Chapter 108 The Old Man

Xiang Shan had truly not expected to encounter someone akin to an "enthusiastic old man."

Every person from Beiping knew just how troublesome this sort of "enthusiastic elder" could be. They would warmly pry into others' privacy, meddle in their lives, and disrupt their affairs—but you just couldn't get mad because they really did mean well.

——Although judging by the time he was created, Xiang Shan should... rather, it is undoubtedly true that he was older than most cybermen with the personality of an old man.

But well, without a doubt—at least Xiang Shan thought "without a doubt"—his current mindset was still that of an ambitious young man's. Even if he aged, he would have to be like Liu Zhenghui, who was "strong in his old age," or Jing Hongtu, who was "esteemed and venerated."

He could never be akin to an old man from the park.