32. Morning Sex

Daniel did not think that this was the reason behind this wild attitude last night. And last night was really exciting. Just imagining it made him feel the juniors below him starting to harden.

"Then how do you feel right now?" Asked Daniel, rubbing Bianca's head.

"I am better." Said Bianca looked up at Daniel. And accidentally her see bianca's breast. 

"You said we had to make love more so you could be more hygienic than Anna?" asked Daniel.

"Yes," replied Bianca without the slightest suspicion of Daniel's question. Bianca didn't see the sly grin that formed on Daniel's face.

Hearing Bianca's agreement, Daniel immediately turned his body and is now right on top of Bianca's body.

Suddenly Daniel's action made Bianca frown in displeasure. What's with that guy acting like this all of a sudden? But Daniel did not say anything as his body moved by rubbing his lower body against Bianca's body.