Never Anonymous

Chu Ying said, "They even posted about you, saying that you're a country bumpkin with sh*tty grades. They said you only managed to get first in the exam the last time because you cheated."

Shen Xi did not look at the post and said, "Screenshot all of her comments and keep it as evidence. Don't let her delete them. Also, sort out those accounts that smear my name."

She clapped her hands and got everyone to quiet down. Shen Xi explained to them what they should do to defeat the enemy and hit them where it hurts.

Since Su Ruowan wanted to play dirty, Shen Xi would play along to see how many of those ridiculous accounts belonged to Su Ruowan.

Song Wenye had already gathered quite a lot of information. When they heard Shen Xi, they put together a collection of screenshots and saved them.

They compiled a list of accounts that were bad-mouthing Shen Xi and handed it to her. They did not ask what she would do with it and let her handle it.