Union of the Two Towns

A day quickly passed, with Dyne and his team making the town very lively.

Various protocols were being discussed to avoid the possible onslaught that the people of Vidna faced.

"A Seru that could freeze an entire mountain?!" A man wearing a Swordie Seru exclaimed.

"Yes! I saw it when I was there many years ago! The Maverick Seru Koru was one of the attractions of Buma! If not for the war between Sol and Karisto, I would have gone there and seen it! So I don't want you to go spreading lies! That boy you keep insulting knew what he was talking about! If that Seru appears on the lava below, it can freeze it instantly, and we would all be dead because you are wearing a seru!" The woman shouted at the man who kept on wearing his seru.

Dyne recalled that the man was a non-named NPC who would later appear in the game as someone possessed by the seru.

Only then did Dyne realize he had yet to fight a person controlled by the Seru inside the Mist.

While he had fought Songi, Songi was influenced but retained much control despite being in the Mist.

"Hmmm... In Drake, the humans with seru were all locked up. In Biron, none were possessed. I never got to Jeremi's proper town, and then I got here. The other small towns like Chorak and River Reach also didn't have people with serus. Gee! For someone who has been playing Legaia for so long, I have yet to see what happens if I meet humans possessed by the serus in the Mist." Dyne began to ponder on what would happen.

"In the game, those possessed won't attack the players... Is it because it thought that the Seru also possessed Vahn, Gala, and Noa?" Dyne wondered as he continued to move around town to observe the place.

Around the town, the most lively part was at the weapon smith's shop.

Jaden had revealed tremendous skill as a blacksmith.

"In Diablo, he could repair an item at the cost of lowering durability. Very useless in-game... But if it happens in this real world, he could easily repair and restore a weapon with one durability point. That's quite amazing..."

Amorien and Chad were with him, helping Jaden create more weapons.

Amorien's skill in the bow amazed the locals as the usage of bows was considered weak.

But with Amorien's ability as a Martial Formation expert, many women desired to try this to have the means to fight the seru.

Ishreth was also at the center of town, looking for people with magic potential.

"Magic lives in all of us. It's not just in Serus. Sadly, you all have relied so much on the serus that you have not considered performing magic alone." Ishreth smiled.

Many marveled at her beauty and how she made amazing magic shows with fire.

Several youths were picked out as Ishreth could sense their potential in magic, and we were trying to follow the steps that Ishreth was teaching them.

Normally, people who train in magic go through a very long and tedious training program and practice with an artifact that is their power source.

But in this world, they used the Serus as sources! The town had Gimard, Swordies, Orbs, and Theeders.

Dyne had forgotten that he could easily access it here in Vidna in this reality, as his thoughts were focused on getting one in Octam, which was generally the usual way to get them.

But when Dyne saw the Seru breeding rooms, he could not help but be full of delight. This meant he could easily outfit the people in the Cultivation world with Orbs!

As for Ishreth, she began to use these Serus to make the people understand how to harness the power of the Serus.

"Sister Ishreth! I did it! I did it!" Noa excitedly shouted at the side.

They saw her cast a wind blade even when Terra had moved out of her hand!

Arya was also able to do it.

Seeing the scene made all the onlookers believe that it was possible, and they excitedly trained for that power.

The three girls wave at Dyne as he moves and notices that Noa and Arya are greatly improving in the way they use magic.

"Do your best, guys! We will be assimilated with the Serus in a bit." Dyne smiled as he moved past them.

Dyne moved towards the underground room that led to the machinery that powered all the windmills.

The place was hot and full of steam.

Soaked in the waters were Vahn and Gala. Vahn would squirm and move out of the game if the player moved Vahn in.

But this time, Vahn and Gala's training and resistance to the heat had grown since they spent great amounts of time training with the Fire Seed under Biron Monastery.

Vahn was immersed in his training, gathering the fire energy around him and compressing it into lightning.

On the other hand, Gala was adding heat to his lightning attacks.

"Vahn is making fire like lightning. And Gala lightning-like fire. The genius and one who trains hard. What an amazing team." Dyne smiled.

The Monster Core was dipped in the hot liquid as Dyne left runes to increase its Brimstone power.

Agumon, the two fire serus, Grim and Godhand, were also there.

Curiously, the young raptor that Dyne caught was also there. After the battle, Dyne spoke with the Evil God to see if he could shape these dinosaurs into something else.

The Evil God loved the challenge and started with the small raptor, and the Evil God Totem has been carried behind the raptor ever since. The Wild Arm was also wrapped around the small raptor to harness the fire energy and help change the elemental nature of the raptor of Earth to Brimstone.

The raptor would dive into the hot water and get out and eat some healing fruits to heal it.

Finally, Serge was busy assimilating with an Orb Seru. He had tried to wear it at first, but then, he felt a strange power surging. As the Vera he had combined with him, Serge had some inspiration and realized he could learn more holy magic by communing with the Seru.

The Orbs could perform the Jewel beam, a fiery beam of light.

And Serge was trying to replicate that.

"How's the progress?" Dyne asked Serge.

Serge was awakened from his trance.

"Master Dyne! I think... I can do it!" Serge smiled and gathered the energy in his hand.

"Try it on me," Dyne ordered.

"Yes." Serge knew Dyne was so strong and shot out an attack.

The energy was similar to the Jewel Beam of the Orb.


Dyne casually blocked it with his hand using Spirit.

"Hm... You got Jewel Beam." Dyne frowned. Players were not meant to make this attack, which made Dyne unhappy.

"Try to prolong the energy. You combine with a Vera, and so you can absorb life energy. So it's natural that you won't be able to learn this quickly. But I want you to change the way you shot that holy attack. Grim. Block this attack." Dyne called out.

Grim flew close by.

"Yes, Big Brother." Grim nodded.

Dyne held out his hand and harnessed the life energy around him.

"Photon Ray!" Dyne shouted the name of the low-leveled White Element attack used in Chrono Cross.

The beam shot towards Grim, and Grim created a fire shield. It was the same fire used in Burning Tackle, but Grim could now harness it and add light, making it into a fire force field.


The beam shot at Grim.

Serge was amazed and felt a strange love for the white element attack that Dyne had made.

"Train hard, everyone!" Dyne left after leaving the group, amazed at Dyne's power.

As Dyne left the room, he caught sight of Torneko rushing toward him.

"Master Dyne!"

"Torneko. Is it complete?"

"Yes! We did as you said. The moment we placed the two pillars together resonated a strange power!" Torneko spoke excitedly.

"The Union of the Two Towns..." Dyne spoke like a white wizard who betrayed his allies and traded reason with madness. Dyne quickly ran and gave a whistle, to which Choco appeared, running along with Nanaki.

Dyne hopped on them, and the group moved towards the mansion that Torneko looked after. This was the same house with a secret underground level that the character Danpas created. The Sol Villa was the home that the king of Sol purchased long ago. The Wind Pillars were broken into pieces and moved here, and a stone archway was created.

While the underground rooms were not yet completed, the lower levels were already made. Dyne was confident that this would be enough to hide the energy fluctuation that opening a portal would do.

"Thank you for all your hard work," Dyne said as he appeared.

The entire room was tightly sealed as all the workers rushed to make this room.

Dyne stood before the archway and began to harness Jedo's power.

"Vidna and Biron Monastery is now... One!" Dyne channeled the power of Jedo and created a portal.