Chapter 124: The 8th Martial God - Part One

Xiang Shan dragged a prosthetic-bodied Martial Artist to a deeply hidden warehouse. Xiang Shan had long-term leased this warehouse, and he had compromised the surrounding surveillance systems. It was a small corner hidden from the Protectors' view.

The Martial Artist's body was completely stiff. His emotional fluctuations were too severe, and the system had automatically locked down the prosthetic body to prevent a frenzied human from harming himself.

In the Old Era, the system would have automatically contacted the hospital and the police at this time.

However, more than a hundred years after the Martial Ancestor's demise and the Seventh Martial God's seventh defeat, there were no longer any police or public hospitals in the world.

Moreover, the protracted struggle between the Kings' Allied Forces led by King Aqini and the Seventh Martial God had drained Jianghu of its rebellious strength. Today was indeed the dimmest moment for chivalrous righteousness.