Chapter 19: The Techniques of Applying Gu

"Master, you seem rather unhappy now, don't you?" He followed behind Xiang Shan and said, "Master, even though there must be some unpleasant things in your past memories, you've also taught me to face these hardships..."

When Yuki asked this question, Xiang Shan felt his state of mind was about to explode once again. His prosthetic eye flickered as he retorted, "How would you feel if someone told you a story, and just as it got interesting and reached the halfway point, they suddenly skipped to the ending?"

Yuki thought for a moment, "That would be quite frustrating..."

"That's exactly it."

Xiang Shan said so.

In the past few days, he had been trying his best to absorb his past memories.

But what infuriated him was that the memories in that hard drive were incomplete.

Memories from the year 2028 seemed to abruptly end right there.

It was as if the Demon Sect's water earthworm had specifically modified these memories to ensure that certain information would not leak out.