Chapter 7: Mr. Xu Could No Longer Keep Calm

Each fish was extremely heavy, weighing about twenty kilos and were both giants.

As both the brothers walked into the house with their catches in hand, they immediately met Second Xu's wife, Li, who was picking vegetables in the yard.

When she saw the fishes, Li was shocked speechless.

"Dear, quick! Let's have stew fish for lunch!"

She only came back to her senses when Second Xu called out to her.

At the same time, Eldest Xu's wife, Zhou, walked out of the kitchen and Wang walked out of the east wing.

"Big brother!"

"This red carp and this…"

"Shall we wait for Third brother and have this together?"

"Third brother will be taking an exam next year. After eating this red carp, he will definitely score high in the exam like a fish jumping over the dragon's gate!"

Although Wang was unhappy with the Xu family, she still loved her husband, the youngest of the Xu brothers.

"Sure!" Eldest Xu nodded and brought the red carp to the kitchen. 

At the same time, he said, "I'll go to the county this afternoon and get Third brother so that we can have this red carp together. Mother to my son, could you wash these fishes? We'll have the grass carp that Second brother caught for lunch and keep this red carp for dinner!"

"Of course," Zhou immediately answered.

With the meat from both the fish, there was enough to feed the entire family for two days.

"What fish are you guys talking about?"

When Mr. Xu heard all the commotion in the courtyard, he walked out of the central room, only to see that his second son was hugging an enormous grass carp.

"You caught it from the river?"

"Oh, my dear. Look how big you are! You must be a carp monster!" Second Xu cooed to the fish.

Mr. Xu glared at his son fiercely, shouting, "You! Are you silly? Why are you still hugging the fish? Aren't you tired yet?"

"No, I'm not," Second Xu replied. "It's less than 30 kilos, so it's actually quite light!"


When Mr. Xu realized that his second son didn't even understand the meaning behind the question, he became extremely frustrated. Amongst his three sons, although neither of the elder sons had any talent for books, Eldest Xu was still a smart man.

However, his second son was a little silly.

Every time he looked at his second son, Mr. Xu always thought about his father, who must have knocked his head when he decided to join the army. Although he had been very young when his father left, he still had a deep impression of his father.

Afterall, he has never met anyone as silly and stubborn as hie father, in his entire life.

Even if Mr. Xu always looked down on Second Xu, he was still much brighter than Mr. Xu's father.

"Father, don't be angry. I know what you mean!"

When he saw that his father was becoming furious, Second Xu tightly hugged onto his grass carp and ran to the kitchen.

"This is a great fish! Such a treasure!" Second Zu screamed.

Mr. Xu moistened his lips, unconsciously thinking of the words that Mr. Yue had said. Perhaps this was really due to the green smoke that had appeared in his ancestors' graves?

How would they have caught such big fish today otherwise?


When Eldest Xu walked out of the kitchen, he saw his father and smiled while greeting him.

"Father, I managed to catch a giant red carp. Third sister-in-law mentioned the fish jumping over the dragon's gate, which was why I thought I'd go to the county in the afternoon, so that we could all enjoy the red carp together!"

"What? There's another red carp?

After hearing what his eldest son said, Mr. Xu couldn't stay calm.

Was it true that there really was green smoke coming out of their ancestors' graves?

But the only things buried in those graves were torn pieces of clothing belonging to him and his wife. He had lied about it being their ancestors' graves. Did it work?

Other than that, what else would explain the luck seen today?