Tall, Dark, and Handsome Young Man

It was one bad take after another. 

Shen Xi quietly stood in a corner while stoically observing. She was carrying a callous mien that held people back from striking up a conversation with her. 

As Shen Xi's student, Ruan Sisi was no stranger to her teacher's identity and feud with the Su family. Otherwise, she would not have given Su Ruowan the attitude in the first place. 

Su Ruowan had lesser bad takes these days, and for this particular scene, she had practiced countless times. She played the scene in her mind numerous times and even sought guidance from the director and ran lines with the cast so that she was able to kill it in one take. 

Yet, Shen Xi, the b*tch, refused to make it easy for her. Shen Xi was dragging Su Ruowan down in her performance with her presence. Because of Shen Xi, Su Ruowan was unable to get into character and had to reshoot her scene repeatedly.