Send-off by Fans

What about Song Wenye? 

Compared to the hard-working contestants, Song Wenye's dreams were lame and not worth mentioning. 

She had the feeling that she was just goofing around among the group of dream-chasers. 

Shen Xi knew who Song Wenye was talking about. They were the company's newly signed artists who were ready to dominate National Idol and acquire the final few spots to make their debut. Shen Xi kept quiet and let Song Wenye pour out her feelings. 

Song Wenye rambled on aimlessly, just letting everything out. In the end, she concluded, "I don't want to hold people back." 

She had always marched to the beat of her drum, conforming to her whim. Shen Xi's suggestion in the past led Song Wenye to say yes to join showbiz in the spur of the moment.

Song Wenye's worst fear was to become the dead weight in the journey to move forth.