Chapter 43: Supersonic Movement Technique

Physicist Albert Einstein once said, "There is a law for every scale."

Every theory has its applicable range, and any correct theory, once it steps beyond its applicability, turns into fallacy.

Of course, Einstein was originally referring to the chasm between quantum mechanics and relativity. The world that quantum mechanics faces is one where gravitational interaction is so weak it can be neglected, whereas in the vast universe that relativity deals with, gravity is the grand force that twists space-time and dominates everything. To describe "macro" and "micro," "low speed" and "high speed," different theories are needed.

This "high speed" is also the "high speed" in the concept of a physicist, that is, "sub-light speed."

This is speaking of the highly refined theories condensed from human intelligence.

As for human intuitive experience, it is often even less reliable than theory.