Garden Core

A day passed as Dyne kept reading and using his powers to create the spells.

The chocobos and the piuras kept on digging, and the rest were reading and studying the books they had.

Dyne could have created magic with his Brimstone power. The problem was that if he tried to summon it, it would be wild and unconstrained.

That is why his only application was creating burst attacks that were close-ranged. Only his Hadouken that used harnessed Spirit could have made a ranged attack. And so, Dyne opted to use close-range attacks, including Dragon King Slash, Ripper Blast, and even the Shoryuken, as they all used to burst and explosive power.

But to control a fireball with such precise control required years and years of magic practice. Dyne didn't want to go through that but now, learning the formula to create channeled spells allowed him to create powerful magic that only experts could create!

While Dyne could perform various magic attacks using fire, brimstone, and earth elements, it lacked strength and precision. If Dyne created a fireball, it would just be a harnessed ball of fire that didn't have enough explosive or consolidated force to be used as a shot attack. But now, the Missiles of Magic had power and precision in their magic because of the formula that Dyne was able to form.

"A Spell Slot! That's quite advanced! That's how I made Brigandine!" Strafe exclaimed.

"Oh? I see! You use the Runewords as a form of means to have them have spell slots. So the Rune Knights can use those magics in that way!" Dyne realized Strafe's intention.

Unlike in the cultivation world, the world of Brigandine had limited magics unless a Rune Knight took up a powerful mage class. But special characters, would have powerful physical attacks and still be capable of casting strong magic.

"Yes! I can't believe you found a way to make it this fast! My estimation is off by two months..." Strafe sighed.

The soul-spirit of Strafe was still trembling. Unlike Strafe, who wasn't prideful, the soul spirit was extremely prideful. The appearance of a Spell Slot on a cultivator who hasn't even reached Formation was a blow to the soul spirit's pride.

Dyne continued to look over the many books that were present.

Soon, he was able to find more and more souls on some of the pages. Most of the mages specialized in Fire, which was the most common element that everyone could practice. But even though the books talked about fire, Dyne's mastery over magic in theory and application grew.

"Firebolt..." Dyne formed a magic power that focused energy, creating a swift fire attack that was like a bullet.

"I'll combine this formula with the Wild Arm..." Dyne thought and worked on another form.

He created powerful, condensed fire energy that would explode. Although the attack was slower, it would still create a devastating force similar to the attacks that Ishreth showed him when they fought against Bishop's Chrone evil form.

The knowledge and theories of those books helped him create a formula.

"While the attack is nothing to boast about, it'll be useful when paired with the Wild Arm." Dyne concluded.

"Nothing to boast about? Those are still Martial Formation level magic!" Strafe cursed.

"Yeah. But that last enemy was something that only a high-leveled Martial Formation could takedown.

"...I guess you're right. Calamitus really made shocking changes."


"Oh? It's done!" Dyne stood up and began to take back the books he brought out, except his allies were reading.

"Again! Again!" Noa shouted with joy.

Dyne turned to observe what book Terra was reading.

It was a children's book about a wolf and a little girl lost in the mountains.

Terra sighed at the side and recounted the story again.

Nanaki seemed to show intelligence as his tail wagged as he listened to the side.

Dyne shook his head to observe the excavated area.

Several Piuras had dug on the ground around them and created a staircase leading to the bottom to see the full surroundings of the object.

The object was about two meters tall and half a meter wide. It was a huge cylindrical object with turbines inside of it.

"This...! Isn't it from that game?!" Dyne shouted as he saw the form of the Dynamo Parts.

The entire object was similar to the massive object locked deep inside a large building of one game.

"It looks like the engine of Balamb Garden in Final Fantasy VIII!"

"Amazing! The Dynamo part is a Magic Harnessing Artifact!" Strafe exclaimed.

"What's that?" Dyne was confused.

"While our science isn't as advanced as Earth, we do use objects similar to what you would call a generator or a power plant. This is an artifact that constantly harnesses magic power to create massive barriers that will constantly protect a city. We created artifacts that can draw out elemental power. This one is powered by Lightning! No wonder Doctor Wily sent the Wild Arm here! It was meant to change this object!"

"I see. So Calamitus created this to help me build a massive fortress-like Balamb Garden! With that, transporting the armies of Leoric is possible! The Hunters of Rim Elm, the Monks, a Seru army! It's all possible now!"

"That's right. This is a key component that master artificers and enchanters create. In the Cultivation world, the strongest clans have created homes of great power that could easily kill gods! And Calamitus helped me shape Legaia into that! I couldn't do it since my knowledge of artificers and enchantments are not that good. But Calamitus is! So he probably helped those cultivators learn of this! But now, you have the Core for creating these massive fortresses! The design even follows what Calamitus made!" Strafe concluded.

"This is going to be so awesome! Strafe! I just need to gather more parts, right?"

"Yes. But you still will have to build a massive fortress to do that."

"You already made one. The Floating Castle!" Dyne laughed.

"Of course!"

"I already took Jedo. I wonder how the Fate energy you placed in Legaia will work to fulfill it?"

"It will. This world is still my own. It will naturally force things and use my wisdom to fulfill all parts of the game."

"Hmm... if the Floating Castle does still fall, I could focus on Juggernaught! Or maybe even Sol... Why not all three?" Dyne's expression turned strange.

The Chocobos began to slowly push it out, and Dyne kept trying to send it to the Monster Hive until the entire object was finally stored.

Once the storage was prepared, the group began its preparations to move out.

Three days have passed since Dyne's return to Legaia.

In the south region of Snow Drift Cave, a strange scene occurred that day.

Four Gobu Gobus were running away. They had various wounds, cuts, and bites on their body.

Behind them, five bat-like creatures chased after them.

Four had a sliver body and purple wings. But the fastest one had a brownish shade on his silver body, and his wings were colored neon green.

The Gobu Gobus did their best to outrun the Veras, but their deaths were certain.

Finally, one of them fell down as it could not run anymore.

The three rushed back and tried to save their friend, which was rather strange among Gobu Gobus.

The Veras rushed faster and prepared to use their blood-sucking attacks to finish off the Gobu Gobu.


The sounds of arrows flying were heard, and the arrow struck all the Veras.

The piercing, high-pitched cry of the Veras was heard.

Suddenly, four large, yellow birds appeared out of the Mist.

"What a good haul! Five Veras! And one level two!" Dyne laughed as he commanded the Chocobo to rush forward.


Harnessing the power of Grim, the Chocobo suddenly grew bright. On their chest was a Threader attached to him!

The Veras was tacked by the bolting chocobos.

Dyne landed and punched one of the Vera.


"On it!" Jedo activated his power to absorb Vera.

Arya, Noa, and Rena also appeared.

Rena began to deliver powerful punches at Vera. Noa's acrobatic attacks landed. And Arya simply reached out and held the Vera on its neck as if it was an infant while repeatedly beating the level 2 Vera to the ground with repetitive punches.

The Gobu Gobus were stunned at the scene and prepared to make their retreat.

But as they turned around, several blue piuras covered their retreat.

The piuras looked different as they had a darker color than the usual Blue Piuras that the Gobu Gobus were familiar with.

"Wagak kagak yogak agak lisgak." Dyne spoke in Gobu Gobu and told the group to not escape.

The Gobu Gobu were startled at Dyne's mention.

"Kagak mugak kagak nyogak sigak Bertugo." Dyne called to them and told them that their apperance was similar to Bertugo.

"So this Gobu Gobu is probably the remnant survivor of Bertugo's tribe. What a coincidence!" Dyne smiled.

"Not really. The Karma system is placed here, which is governed by that Fate spirit based on me have detected your alliance with this tribe. It's only natural that it will lead you to them." Strafe explained.

"Oh. So that's it!" Dyne approached the group. He had completed absorbing the Vera.

"Kigak lagak lagak mogak Bertugo?"

"Kagak igak biggak gangak."Dyne answered with a simple phrase, meaning 'friend.'

"At ease, Piuras and Chocobos. These Gobu Gobu know the mountain. We could reach the other side of the mountain pass with their help!" Dyne smiled.