Thanked God for Having Mercy

This was simply terrific!

Granny Yu knew Song Wenye received the news as well. With swollen eyes, she cheerfully said, "Yes, yes, it is."

Xi had finally found his birth parents and his birth parents were such kindhearted people. What could be better news than this? 

"Granny, I'm going with you." Song Wenye wiped away her tears. There was no way she was going to miss such a heartfelt moment. She had to be there to witness it all. 

Granny Yu responded, "Would it keep you from your work?" 

Song Wenye shook her head. "No. I'll depart from there tomorrow." 

Feeling at ease, Granny Yu nodded. "Okay." 

The girl was a poor child too as her parents substituted affection with money. Granny Yu's heart went out to Song Wenye for living on her own. Since her pets were boarded with Granny Yu, Song Wenye could stay here instead of returning home.