55. pass out

 It was getting late. Bianca had just come out of her room feeling refreshed after a shower. Her hair was still wet and dripping water. He walked towards the center of the room. Sitting on the sofa that was there and staring with interest at some important papers he had brought from the office. Bianca began to read and examine the papers. Over time he felt that his wet hair was starting to bother him. He was worried that his wet hair would end up dripping water on the important files.

 "Daniel, get the hairdryer in my room," Bianca said spontaneously, not realizing she had called Daniel. He was still seriously examining the important file.

 "Daniel, I said get the hairdryer!" Bianca shouted again after waiting a long time and there was absolutely no response from Daniel. But again there was no answer, of course, Daniel would never answer Bianca's calls because the man had already left.