Chapter 14: First Place in Imperial Exam!

"Big brother, second brother, come and help!" Youngest Xu issued an urgent call for help after Eldest Xu and Second Xu collected their harvest. 

"Youngest Xu, are you for real?" Second Xu looked at Youngest Xu, who was shouting for help. "Could you have caught an even bigger one?"

"Second brother, cut the crap! Hurry up. I can't hold it anymore!"

Youngest Xu's fishing rod and line were tight, and he himself appeared to be pulling with all his might.

From the looks of Youngest Xu's appearance, he did not seem to be faking it. Hence, Eldest Xu immediately instructed, "Second brother, hurry up! Get into the water!"

While he spoke, Eldest Xu, having already taken off his outer clothes, hurriedly plunged into the river.

Seeing this, Second Xu stopped blabbering.

He took off his clothes swiftly then followed suit and jumped into the river.

Both brothers could swim quite well. After all, the Spirit Water Village was by the Blossom River. You could say that all men in the village were good swimmers.

After getting into the water, Eldest Xu and Second Xu quickly dove down along Youngest Xu's fishing line.

With the help of the two brothers, Youngest Xu, who was pulling the fishing rod on the shore, could finally be relieved. He slightly relaxed his hands holding the fishing rod.

"Youngest Xu, did you catch the fish king?"

At such a scene, the surrounding villagers gathered around.

"How would I know?" Youngest Xu laughed.

He didn't know what he'd caught, but he was sure that it was definitely a big one.

Finally, Eldest Xu and Second Xu's assistance under the water took effect—Youngest Xu pulled the fishing line out of the water little by little.

Everyone on the shore was dumbfounded!

No fish appeared in the water, but a turtle shell the size of a small pot.

What Youngest Xu caught was not a fish at all, but an old turtle.

Looking at the size of the old turtle's shell, it must be a spiritual turtle!

The villager next to Youngest Xu, a young man who had been there for a while, suddenly spoke. "First place in the imperial exam [1]! Youngest Xu, you're going to get first place in the imperial exam!"

Youngest Xu was taken aback but then quickly cupped his hands at the speaker. "Thank you!"

Actually, when he saw that he had caught such an old large turtle, "first place in the imperial exam" was also the first thing that came up in Youngest Xu's mind.

This was really an auspicious sign!

First place in the imperial exam!

He would definitely be able to pass the prefectural exam held next year!

However, Youngest Xu soon calmed down, as becoming a xiucai was just the beginning of his scholarly career. He aimed to confer a rank of nobility and become a minister in the future.

He should not be flattered, he must be steady!

After the old turtle was sent to the shore, Youngest Xu immediately called out for Eldest Xu and Second Xu to put on clothes. "Big brother, second brother, hurry up and come up. Put on your clothes first! With the breeze blowing, it's still quite cold!"

"Stop rambling, hurry up. Carry the fish and let's go home!"


Eldest Xu and Second Xu didn't put the old turtle down, but directly carried it. Without even wearing their outer clothes that were thrown on the ground, they walked away fast like flying.

The villagers of Spirit Water Village on the shore all followed after them, prepared to head to the Xu residence to watch the excitement.

Those who ran fast hurried into the village and yelled out to everyone, saying that Youngest Xu had fished an old turtle in the Blossom River.

Mr. Xu, who was playing chess with his old buddies in the village, also heard this shout. He immediately tossed his chess piece and ran home.

"Brother, slow down. Wait for me!"

The old man of the Yue family was also curious. He didn't even care to put away the chessboard but directly ran after Mr. Xu. However, he couldn't win the chase and couldn't catch up with the old Mr. Xu who ran like the wind.

[1]: dú zhàn áo tóu, literally "occupying the head of Ao (the legendary turtle)", meaning "taking the first place in imperial exam". In ancient China, the scholar who took the first place (zhuàng yuán) in the triennial palace exam (the last stage in the series of multi-stage imperial exams) would stand at the head of Ao, which was carved on the palace steps to receive the exam result.