Did Not Bother with the Window Dressing

Among the crowd of trainees, Su Ruowan kept her eye on He Lu and knew that the latter was up to no good by the look on her face when Mr. Xixi made an appearance. 

Sure enough. 

He Lu carried a bowl of congee filled to the brim and was headed towards the mentors' direction. 

Ha! The d*mn b*tch must be trying to fake an accident to catch Mr. Xixi's attention. Well, nice try. The b*tch had to go through her first. 

From her seat, Shen Xi caught Su Ruowan snapping her beaded bracelet off from the corner of her eye. The beads scattered onto the ground. 

Su Ruowan then abruptly stood up and chased after the rolling beads. She happened to be coming in their direction as well. 

He Lu had the perfect plan. Mr. Xixi was sitting at the table by the aisle. Surely Mr. Xixi was not going to sit by and watch if she took a fall while passing by.

She was smug while playing out the perfect plan in her mind. 

One step. 

Two steps.