Chapter 120: The Road of Evacuation

In fact, when Amilcare Zhao returned to the city, he demanded that all anti-aircraft artillery positions voluntarily cut power and pointed short-range missiles and close-defense weapons at these positions, which was not entirely pointless.

There was a practical significance to it.

The reason was simple. Just the previous night, one of the anti-aircraft artillery positions had been infiltrated.

As long as the Hero left a countdown program in the infiltrated position, commanding it to fire a full volley when the countdown ended, the city's aerial power would be scrubbed by its own barrage.

In this era, there are few civilian units in the air. Since most civilians do not live sufficiently high, they wouldn't even know how to use a powerless glider. The Hero didn't need to worry about collateral damage.

This was a "tactic" passed down from the Martial Ancestor's time. Therefore, even today, Protectors still retain a considerable portion of weapons that cannot be automated.