Odds against Her Surviving

Li Yuan's poker face saw a slight crack as pity alighted in his eyes. He was once in Fu Qingye's shoes and understood how he felt. He looked towards Kun Lun and said, "Bring us a bottle of wine." 

Compared to Fu Qingye, Li Yuan was the lucky one. 

He had found his fair lady while Fu Qingye had nothing leading him to his sister. 

Shen Xi took the time to observe Fu Qingye. The latter was the perfect gentleman regardless of time and place, never revealing his true emotions in front of outsiders. 

However, he appeared quite melancholic and lonesome after uttering those words. Although Shen Xi's heart went out to him, she was stumped on ways to comfort him. 

Fu Qingye took upon himself to finish the wine, drinking his trouble away. 

Li Yuan did not touch a drop of alcohol. 

Shen Xi was not in the position to join since she had business at hand. She knew better than to drink when she had to return to the lab tomorrow.