Drunk In Love

Before you start reading this chapter, I wanted to apologize for taking a break from updating. Right now, ght now, I am feeling okay so I will be posting every 2 days?

Thank you to those who are still reading my story. It means a lot to me ;) And again, sorry this chapter is a bit short but do enjoy.

Okay, let's get on with the actual chapter.


Ash sat me down on a stool and let me leaned on the shower glass before he said "open your mouth," and starting to brush my teeth. Oh God, I just hope he uses a new toothbrush.

After brushing my teeth, Ash uses a wet cloth to wipe and clean some of the vomits residues on my face, neck, and hair that I missed. My eyes were closed. I feel very tired and sleepy. I don't even want to move any muscle right now.

Suddenly, I felt the hoodie I was wearing was took off. Then he goes for my high-waisted jeans. He seems to be struggling a bit but eventually, he manages to take it off.

My head hurts so much, and at that point, I don't even care I was stripped by him. As long as I don't have to move around, I am okay.

After he's done cleaning me up, he carried me again to somewhere soft and warm. Then he put a shirt on me. It was a bit lose and slightly big. I could feel the shirt falls just above my knee. I waited for him to put some pants on me but he didn't. Well, at least the shirt covers most of my upper body.

"Guess I have to sleep at the guest bedroom." I heard him sighed.

Ash left me on the bed for a little while before tucking me in. As he tried to put the duvet on me, I pulled his hands and he almost falls on me. With my eyes still closed, I could feel his face was not that far from mine so I whispered to his ear, "don't leave, sleep with me tonight."

I know he's a bit skeptical about it but I clung onto his hands and he has no other choice but does as I say.

He climbs onto the bed and arranges a few pillows in between us as a barrier before he lay down.

I turned my position facing him. I find myself intertwining my fingers to his. Even with the pillow barriers between us, he nonetheless just follow my lead. Slowly, I was drifting away to sleepy land. His touch was comforting in some ways.


I was awakened in the middle of the night. My left hand tried to explore the bedside table in search of my phone but it was not there. Feeling annoyed, I squint a few times before finally opening my eyes.

I am confused. Is this a dream? Why does my room look different? A peek at the bedside table again and notice a digital clock. The time shows 4.03 am. A few hours before dawn. I sighed to myself.

Abruptly I realized something. A pair of hands was spooning me. One hand acted as a pillow under my neck and the other was clasping just under my breast.

I could feel my face heated and my heart was racing. "Why do I felt safe around him?" I murmured lowly. I wanted to move but at the same time, I don't want to move away from him. Soon after that, I was drifted back to sleep.