96. Want see kenzo

 Even though Daniel had said such encouraging words, Bianca's heart was still filled with sadness. His beloved son must fight to survive. Bianca remembered the look on Kenzo's face the last time she saw him. When they were still in the apartment filled with poison gas.

 "Daniel, I want to see him. I want to see Kenzo." Bianca said with a face full of pain and sadness. Daniel really couldn't bear to see Bianca's current expression. Bianca's face is rarely seen. Because she was always strong and tough. But right now Bianca really looked weak and pitiful. With worried eyes and a strong desire to see her beloved son.

 "You can't. You still have to rest because you just woke up." Answered Daniel who uncomfortably refused Bianca's wish.

 "But I want to see kenzo." Bianca replied with a sad expression on her face.