16. Motherfucker

Daniel was still staring at the television when Bianca walked past him. But with the tail of his eye, Daniel watched Bianca. The woman's face looked tired but was covered by her cold and flat face. After Bianca entered her room, Daniel turned to look at the door of the room. Daniel was always curious about what was on Bianca's mind. That woman was too hard to guess. Daniel turned his gaze back to the television. Watching his favorite comedy shows.

Before long, Bianca came out of her room. Daniel glanced at him. Seeing Bianca who was refreshed. With wet hair that just got cramped. Every now and then the woman moves the washcloth over her shoulder to her wet hair. Bianca walked towards the kitchen. Take a cold drink in the refrigerator and drink it.

Daniel is still watching him. Seeing Bianca looking up, revealing a long white neck. Drinking water from a mineral bottle. A drop of water came out of Bianca's lips. Walk down towards the chin and continue down the neck. Stunned Daniel. Daniel wanted to run towards Bianca and lick the water dripping down her neck. Giving a hot kiss and licking that white neck greedily. Suck hard until it leaves Daniel's trail.

"Get me the hairdryer in my room." The voice of Bianca, who had sat next to Daniel, broke all the man's erotic daydreams. Daniel didn't realize that the girl, he had been fantasizing about was sitting next to him. And what did Bianca say just now?

"Why shut up? Hurry and get it! Bring a folder and a laptop on the nightstand too."

"Yes," Daniel replied quickly after getting a glare from Bianca. As Daniel said to Rendi, he is already like Bianca's maid. Told this and that. Like this time.

Now Daniel is holding the hairdryer and starting to direct it to Bianca's wet hair. The cold woman sat on the carpet and was working on some documents on her laptop. Meanwhile, Daniel sitting on the sofa makes it easier for him to do his job. Not a job in the quotes that Daniel would do every night. At this time, Daniel was told by Bianca to dry her hair.

Daniel directs the hairdryer which is blowing hot wind towards Bianca's hair. The woman's hair was smooth, long and black. Her hair was so sweet that Daniel wanted to kiss it. And sometimes Daniel had to hold back his passion when he saw Bianca's neck was so white. That's the biggest temptation. Daniel can lose control and touch her. Loving and sucking the ferocious white neck of Bianca.

But Daniel's sane mind always reminded him who he was dealing with right now. Bianca was so cold, So cold that Daniel was sure she never messed with her threats. And Daniel was too afraid of her threats. Daniel thinks Bianca can even kill someone with her cold flat face. That's too scary.

From the start Daniel always asked all things about himself. What happened to Bianca? Why is that woman doing all this? Why would a cold girl who has no feelings and emotions like Bianca want a child? Bianca doesn't look like a girl who loves young children. Daniel never saw her so nonchalantly looking at a little child crying on the side of the road. The little boy who lost his mother. Not that Bianca helped him instead she turned away and away from the child.

In recent days Daniel is also looking for information about Bianca. Search for information on the internet. And Daniel was surprised because the girl was quite famous as a young director who was always successful with multibillion-worth of collaborations. With her beautiful face, she is like a model and she also has many male fans. Daniel is also looking for information in this apartment. But strangely Daniel did not find one other photo that could provide information about her family or people close to her.

Daniel was very curious about her. If Daniel could read her mind maybe he would understand a little about herself. Wait. Why did Daniel want to understand Bianca? It's none of his business and Daniel doesn't have to understand her. But why is Daniel so eager to know everything about herself. Daniel was sure he was just curious. Yes Daniel is just curious, he's not interested in her.

The shaking of the cellphones on the table interrupted Daniel's daydreams. Bianca grabbed her cellphone. she stared for a long time at the screen that displayed the caller's name.

Motherfucker calling ...

Daniel frowned. Motherfucker calling? Motherfucker means a jerk? Why is the name of the caller ID called jerk. Who exactly is the person calling Bianca?

Bianca was silent for a long time looking at her cellphone screen. she gave Daniel the signal to stop the noisy hairdryer. With a long sigh, Bianca picked up the phone.

"Why?" Daniel looked and examined Bianca. Bianca's voice was cold and cold and there was a feeling of dislike for her words.