Chapter 185: The Army Attacks the City

In that instant, the Protector outside the door, the local Banner Leader by the window, Guardian Zhi, and others, as well as the White Hermit watching the surveillance, all froze for a moment.

The Banner Leader's mind went completely blank, even giving rise to philosophical musings such as "Who am I," "Where am I," "Who am I fighting," and "Who is fighting me."

Then, Xiang Shan repeated loudly.

"Long live the Six Dragons Sect!"

"Long live the Six Dragons Sect!"

"Long live the Six Dragons Sect!"

"The Six Dragons Sect holds full responsibility for this incident. The Secluded Crane Knight Order betrayed their agreement with the Six Dragons Sect, allowing the Protector to bombard the Six Dragons Sect's stronghold with space-based weapons! This is revenge! This is sacred revenge!"

For a moment, the White Hermit almost laughed out loud.