soul, making her stronger.

Strafe had taught him the technique of how to assimilate with Serus, and Dyne used it to have better control over Grim. But now, this knowledge allowed him to do what only Ra-Serus could do.

Dyne also absorbed Theeder. It was the first Seru that he had assimilated with and could summon with his energy. Unlike Vahn and the rest that needed their Ra-Serus to create it, Dyne could now do it all by himself without needing the help of Jedo.

And then, Grim acquired Theeder as his Elemental Soul Seed formed.

Grim had been gaining sentience for a while. And with the numerous souls that Dyne exposed it to, the sentience grew stronger, and it was as if it was gaining intelligence. Now, led by the great emotion of Dyne's hedonism and the shared power of three Ra-Serus, Grim awakened.

Jedo felt it.

"A Ra-Seru is born!" Jedo was amazed.

Dyne, however, held up Grim and had a different kind of excitement.

"The Heart of Nox is complete!"

Grim finally gained sentience and awareness. A crackle of electricity could be seen coursing through him. But the electric element did not harm Dyne! Instead, it began to weed out any electric energy that was bent on attacking them while gathering energy of its own. Grim turned his attention to the Turning Laser attack sent by the remaining Theeders and began to absorb all of it.

The Chocobo began to shriek in pain due to the backlash of Grim absorbing their energy.

"Arya! Now!" Dyne ordered.


Several arrows flew and struck the Chocobos.


Arya channeled all her energy into the arrows, and each hit exploded, causing the Chocobos to be knocked back.

"KWWEEEEHHH!" The Chocobos squealed.

"Jedo! Now!" Dyne ordered as he channeled his magic into summoning it.

Two Theeders suddenly emerged behind Dyne. One appeared out of the strange portal that opened from Jedo's soul space.

Another Theeder was formed using the magic energy of Dyne.

"Hey, Chocobos! Have a taste of your own medicine!" Dyne laughed.