A Fiend Earth Tier member of the Green Forest had already flashed in front of Xiang Shan while talking. This guy bunched up his body, like a spring ball compressed to the limit.
Lone Earth Star really liked this move of ambush, loved it to his core. He was naturally quick in his neural reflexes, so he was also good at fighting speed with speed. He often launched a sudden attack while talking, and had already defeated many skilled fighters with this move.
He thought this time would be the same.
When the mechanical joints had been compressed to the utmost limit...
In that instant, a hand gently pushed on his shoulder.
Then, his stance became completely distorted.
The force that was supposed to kick out backward turned forward, and the fist that was supposed to hit the enemy's head struck the air.
Lone Earth Star's body drifted backward.
He realized the newcomer was formidable.
Then, their gazes met.