
After showering, I put on a black pencil stripes wrap dress. The wrap dress features a front closure by wrapping one side of the dress across the other and tying the fabric at the waist. I choose this dress because it has a classic silhouette that's perfect for my hourglass body.

I wear a pair of gold hoop earrings and a rose gold bracelet to match my dress.

I look at the clock and it's already half-past six. I grabbed my black leather purse and headed to the basement where I parked my car.

It's a 20 minutes drive from my place to the restaurant Flynn had made the reservation. Thanked God, there wasn't much traffic tonight.

I arrived in Little Italy just in time. I handed my car keys to the valet and proceed to the entrance where I was greeted by the host. "Benvenuti Nella Little Italy. Do have a reservation?"

"Yes. It's under Mr. Mendoza, " I said with a smile.

"Ah sì. Mr. Mendoza has arrived and he's waiting for you. Please come this way, " he said and started to walk to our reserved table.

Flynn chooses a table a little secluded from the main dining area. It's more like a private section in the restaurant. The host stood politely and waited for me to be seated first before he left. "Thank you, " I said and smile at the host.

"Hi, Rylee. You look beautiful today, " said Flynn in a seductive tone.

I blushed at his compliment. "Thanks, Mr. Mendoza."

"Didn't I told you to call me Flynn? You don't have to be so formal with me," he said and give me a wink.

My cheeks are turning red. I'm kinda embarrassed. "Sorry, Mr. Mend...I mean, Flynn, " I said while blushing at him. He just smiled at me.

"So, what should we order?" I asked.

"Don't worry. I already ordered a 3 meal course. The food will be here shortly, " he said.

A waitress came and bring us a pinot noir and poured it into our wine glass.

Shortly after that, our food came. Flynn ordered Gnocchi with Scamper Sauce for the entree.

We talked about my next book while enjoying the food. After the appetizer, the waitress brought us our second meal which is Osso Buco. A classic Italian meal.

After the meat dish, we were served a simple salad of mixed greens with vinaigrette.

"What do you think of the food so far, " Flynn asked.

I was enjoying the food and I didn't quite catch what he just said. "Huh? What did you say?"

"So I guess you enjoy Italian food that much, that you don't even hear what I asked," he said and smile.

I was a bit embarrassed by it. "Yeah, I think the food is nice, " I said with my cheeks turning red.

Soon after we finish our second meal, dessert was brought to our table. Our final meal is Coconut Panna Cotta with candied peanuts.

After the dessert, coffee and digestivos are served.

We spent talking for 3 hours through the entire meal. After we finish eating, the waitress handed Flynn the bill and he paid for the meal.

He puts his hand on my waist as we walked towards the exit. We waited for the valet to fetch our cars. As my car has arrived, I take my leave first.

I arrived at my apartment at half-past ten. I opened my door, closed it, and enter my bedroom. I collapsed on the bed. I'm exhausted. I haven't heard from Lucas since morning. I miss him.

I took a quick shower before going to bed. I tried calling Lucas's phone but he didn't pick up. I lay down on my bed and fell asleep soon after that.