
I spend most of the day with my mom at the hospital. We had a lot to catch up on with each other. I told her about the special bar I went to last night. I also told her that the bar will only appear at night like it was magic, and she laughed at me. "Don't be silly dear. There's no such thing as magic. Besides, you might still be a little bit drunk. That's why you don't see it during the day."

I pouted my lips. "But, it's true. It did disappear during the day. And for the record, I am not drunk anymore," I retorted and rolled my eyes at her. I looked at my watch, it's getting late. "It's almost nine. Where is Aunt Jenn? Is she coming back here?"

"She will come. Maybe something else came up, that's why she's late. Stop worrying so much," Mom pats my back.

"Hmm...Usually, she will inform me if she's going to be late. Are you sure she'll come? I can't stay tonight," I sighed.

"Why don't you call her?"

I let out a sigh and nodded. I took my phone out of my purse and dialed Aunt Jenn's number. It was ringing but nobody is picking up the phone. I tried calling again a few times but still, no answer. As I am about to cancel the call, it was picked up at the last second. "Hello, Ry I am driving right now, I 'll get back to you..." Before Aunt Jenny could finish her sentences, I heard a loud crash and the call got disconnected immediately.

I was horrified by the loud sound I just heard and without realizing it, I raised my voice. "HE...HELLO? AUNT JENN ARE YOU TH...THERE?" My voice was stumbling. A flash of worried appeared on my face. "Shit," I muttered.

Mom started to panic. I was worried that her condition will worsen, I tried to calm her down. "Mom, calm down. The call just got disconnected and I was startled by it. I'm sure she's okay," I tried my best to soothe her worries. She just nodded.

I tried calling her again and again but all the calls were connected directly to her voicemail.

"Can you reach her?" Mom asked. I just shook my head. I couldn't bear to answer her. I hold her hands and stayed by her side.

Hours had passed and there was still no news from Aunt Jenny. I walked back and forth and kept on looking at my watch. It's almost midnight. I got a little stressed out. I glanced at mom and she's already fast asleep so I quietly made my way out of the room. I needed some cigarette break and released some of the tension build-ups.

There's a mini garden on the rooftop of the hospital. I took the stairs to go up there to get some fresh air and have a cigarette or two.

I was panting when I reached the top. I am fit but I wasn't athletic at all so using the stairs was not a great idea. As I was gasping for air, I noticed two nurses taking their break in the garden.

I was about to let them enjoy their break and went to the far end of the garden when I overheard one of them talked about an accident.

"I am exhausted," one of the nurses murmured.

"So am I," the other nurses sighed. "By the way, I think I've seen the patient of the hit and run accident here before. Was she sick or something?"

"Are you referring to the one that just brought in?" The other nurses nodded. "She's here a lot. I think she's taking care of her friend on the fifth...,"

"Where's the patient now?" I cut her mid-sentence. Both of the nurses were astounded by my sudden presence making them flinch. "In the emergency room (ER)," she muttered.

Before leaving, I gave them an apologetic smile and wave goodbye. Then I rushed down to the ER. I am praying that Aunt Jenn will be okay. For some reason, my guts were telling me that the person they were talking about was Aunt Jenn and I was right. When I arrived at the ER, I saw her lying unconscious on one of the hospital beds.

I walk towards her but I was stopped mid-way by one of the medical assistants. "Excuse me, you can't go there unless you are related to the patient. May I know who you are?" He asked.

"She's my aunt," I retorted. "Is she okay?"

"Thank god, someone showed up. We were trying to contact her family members but it was unsuccessful," he muttered. "She just had a slight concussion and some minor injuries, but she will be alright. Don't worry," he added.

I let out a sigh of relief. I smiled at the medical assistant and head towards Aunt Jenny. I held up her hand and gave her a peck on the forehead.

"Two of the most important people in my life were lying in a hospital bed and I have no one else to take care of them.'s going to be a brisk week for me," I thought to myself.