
Mom caresses my cheek softly. "Honey, wake up. Dinner is ready."

I turned my body towards my mom and slowly pushed my torso up. I stood up from the bed and walk alongside my mom towards the dining area.

Aunt Jenny is already seated. Mom and I each took a seat facing each other. My mouth watered looking at the dish they've prepared.

"It looks tasty, " I said, taking a spoonful of the beef curry and putting it on my plate. Then I grabbed a few baguettes that have been cut into several pieces. Lastly, I took two scoops of mashed potatoes.

While we're enjoying the food, mom asked me about what happened with Lucas and Daisy. "So honey, what really happened between the three of you? Lucas called me a few hours ago, but I didn't tell him that I'm with you."

I frowned. "Mom, can we enjoy dinner in peace? I don't want to talk about it now. Please don't make me lose my appetite," I let out a sigh. Wrinkles formed on my forehead.

"Didn't mean to tense up the atmosphere here. I'm sorry dear," she said, feeling sorry.

"It's fine. Let's talk about it tomorrow, okay?"

She smiled and glanced at Aunt Jenny then back at me, giving me a reassurance look. "Okay."

Aunt Jenny suggested that the three of us go fishing at the lake tomorrow morning. Then after that, we can go hiking later in the evening.

It's not a bad idea though. I do need a getaway right now and by getting busy with them, I might forget my problems right now.

After dinner, I help them to wash the plates and clean the table. Put some leftovers inside a container and keep them inside the fridge.

The rest of the cabin looked rather clean even though it has been left for a long time. I guess mom and Aunt Jenny had clean it before I arrived.

Our cabin is not so big. It has two bedrooms, two bathrooms, an open kitchen, a dining hall, and a lounge area. The cabin is attached to a floating patio on the side of the house. It has a stunning view of the lake and mountains that surround it.

The place has a calm aura. I will never get tired of coming to this place.

Mom told me that when dad was still alive, he would bring us here every summer. We will take a boat every weekend to fish in the lake.

I can't quite remember what happened in the past when my dad was still here with us. He died in a car accident 21 years ago. All I remember about him is that he's a loving man. He would never cheat on mom. Unlike someone I knew. I let out a sigh.

After a few minutes of reminiscing the good old days, I went to my room and took out my laptop from the luggage. I bring it to the living room to where mom and Aunt Jenny are chatting.

The fireplace had been lit. The inside air of the cabin is warm and cozy.

Mom and Aunt Jenny are chatting on the couch, drinking wines. I snuggled beside mom. I pulled the wool knitted blanket from the floor and covering on my legs.

I have turned off my phone for the entire night as I don't want anyone to disturb me. It's so peaceful being in here right now, with both of my moms.

I turned my laptop on and clicked on Netflix. I watch a Christmas movie called "Holidate." It's a story about two strangers who agree to be each other's platonic plus-ones at every holiday, all year long without actually dating.

"Maybe I should find myself a holidate rather than a real boyfriend, " I thought to myself.

I was so focused on watching the movie, I didn't even realize both of them had already gone to bed. When I finished watching the movie, it's almost midnight already. I closed my laptop and lay down on the couch. I'm already getting cozy and I'm too lazy to walk back into my room so I decided to sleep there.

"Tomorrow's gonna be a busy day, better get some rest now, " I muttered and close my eyes, trying to sleep.

I twist and turn but I can't seem to fall asleep. The thoughts of Lucas and Daisy making out right now runs wild in my head. I'm so angry at myself for still thinking about them. I should stop and try to sleep again.

Hours have passed but I'm still wide awake. After my countless attempts to fall asleep failed, I decided to brew myself a cup of coffee and watch some more movies on Netflix. Before I know it, the night sky starting to turn bright already. I already had 4 cups of coffee. It's gonna be a tiring day.