Chapter 16: Harvest

Jader kicked open the car door, jumped to the ground, and then casually closed the door behind him. He strode forward.

The Solo Kill King was certain that the series of gunshots from Xiang Shan's attack on the Life-Chasing Cavalry, as well as the noise of his own door opening and hitting the ground, would have been pinpointed by the enemy.

He simply moved two steps lightly, then cocked his ear to listen.

The speed at which a Martial Artist swings a sword or a fist usually surpasses the speed of sound. But at least on the ground, it's rare for a Martial Artist to accelerate to supersonic levels. It's even less likely in low-visibility environments.

Depending on the sound, the Solo Kill King captured the enemy's location.

Two of them. Both are using two-wheeled vehicles... motorcycles? Judging by the engine sound, they weren't weak in performance.

Jader twisted his body, coiling one leg to gather strength.

The waves produced by the Prosthetic Body colliding with the air...