5. Compensation Money

Shit. Daniel is late. he kept running down the lobby of a fancy hotel and looked for the room where that annoying girl was. A few hours ago the annoying girl whose car Daniel crashed yesterday called me. And invite him to meet to talk about the car problem. But what makes him a little weird is our meeting place. the girl invited him to meet in one of the private rooms provided for important guests if they want to have meetings with important clients. Why should it be in a place like this, why not in a cafe.

Daniel opened the door in front of him. Based on the instructions of one of the hotel employees, this room was the room where the annoying girl was waiting. His heart beat faster when he grabbed the doorknob. Daniel remembered his meeting with that girl. Look at her expression. no, Daniel find it difficult to describe how her facial expression. The face was too flat and cold. Really shows an unfriendly face.

Daniel caught his breath and opened the door. Walked in and saw the girl sitting comfortably in one of the chairs in the room.

he looked at her carefully. The girl looked at Daniel with a flat and cold face as if she had no other expression. But her eyes were too sharp as if they were ready to skin him. But he can't deny that this girl in front of him has a beautiful face. Now Daniel standing in front of her.

"Sorry I'm a little late," Daniel said stiffly, sitting right in front of her.

"A little?" said Bianca, raising an eyebrow.

"You're 7 minutes 46 seconds late, Mr. Daniel Kendrick. And you said it was only a little." Bianca looked at Daniel with displeasure.

"But I just—"

"I hate tardiness and I hate wasting time. And you've wasted 8 minutes of my precious time. I don't like to make small talk, waste my time," Bianca said cutting Daniel's sentence. And took out a business card.

"This is my card," said Bianca, handing the card to Daniel.

"Bianca Henderson, planning director of Henderson Corporation," said Daniel reading the business card.

"Daniel, do you know my type of car." Bianca did not want to make small talk. the girl prefers to the point.

"Yes, your car is a ferrari laferrari. A ferrari car with a price of 1.3 million dollars. A car that only produces 449 units in the world," said Daniel smoothly because after the incident he immediately found out about the type of luxury car.

"That's right. I just bought it a month ago. And only used it for two weeks. And you innocently made a very beautiful long line on the body of the car." The sarcasm made Daniel feel guilty. But really he was also accidental, he was just avoiding a small child running in the middle of the road.

"I really did not mean it, miss. At that time I was avoiding the little boy in the middle of the road."

"How many times have I told you I don't care about your reasons. What I care about is how my car gets back on track. You have to compensate." Bianca doesn't care about Daniel's defense of that fateful incident.

"I have absolutely no money, miss." Daniel tried to ask for the relief and generosity of the girl in front of him.

"I've already asked the repair shop and insurance agent. And it turns out it's very difficult to make the car back to normal. You know just to cover a centimeter of scratches on the luxury car I have to pay 10 thousand dollars." Bianca was unfazed, she sharply remarked how much money should be spent on repairing the luxury car.

"What? 10 thousand dollars for just an inch of scratches." And Daniel's face turned frightened considering how long the scratches the motor had caused.

"Yes, I also asked they the cost. You have to pay 80 thousand dollars in compensation." Bianca's words sounded dramatic to Daniel's ears.

"What?" said Daniel with widened eyes hearing the nominal figures he had to pay to compensate.

"80 thousand dollars? I don't have that much money. Never mind that much money, right now I can't pay my tuition loan at the bank," said Daniel asking for relief for him.

"I have absolutely no interest in listening to your heartbreaking story of life. I told you what I care about right now is the compensation money for my car. When are you going to pay that 80 thousand dollars to me?"

"I can't possibly pay it, miss, even if I work for 5 years, still I can't pay it."

"So you don't want to take responsibility?"

"No, I will be responsible. But I can't pay such a large compensation. Can't you give relief. Ah no, even though you give relief, I'm still not sure I can pay it. Can you give me another choice?" Daniel was confused about what to do, he wasn't sure he could pay such a large compensation. He is just a poor student. let alone 80 thousand dollars, one thousand dollars Daniel doesn't have.


everything in this chapter just fiction. so, don't overthinking about high price for repair luxury car. thankyou.