Chapter 28 There's still a Sudden Enlightenment Bridge Section

"Hahahaha, my friend, so there's yet another way to see it," said the "Eighth Martial God" personality. "If the real Eighth Martial God is considered a collaborative literary work, then what am I?"

"An annual Journey to the West themed movie." Xiang Shan tried hard to roll his eyes—within the range allowed by his Prosthetic Body. The prosthetic eye that Tao Enhai had given him was too powerful, making the eye itself too large, and rendering the subtle expressions typical of a natural eye quite difficult to achieve.

In Xiang Shan's view, "Eight" was a virtual humanoid made up of dense mosaics of color. This was a skill Xiang Shan had mastered during the second year of his isolation. He could create a mosaic in his field of vision through a program and then his brain would automatically suggest to itself to connect it with the Eighth Martial God.