The Rewards of the Book (2)

Soon, the one Theeder was selected. It was a level 2 Theeder found amidst the group of level 1 Theeders.

The chamber of Kokatorimon proved useful. Kokatorimon explained that when he activated the protocol that Doctor Wily left in his body, it reshaped the entire room and made it more stable.

Seeing that it was possible to seal the place and prevent the Mist from leaking, Dyne added instructions on making this the main home and transferring all Theeder into the room.

Rena and Arya were impressed at the power of the Theeder and even assimilated with the powers of the Theeder.

"An increase of ten stat points! That's like... one whole level for Martial Formation Experts..." Arya saw the power and was amazed.

"Amazing... For us in the Martial Advent... it's like an increase of four to five levels!" Rena was amazed.

Noa was jumping all over the place as she merged with Terra.

"This is awesome! I'm so strong! I'm so strong!" Noa was running around and kept kicking on air.

"Terra! This is incredible!" Noa was so happy, and she began to talk to the wolf.

"Noa! I'm no longer that wolf. I am with you now." Terra laughed.

Dyne was quickly using his knowledge to tame the wolf that Terra controlled. With the knowledge from Sammy Oak and his late-night marathons of Dog Whisperer, Dyne was able to tame the wolf quickly. The greatest advantage was that the wolf was with Terra and felt a strange peace when he stood before Dyne, who also gave off the scent of being a Ra-Seru.

"Now, I just need to find a way to increase your lifespan, little wolf. I shall name you, Nanaki." Dyne smiled.

Jedo and Strafe both shook their heads in exasperation. No wonder Dyne wanted to train the wolf!

The Chocobos began the deep dig. But, the ground was hard as it somehow assimilated with the Theeder's souls. And so, the chocobos were having a hard time as they used their Spirit and their beaks to break through the ground.

Dyne watched and couldn't help but whistle a flamenco tune imitating the sounds of the Spanish guitars, which rang as Dyne played Chocobo Hot and Cold.

The emergence of the Wild Arm's chrysalis was the spot where the Chocobo began to dig. But since part of the chrysalis was buried deep and the Dynamo Part would be buried even deeper, Dyne guessed it would take a day for them to be able to uncover it to the point that he could send it to his Monster Hive.

Dyne tried to reach deep down the broken chrysalis hoping that he could store it out but felt that the weight of the room was too heavy.

"Too bad it's physically stuck down there. I can't pull it and store it inside. The rooms seem to be connected. Unless I excavate it and pull it out, I can't store it in my Monster Hive. This entire room is made through some strange soul method... What an interesting concept." Dyne observed.

"It's normal. Saints usually create powerful homes and fortresses using their souls. Their entire souls can even control planets. The Imaginarium Bond is the peak of this application for it even houses cultivators, saints, and even gods that become part of its will."

"I see... But I wonder if the Dynamo Part is something that can help me create something to carry an army." Dyne wondered.

"You think this is what the Dynamo Part is?"

"It'll help my future missions. I mean, Calamitus knows that a common element that is used in various JRPGs is that the characters soon get access to a cool transportation device. If this device that Doctor Wily is trying to create is the Archive Ship, it's possible to imitate it and craft something else, right? Maybe something that can be used to travel between planets? But that power and device alone should help me create a ship of some sort..."

"You will need the knowledge of more craftsmen to do that. The memory of Arya's father, Render Blaze, ought to help you. He is quite knowledgeable as a mortal. But compare that to a true expert like Doctor Wily, and you have a competition."

"Well, in this Legaia world, there is Doctor Light. So I'll just ask for help from him. Besides, now that I think about it, you're a cheapskate since you never offered to have me peer into your memory..."

"It isn't that I won't, but can't you know..." Strafe shook his head.

"Unlike that book-devouring ability that can devour lingering emotions and passions, I am a living being. And a god at that. I am my own entity, dependent and disconnected from anything. That's what it means to Sever. Although I can forcibly send my memory to you like last time, I don't think it's helpful. You already figured out several mysteries that I was unable to understand. It's better for you to read through the memories of mortals so you can see their foolishness and improve on it. Because if you see mine, you might not grow as you be influenced by the doctrines and teachings that I may have been secretly holding on to all my life."

"Fair enough. You guys thought Brimstone needed metal attributes to create a seed. I guess it is better if I build my way up. Not to mention, I don't like all-item Gameshark cheats. I want lifestyle cheats at most, but not game-breaking cheats when I ply. In any case. It's time to see finish reading the books I stole earlier. I stole quite a bit." Dyne smiled and brought out bookcase after bookcase.

And a pile of books also appeared and fell on the ground.

"Oh, right. Terra. Better teach Nova how to read. I suggest reading through some books on basic cultivation.

Arya and Rena were amazed at the numerous bookcases

"Arya. Rena. Please feel free to take a look at these books and increase your learning." Dyne smiled as he stood up and began to touch the books.

Rena noticed that one bookcase held various books on holy magic.

"Wow! That's amazing! There are books here that the Light Temple has, but I could not read." Rena was amazed.

"Some of them are things only the Cardinal of Martsit can read. And don't worry. I can make the Cardinal agree to train you."

"The Cardinal of Martsirt?!"

"It's true. He has a high-ranking Bishop as an ally. He should be meeting up with your family soon."

Dyne continued to scan through the books and began with the cultivation books.

"Cultivation books? The method I thought you are the best." Strafe asked.

"Not for me. But for my allies. You gave me a great body that is practically capable of cultivating. I am a Soul Cultivator cultivating using the most advanced cultivation methods that steal life energy from my defeated foes and grow stronger through an experience system. I haven't forgotten what you said that this cultivation method alone is an earth-shattering cultivation technique."

"It's good that you remember. So you plan to use this ability in absorbing their memories to be an effective teacher in the shortest time possible?"

"Yes. I need to be a master of my own in the theories of cultivation. And who knows? Perhaps, in their primitive and crude ways, they have discovered other means of cultivating. As you destined Legaia to be weak body cultivators but have stepped on Soul cultivation to create Biron Spirit Arts, maybe these mundane worlds have something to offer or something that my genius could take care of." Dyne spoke as he brushed his hands on the books.

"After all, I am Patriarch of Biron Monastery." Dyne chuckled.

The books he acquired came from various sources.

The first set came from Char the Evil. Dyne then acquired books from the Light Temple of Martsirt, the wizard Yudders, books that the merchant Nabal had, and various books that the Ark Knights collected. When Dyne entered the castle, he took away the collections of the wizard and was given access to some of the books that the king had.

With all these books in hand, there was just about every book for all forms of fields used in the Cultivation World.

He began to fall into a strange trance as he looked at the memories of various cultivators.

The book that Dyne first saw focused on bodily cultivation and how to grow and ascend in the level.

Theories of bodily training and how to maximize the life energy in the body were shown. But Dyne knew that this cultivation was weak and easily surpassed by taking the life energy of monsters through Strafe's technique.

But as Dyne looked through the memory of the teacher, he realized that the teacher's passion lay solely on punching. So while Dyne grew in the knowledge of basic cultivation that Martisrt had, he saw the punching routines that this man trained in and the theories that he had.

As Dyne's eyes opened, Dyne realized that he had been making a mistake.

"Pages. Of course. These writers may have written books about the topics they knew about, but it might be possible for them to have written only small pages that they were truly passionate about!" Dyne began to look over the books that were handwritten by the original writer and did not copy them.

Dyne found a book that did not invoke his attention, but Dyne turned the book over and touched the pages instead of the book cover as he had done previously.

Suddenly, Dyne saw a vision of a woman teaching cultivation to various archers.

In that memory, Dyne saw the many attempts and experiments the archer tried to increase her power as an archer. First, various leg and eye training were shown, and soon, Dyne even saw her strafing technique, which allowed her to lock on to enemies at a high distance.

The vision ended, and Dyne was smiling.

"I was right! She wrote a book her passion was for this art! The book won't trigger a soul response, but a page can!"

Dyne quickly moved and started to focus his attention on scanning through all the books, including the other books he had previously looked upon, to gather more memories.