Who Are You?!

Zhan Yuheng did not expect for Jing Qian to be the one who would target him. He thought that he had always been nice to her, but when she faced a decision, Jing Qian would stand by Zhan Lichuan without any hesitation.

Knowing that he was no longer welcome in the room, Zhan Yuheng said in a low tone, "Since Third Brother thinks that I have no right to enquire about your decision, so be it, but if there's any problem with the corporates, I have the right to demand an explanation, since I am one of the shareholders."

When he saw that Zhan Lichuan wasn't going to answer him, Zhan Yuheng continued, "But I do think that you should really rest and not waste so much time on the corporates. Being paralyzed isn't a scary thing since you can still use your brain, but organ failure… That is fatal."

"Don't worry about it. He won't die from it."

Jing Qian was still replying to him with that vicious tone, which caused Zhan Yuheng to be even more angry.