1. Prolog

"What? 10 thousand dollars for just an inch of scratches." And Daniel's face turned frightened by remembering how long the scratches his motorbike had caused on the car body of the cold woman in front of him.

"Yes, I also asked the cost. You have to pay 80 thousand dollars in compensation." Bianca's words sounded so dramatic to Daniel's ears. A beautiful woman with a cold aura and sharp eyes made Daniel a little depressed.

"What?" said Daniel with widened eyes hearing the nominal figures he had to pay to compensate for the damage he had done.

"80 thousand dollars? I don't have that much money. Never mind that much money, right now I can't pay my tuition loan at the bank," said Daniel asking for relief him.

"I have absolutely no interest in listening to your heartbreaking story of life. I told you what I care about right now is the compensation money for my car. When are you going to pay that 80 thousand dollars to me?"

"I can't possibly pay it, miss, even if I work in part time for 5 years, I can't pay it."

"So you don't want to take responsibility?"

"No, I will be responsible. But I can't pay such a large compensation. Can't you give relief. Ah no, even though you give relief, I'm still not sure I can pay it. Can you give me another choice?" Daniel was confused about what to do, he wasn't sure he could pay such a large compensation. He is just a poor student. let alone 80 thousand dollars, one thousand dollars Daniel doesn't have.

"Considering you are a student, of course you will not be able to compensate that much," said Bianca disparagingly clarifying Daniel's situation. He really wished he had other options except compensate her for 80 thousand dollars.

"You have a second choice. Namely work for me. If you are willing to work for me, I will consider you already paid the compensation. And if you have finished your work, I will give you Ten thousand dollars," said Bianca casually.

"Yes? You'll assume I paid the compensation and you even gave me 10 thousand dollars. What job are you offering me?" said Daniel confused with the other offers Bianca gave. Bianca paused to make Daniel think.

"What kind of work are you paying me so much for. Do you want me to kidnap someone?" Guess Daniel after thinking about the job Bianca will offer.

"No," Bianca replied quickly.

"Or do you want me to steal confidential documents from a big company?" Daniel re-guessed the job.

"No," said Bianca coldly. Daniel thought hard about the job again. Suddenly his eyes were completely wide, bulging in disbelief.

"Oh my God, don't tell me that you want me to kill someone. Miss, I can't afford to do that. I have absolutely no expertise or to commit a crime like that."

"No, Daniel. The job I'm offering you has nothing to do with criminal activity. You don't need any special skills to do this job either. Because I'm sure all normal men in the world can do this job." Bianca's words make Daniel even more confused and curious about the job that will make Bianca able to pay Daniel thousands of dollars.

"Then what easy job will you be able to pay me thousands of dollars?" asked Daniel curiously.

"The job I offer you is ...," Bianca paused, her body leaning forward to get closer to Daniel.

"Impregnate - me...." Bianca's words were like the cold aura from the South Pole freezing Daniel's body. Daniel froze in silence in his place.

"Daniel, can you hear me?" said Bianca seeing no response whatsoever from Daniel.

"Yes, what did you say earlier? My left ear is a little troubled, it seems I heard wrong." Daniel held his left ear, felt something was wrong with his hearing.

"Even if your left ear is infected. I'm sure you can still hear it clearly. I am offering you a job blocking mine." Bianca said it very clearly made Daniel digest it well.

"What?" said Daniel, his eyes bulging in disbelief.

"impregnate you?" Daniel's voice sounded dumbfounded with a tone so heavy for him to blow it out.

"Yes, implanted your seed into my womb. And if you succeed in make me pregnant, I will pay you," Bianca replied casually. The girl discussed things that were so shocking and extreme to Daniel's ears so casually. As if the girl had just offered a light job.

"Y-you really want me to work to impregnate you?" Daniel wanted to confirm it one more time. Hope if his hearing is indeed in trouble. And Daniel hopes that the girl in front of him is joking. Was doing a cranky joke in July.

"Yes," Bianca replied with a serious expression. Seeing Bianca's face, Daniel realized that the girl in front of him did not like to joke.

"Why?" How curious is Daniel's mind right now. So many questions crossed his mind. But only that one word came out of his sexy lips.

"Didn't you ask yourself about other options because you couldn't afford to pay compensation. And I'm only offering you this job," Bianca said dryly.

"B-but the job you are offering is the craziest and weirdest job ever offered to me. Impregnate?" said Daniel frustratedly grabbing some of his brown hair. The word impregnate was terrifying to his ears.

"Gosh, that means me and ... y-you ..!" shouted Daniel in frustration and stared at Bianca in disbelief at his own words. Even Daniel was unable to continue his sentence.

"Yes, we sleep together. We have sex," Bianca replied frontally without a hitch.