Reaching Chorak

The Mist on the East of River Reach had grown unusually thick in a particular area.

A strange power called out to the Mist and made it gather around a particular place just outside the entrance to the mines of Chorak.

Several Serus gathered around them, and it slowly increased.

"Oh? It seems that my otherworldly self is coming here." Again, the sinister voice was heard.

Songi's eyes opened.

"Jedo? Then that means Dyne is on his way here!" Songi stood up.

"He must have sensed me and decided to attack me." Vile laughed.

"I'm interested in meeting this Jedo… Hm? I sense another. It must be that Meta coming here. But there is also...someone else!"

Songi frowned.

"What? Three of them are headed here? But why? Knowing that arrogant brat, he should come here alone!"

"I sense… another Wild Arm." Vile frowned.

"What?!" Songi exclaimed.

"It's probably because the god called Tieg here warned them. They must have found one of the Wild Arms here."

"A Wild Arm and two serus? Can we handle them?"

"Relax. That's why we've been preparing for it, remember? This is to our advantage. Rather than invading Biron Monastery, which will have great defenses, we now fight them in our territory. Go back inside Chroak's mine. We will fight them there. After all, we cannot alert the Karisto family that made these Mist Generators."

Songi stood up and immediately retreated toward the entrance of the mine.

At the entrance of the cave were numerous serus. There were Theeders and Nightos of level 1 and 2 forms. In addition, there floated a seru resembling the upper half of a human. It had long claws, a robotic body, and electric energy surging around it. These were powerful Serus used by the army of the kingdom of Ratayu for their power and form.

In Legend of Legaia, a Ra-Seru acted as a boss in the first encounter with Songi. It was the Seru called the Viguro.

Lightning continued to crackle around it.

"Let's see you fight me, Gala. I have lightning Serus of my own!" Songi laughed.

"Don't underestimate them. I'll bring out the creations of Doctor Willy, just in case. Guard Scorpions! Come out!"

A portal opened from the darkness, and a giant creature appeared. It had a Zenoir as its legs, a Viguro as its body, and several Gimards were combined and created a scorpion's sting behind it.

"A Guard Scorpion?" Songi was amazed.

"This is one of Doctor Willy's hybrid creations. It used several Serus and combined them to create this monster! It even has a jewel that is similar to my Spirit Seed!" Vile boasted.

Lightning and fire began to gather around it. Songi could tell that this creature was powerful.

"Let's ready the ambush. Our enemy is another me in this world. So he also has the power of Space-Time!" Vile added.

Songi nodded and raised his hands. A strange power that controlled the Mist began to take control of all Serus, and it began to follow the orders of Songi. Even the Guard Scorpion moved out.

Vile laughed as he saw how easily Songi controlled them.

"This is amazing! This host is too powerful! Nothing can stop us!" Vile laughed.

Back outside, Dyne and his team had arrived at River Reach once more. But they did not stop but kept moving towards Chorak and crossed the bridge.

Dyne led the way as Arya, Serge, and Noa followed from the back.

Jedo sensed a strange fluctuation.

"A portal has been opened. It seems this otherworld version of me has all my powers as a Time/Space Seru." Jedo reported.

"Indeed. This should be a tough battle." Dyne smiled.

"And yet, you smile."

"I guess the whole Cultivation World has made me eager to try and fight strong bosses. But man! This game is hard. If I'm not careful, I lose all my beloved NPC's and allies."

"Just like Suikoden and Fire Emblem." Strafe added.

"Yeah. I have to make the right decision and ensure deploy them... More stress for me, the player."

Jedo was silent but began to wonder if Dyne ever saw his allies more than game characters.

"Will he continue this if he knew that Earth Arya is among his allies? And by the sound of Arya's tales, more from the real world will probably be on our path…" Jedo silently thought.

"Arya. You stick with me as we attack. Songi should be a Martial Novice rank, but with what Calamitus gave him, he could easily defeat Martial Formation ranked cultivators."

"I'm not an ordinary Martial Formation cultivator, Lord Dyne." Arya smiled.

"Yes. But with a Wild Arm version of Jedo and Doctor Willy's mad inventions, their totaled power can defeat a Martial Expert cultivator. So be extra careful. Noa, Serge. You guys act as backups. Do not depart from your Chocobos, and keep on kiting the enemies. Our goal is to distract them from thinking we are the only force attacking them. Gala and Vahn will arrive a bit later and act as backup. Expect a lot of Serus in that place. Jedo can summon and call the Mist, and our enemy should be able to do the same."

Serge was silent and had a serious expression. He could see Dyne analyze and give detailed instructions on what to do and how to handle the approaching enemies.

"Is it true? Will Leena fall for this man? Is Leena here?" Serge was secretly thinking. The powers of the Mist were starting to affect him, and his anger and jealousy rose.

"Serge. Use Grim." Dyne casually threw Grim towards him.

Grim flew and surprised Serge, but he caught it. He could feel a strange uplifting from his thoughts the moment he did.

Grim's form had changed so that both ends of Grim had a sharp point. In addition, the needle-like legs of Grim became blades, and the beak of Grim's head also protruded out more.

"Grim: Swallow form. I hope it's to your liking." Dyne smiled. Grim's form was similar to Serge's weapon in the game.

"This…! How did you know?" Serge was amazed. This was his preferred weapon! He lost his weapon when he drowned in the water and was brought to this world.

Dyne shrugged his shoulders, not bothering to answer Serge.

"But Lord Dyne. What about you? What's your weapon?"

Dyne brought out the Wild Arm.

"I have the Ifrit. I'm more skilled using this." Dyne then raised his arm and continued to condense more magic creating a small round object.

"What's that?" Arya asked. Earth Arya recognized the item and was amazed. She could sense that this wasn't just an ordinary round object.

"A bullet." Dyne answered and slid it into a belt around him with many slots for the bullet to be placed on.

"How can those magic be compressed like that?" Arya was amazed. This was what she needed to do to shoot out her attacks just as they had planned. They had been practicing using their arrows to have the elements, but they could not contain it for a few seconds, and Dyne could already contain it indefinitely!

"Oh, this? It's an advanced ability. I leave a trace of my soul that can constantly contain the energy so that the elements will not explode. I made them dormant energy that will trigger and create energy the moment I activate it. And the activation is when I shoot it through my Wild Arm. Do you want to apply this technique to your arrows?"

"Yes." Arya confirmed.

"The trick is to train in Spirit. Once you master controlling your Soul power and moving it around your body, the next step could be this. Of course, the hard part is maintaining the energy in that area." Dyne began to discuss the steps of power as they passed through River Reach.

Arya had a serious look on her face as she listened.

"But I don't think you have to do this. It's very advance. Most try to be Mind cultivators first before doing this. I'm sort of a cheat. You see, to do that, it's like you need two minds working and controlling the power." Dyne explained.

"Two minds… you say…?" Earth Arya couldn't help but comment.

"What?" Dyne was startled at Arya's response.

"Nothing, Lord Dyne. I was just curious at the difficulty and amazed at your power." Arya answered.

"Right. Anyway, you have to be careful, Arya. You've been practicing your Water Element, but it's best to avoid using that for now and fight in your most comfortable form."

"I understand," Arya answered.

"We understand, alright…" Earth Arya sneered and secretly sent to Arya.

"Lady Arya?" Arya was confused.

"It's perfect! We now have a chance to surprise Dyne! We have to impress him, Arya!" Earth Arya explained.

"I understand." Arya realized it and fell into deep contemplation.

The group continued to advance, and soon they could see the town of Chorak from a distance. The Mist was unusually thin in that area, and Dyne could see a cloud of Mist moving into the mine situated a short distance from the town.

As they approached, several Skeletons were there, moving around the town.

"What…! What is that?!" Serge exclaimed as he saw skeletons moving.

"There is a cemetery nearby. River Reach follows the same burial of Rim Elm and sends their dead to the sea. Or, in River Reach's case, the river. But Chorak buries their dead like in Drake Castle. So it's normal for the undead to rise from the Mist," Dyne observed as they approached.

"Undead?!" Serge was shocked.

"So, aside from Songi, we have to face an undead horde first," Terra said.

"Terra. Those skeletons look scary!" Noa flapped her arm.

"Don't retreat. Push through. Godhand, move upfront." Dyne ordered and called the Holy Zenoir, which followed them.

"We're fighting them?!" Serge shouted as he could see the hordes follow.

"I know! I'll jump on their heads!" Noa decided as she smiled excitedly.

"That sounds fun!" Arya smiled.

"Are you guys serious?!" Serge cried out.

"Serge is right!" Dyne reprimanded everyone.

"Oh… I can't jump on them?" Noa complained.

"Of course, you can't jump on them!" Serge exploded.

"We can't jump on them because they will help us fight." Dyne smiled as he channeled dark energy.

"Jedo, your darkness is stronger now. And with that little training I got from Strafe. I think I can do something similar to what King Leoric can…" Dyne gave a devilish smile.