Chapter 25: Meeting

Inside a cave, seven or eight Heroes huddled together. Leading them was a person with a Lightweight Prosthetic. This Hero's prosthetic had been specially adapted for a zero-gravity environment. Its most noticeable feature was the soles of his prosthetic feet which did not merely serve the "support" function common on Earth, but rather emphasized the "grasping" function — more akin to the feet of other primate species than to human feet. This was a characteristic tailored for the zero-gravity environment, enabling a Martial Artist to grasp things on floors or walls when floating in space.

Tao Enhai grasped the young man's hand. He said, "Are you ready?"

The young man was somewhat timid, "Yes, Master."

Tao Enhai knew that this was actually a sign of not being completely ready. The guy was worried.

For a doctor about to take the operating table, this was not a good omen.