All signals, all parameters were telling Suzuki Swift that what this guy in front of her said was the truth.
A Righteous Person who climbed out of the depths of history told her a truth that not many had contemplated.
But how could this be the truth?
How could this be the truth!
Xiang Shan lowered his head and looked at her, "This conclusion is actually not difficult to deduce. Each nerve cell has extra receptors, and these receptors come from additional genes. Furthermore, to be compatible with these foreign elements, there are countless compatibility patches inside the cells. Nature wouldn't evolve these mostly useless and extremely energy-consuming structures. They cause the human brain to absorb more nutrients during its growth and require more energy to maintain brain activity."
The brain was already the most energy-consuming organ in humans. This organ, taking up about two percent of body weight, demanded about twenty percent of the human total energy consumption.