Chapter 37 First Layer Heavenly Land

In the few seconds following the explosion, Xing Yi had already hit the ground, peering northward with a periscope-like device.

——On the assault front, two thousand soldiers per kilometer, fifty tanks, fifty Martial Artists...

——Electromagnetic waves can pinpoint the positions of mid-level officers, yet they're in positions we can't directly attack...

Xing Yi put down the optical aid in his hand and stealthily moved backward.

Just now, the reminder from Hero Jianxi had taken effect.

The sudden end of the sandstorm had thrown the Heroes' retreat plans into disarray.

Tao Enhai simply couldn't be delayed any longer, so the surgery had to be completed within the encirclement. Of course, the Heroes weren't unprepared for such a scenario. But no matter how one looked at it, the situation was extremely dire.

[How long do we need to hold out? What step is the surgery at?]They communicated using the temporary cipher chosen.