50. sexy dance

"What? Hi, you forced me!" Daniel protested to Rendi. He looked at Randi in annoyance. Rendi ignored Daniel's sharp gaze and continued to plead with Bianca

"I beg your pardon, madam." Please Rendi by kneeling in front of Bianca. The woman was still with a flat expression staring at Rendi's action.

"You think I'm married?" Bianca said glaring at him with anger and a sharp look at Rendi's call to him.

"Sorry, Daddy." Rendi changed his nickname for Bianca from mistress to sister.

"Since when did I take you to be my sister?" With her cynicism Biianca spoke again. He did not like and cornered Rendi with his words.

"Sorry, miss." Rendi repeated his apology.

"I'm not a virgin girl." Bianca denied coming back. Which made Rendi want to scream in frustration. Because all calls are always wrong in Bianca's ears.

"Bianca. You call her Bianca." Daniel whispered softly to help rendi.